TramFight Beta2 Release

(Detoeni) #21

Have a misc_commarker(thinggy) attached to a tag way above the tram for the icon and the TOI for the message at ground level.

Screen shots look very nice, not had a chance to look at the map just yet.

(TheTrooper) #22

Next annoying thing is voice announce “we lose the ground” :banana: . :smiley: When 2 teams (14 vs 14 players )fight for the flag :bump: all you can hear in the game is this announce. Next thing is doubled pop-up announce that allies stole cannom. One is with venom icon, secound is with exclamation mark. One popup announce is enough. :banana:

I have this map in my 1’st custom campaign:
18net|Public[ETPro] -

(Shazam) #23

Wonderfull !
Installed on Yep Force : — Irc: #YEP.ET

& french news on :

(Salteh) #24

Cool map, played it today :smiley:

Playing allies, I noticed it didn’t automatically set spawn to central area, after capturing that(?) :slight_smile:

(fattakin) #25

This does look great, i was a big fan of the first one … hopefully when this goes final it will get accepted on loads of servers.
ET always needs nice new custom maps in rotation!

(Shaderman) #26

ET always needs nice new custom maps in rotation!

And players willing to play them :wink:

(stebbi67) #27

Looks good. I have changed the tramfight beta1 to tramfight beta2 in my campaign.

Keep up with good work :drink:

(FireFly) #28

Have a misc_commarker(thinggy) attached to a tag way above the tram for the icon and the TOI for the message at ground level.

Instead of a misc_commandmap_marker, I added another trigger_objective_info. So now the tram has 2 toi’s : one high above the tram that I use for displaying the tram-icon on the command map during the whole game. And one on ground level , not containing a tram_icon only used for the “you are near the tram”-message. When a player is inside the tram the lower Toi will be invisible, with the setstate command… Works perfectly… Thanks Detoeni and shaderman for pointing me in the right direction.

Next annoying thing is voice announce “we lose the ground” . When 2 teams (14 vs 14 players )fight for the flag all you can hear in the game is this announce. Next thing is doubled pop-up announce that allies stole cannom. One is with venom icon, secound is with exclamation mark. One popup announce is enough.

Good point. I can image that it would annoy players hearing constantly the voice-over whenever the flag is captured or lost. I’ll get rid of the Vo in the final release and perhaps replace it with a more subtle sound ( for example the sound of a flag getting raised)

I checked the script and the double pop-up is a scripting error. Same thing happens when axis returns the objective… It’s fixed now, thanks for mentioning this…

I also fixed another scripting error: whenever the venom gun is stolen you still get the “you are near the venom cannon”-message inside the church untill the gun is either returned or secured at the tram.

Playing allies, I noticed it didn’t automatically set spawn to central area, after capturing that(?)

That’s correct: In the beta1 version players would autospawn at the flag, but this caused some gameplay issues: Allot of times the whole allied team would spawn at the flag while the tram was still near their first spawn.

However, in the recent beta2 version, the tram can nolonger be escorted back by the axis team towards the first station once it’s at the old castle. So it wouldn’t hurt to have the allies autospawn at the flag only when they own the flag And the tram is at the old castle…

(fattakin) #29

Played a great friendly on this last night, my only advice would be a few signs pointing the rough direction i.e. generator as i got lost very easy.
But loved the map and gameplay was old school fun i thought!

(Salteh) #30

Yes, last night was awesome! :slight_smile:

(eRRoLfLyNN) #31

Indeed, it was mucho fun :slight_smile:

When I first ran through the map I was confused, probably mostly because I was so used to beta 1, and I thought that maybe you had made too many changes. It seemed a bit cluttered to me, but I think it was just because beta 1 was much more open.

Now I have to say, after playing our friendly with Nightwatch last night, I think this version is very well put together. The gameplay seems much more balanced (even though we didn’t defend too well as we didn’t have very long to learn it properly - that’s our excuse anyway :P). The Axis now have a couple of stages to defend & the objectives are more interesting & playable. Plus, more of the map gets used, which is great because it’s so pretty! :slight_smile:

I remember people talking about maybe adding a trackswitch or something like that to stop the train in the middle, but the idea of the capturable objective (Venom) is much better. It really feels like a 3 stage attack /defence now, and I think it will only get better the more we play it.

