Weapon kits

(Cletus_VanDamme) #21

Only $6USD to reduce the RNG from 1/9 to 1/3.

Bargain m8.

(doxjq) #22

Wait really? I thought I remembered seeing £0.79, but hell £5.79? That’s like $10 NZD. Like hell am I paying $10 USD for a freaking primary gun.

(opicr0n) #23

You are not required to pay for primary gun. Just as you can not force one now, so for you nothing changes. I will definately go for primary gun kit on the cobalts and golds.

(neverplayseriou) #24

@opicr0n nothing changes? The costs for a cobalt were like 26k recycle points and 40k credits, that’s quite a big chance compared to the current system…

(CadGamings) #25

@Dox Those are the Craft Kit’s. You can use those to pay the Craft Fees instead of credits.

(CadGamings) #26




These are from stream, one week ago, I really think (hope) those numbers are ‘‘placeholders’’

(doxjq) #27

That’s a total joke then, I’d be surprised if they sold any at that rate haha. $10.60 NZD just to improve my odds? No thanks haha. Maybe if I got to pick the exact card, but not if rng is still involved.

(Eox) #28




These are from stream, one week ago, I really think (hope) those numbers are ‘‘placeholders’’[/quote]

The price of those weapon kits looks hella expensive indeed. I hope their cost will be reduced by at least 50%.

(TheGreatHoundini) #29

[quote=“TheStrangerous;191720”]As I feared, more RNG in crafting.

Oh well, it is a slight improvement, since I can finally get rid all of these duplicates, lead and iron cards. And that’s about it for me. All I care for, are bronze cards.[/quote]

Dude… They are allowing you to choose the Primary Weapon.

(doxjq) #30

Yeah, but for a hefty price @TheGreatHoundini

(Nibbles02) #31

They said that all values were subject to change and weren’t final on the stream even, so it’s to be expected that the credit and monetary values for kits and crafting will overall be reduced massively or otherwise changed in some way.

(Borganism) #32

Just an update on this thread, you cant actually buy weapon kits in the store. At the moment they are just special drops from arse.and.all cases.

Also, they released a chart showing that it will take fourty-fucking-five of the bastards to make a cobalt. 2 for silver, and 8 for gold. I hope they aren’t all that rare …


(Nibbles02) #33

[quote=“Borganism;192850”]Just an update on this thread, you cant actually buy weapon kits in the store. At the moment they are just special drops from arse.and.all cases.

Also, they released a chart showing that it will take fourty-@$!#-five of the @$!# to make a cobalt. 2 for silver, and 8 for gold. I hope they aren’t all that rare …


But even then they did overall reduce credit cost from trading up several silver and gold cards to get one cobalt, in addition to stating that they were going to add more ways to acquire the drops, so it’s not like they’ll be ridiculously rare. Tbh, I believe that something around the credit booster rarity would be good, with a chance of them dropping from arsenal cases in packs of 1-5 each time you level up.

(doxjq) #34

Changed, but hardly. It’s still $9.60 NZD for 10 kits.

(lovelyLocomotive) #35

Tbh I’d prefer weapon kits to be available in store, assuming most people are aiming at cobalt, 45 weapon kits and “rare drops” is kinda meh, just have no clue how many hours people have to spend in order to collect them (even with “more ways to acquire them”).

(TheGreatHoundini) #36

I don’t mind that. This is just reward for people that are willing to invest into Dirty Bomb. Technically there’s little difference anyway. All the guns are High TTK weapons, and they can only choose from the existing loadouts for a chosen primary, but are at least able to whittle the chances down to a primary they want.

You can’t tweak perks, and you can’t change the secondary, but the secondary rarely comes into play anyway. It’s all about the Q and E buttons mostly.

For those who don’t pay, it’s just the same Gachapon Surprise system we’ve always “enjoyed”.

I don’t really mind. These are the kinds of things Splash Damage should do to keep up. On Steamcharts, Dirty Bomb is sort of in this awkward middle-to-middle-low range in player population and other games are starting to look at Splash Damage’s model.

Other games that have had it tough recently, like Evolve and Battleborn, will be watching this space and none of them have come up with a system quite like Dirty Bomb, although Evolve has now copied the “Free Rotations” concept… as well as a Gachapon style reward system.