[UPDATE!] Dirty Bomb on Twitch!

(XavienX) #21


(NaIKoLDY) #22

U r gonna be missed

(OneLetter) #23

It’s all because she said I couldn’t fit into the Sparks outfit.


(MissMurder) #24


(Ronan) #25

Is there not a stream today?

(GoobyOfPls) #26

teabagging @GM-Radrodo is the best

(HardCoreGamer44) #27


(Faraleth) #28

@MissMurder I never realised there were 2 seperate streams for Nexon and Splash Damage! Gosh darn it… Oh well, gives me a good way to spend my Thursday evenings ^.^

The monday one over-laps with the Splash Damage one… doesn’t it? :c

(MissMurder) #29

@Faraleth Hey there! So SD streams Mondays and Wednesday and we (me + guests) stream Tuesdays and Thursdays :slight_smile: Same time of the day as SD’s

(Faraleth) #30

@MissMurder Darn, lol! Will have to start watching your ones too then ;D Sadly I will miss the tuesday ones :c but thursdays, I am in! ^.^ haha

(MissMurder) #31


(Backuplight) #32

I’d love to see a joint SD / NXA stream some day, takes a bit more set up since you have to get the video feed working reliably for the guest, but plenty of gaming talk shows on Twitch make it work, and from the look of the set up both locations should have what is necessary?

Shoe and @MissMurder on the same stream, we’d have to have a Community Manager 1v1 for the WWE Community Manager Championship Belt.

shines the @OneLetter bat signal

(Nail) #33

SD is in London, Nexon is in Cali, slight time difference

(Backuplight) #34

They both stream at the same time of day, though.

(MissMurder) #35

@Backuplight Love this idea! We will have to find a special occassion

(CCP115) #36

You do realise the twitch chat will just be full of people shipping miss Murder and Shoe?

Not saying I’m against that.

(MissMurder) #37

Today we’re having @GM-Radrodo on and whoever knifes him first gets 5,000 credits :naughty:

(AirborneVolley) #38

@MissMurder Were awesome rounds with GM-Radrodo and all the other players. Certainly the melee fight was epic, even though we lost it. I really enjoyed this livestream and I hope there are many more to follow. Thank you MissMurder and GM-Radrodo for the awesome evening!

(AirborneVolley) #39

No livestream today? I thought it should have started one hour ago :stuck_out_tongue: .

(RedJets) #40

This! There are dedicated Australian and Asian servers but I guess the stream is only good for Americans. This is so frustrating. Yes, there actually are other countries in the world apart from USA. Really. Google it.