As you say above, I think it would be nice if Allies would auto-spawn at the flag once they own it and the Tram is at the Castle. There is no real need for them to be spawning at the First Spawn after that point.

A couple of ideas I had when playing last night:

  • instead of having the command post AND the generator, maybe you could link the tram speed with the command post? In our match last night the CP was more or less ignored (at least by us). Maybe if it was linked to the tram speed it would become more important to the gameplay? I also say this because I think (maybe I’m wrong as I’ve only played it once really) the generator is too close to the Axis spawn (middle spawn). But thinking about it you have more or less balanced that with making it dyna-only. But if it was linked to the CP and blowable by satchel it might force the defence to use a Covert & bring that class into matchplay again. The same would be true if you made the Generator blowable by satchel. An alternative might be to make the CP / Gen into one objective. Ie just build the CP and it functions as the generator as well as upping charge times etc. I just think that both those objectives are so close together (the CP and the Generator), so making it into one objective in that area might help to concentrate the play more. Doing that would make the map play faster I think. By that I mean I think it would up the pace of the map, and not that it would make the match times shorter ;). Anyway it’s just an idea to think about!

The other thing I would like to see, I’ll need to post a screenshot of, so I’ll do that later.

Anyway congratulations on a fantastic map, I hope it really catches on. I have some demos of our match if you’d like to see them?

(Shazam) #32

I played too on Tramfight_b2. Lot of players say it’s very hard to defend (axis), allies win everytimes (and we swap team).
May be (last) axis spawn is too far…

small bug:

  • I can ‘enter’ in CP when I construct it. So, enginner crash into when it done.
  • Near last spawn axis, last step of a stair blocks. I must jump to pass.


(eRRoLfLyNN) #33

Not that hard to defend if people know the map tbh.

One other thing, coming from the Allies 2nd spawn it would be nice to be able to jump on that walkway without bein a trickjumper! Pull the terrain up there a bit would be nice. Maybe it’s not possible thogh as you’d have to make he tram go up and down, but it’d be nice if Allies could jump onto that part easy, without havin to walk around to the steps.

Is there a final in the works?

This map more than deserves a final release! It’s Railgun in Africa, but dare I say it, sexier!!

(FireFly) #34

Well, not at the moment: Because of recent changes at my job I’m not able to do much mapping work lately. And all the free time I have I spend on working on the ‘Price of peace mod’, wich I joined last september.

I still have a lot of open projects I intend to finish some day

  • a final release of V1rocket
  • a final release of Tramfight
  • At least a alpha release of a “fun” map I started in August and is half done
  • I’ve also started doing some mapping last august for a doom3/quake4 map ( by the time it is done probably will be a rtcw2 map)

So many ideas, so little time… :smiley:

(eRRoLfLyNN) #35

Indeed, well good luck with all your projects :]

(nedd3h) #36

Hello FireFly, is this project still open? (hope so!)
Quite a few players have asked me.

It’s available to play in Australia
and available from my site (and server)

(da*Rogue) #37

It’s also on GameArena ET server #7 - a CMP server set up with multiple rotations of custom maps

(FireFly) #38

Nice to hear People still enjoying the Tramfight map I created and are waiting for the next release…

Well, A few weeks ago I re-started working on the next beta for ‘V1Rocket’ and the final version for ‘Tramfight’…

I’ve decided to focus on tramfight only, and continue on v1rocket once I finished the tramfight map.

Like I said right after I released the beta2 version: “If the map is still too easy for allies, I’m gonna give them hell”, Well in my opinion this is the case: The map is still too easy for allies to win. In particular the second stage, where the allies have to steal the venom cannon from the church and must deliver it at the tram: I’m planning to make this a bit harder for the allies.

Currently I am re-designing some parts of the map, trying to create some more ‘open’ areas and adding a few more routes for the axis team. I’m also experimenting with Lod models for better fps performance…

I hope to release the final version within 1 or 2 months, hard to say, but there will be a final release for sure… :smiley:

(Chruker) #39

Don’t call it final if you change that much. Make it another beta, collect the error reports and then do the final one.

(FireFly) #40

Very good point there Chruker,

I must agree: It wouldn’t make any sense for me to release the map and call it "final’ without any proper testing… Worst case scenario is that I’ll end up with a map that might contain some serious bugs, but still release it as a "final’ map…

Now all I need to do is find a ET clan willing to properly test the final_tramfight map once it’s finished…coughs hint…hint…