<-- Those annoying icons...

(mortis) #81

I’d just like to state for the record that there sure is a lot of talent on this board. Between artists, coders, mapmakers, mod makers, scripters and post whores, what an army of creativity we represent. It never ceases to amaze me how much resourcefulness there is here.

Locki should get some ETQW T-shirts signed by the crew as to use as prizes, and he’d be able to get just about anything he wants, in a day or two.

By the way, I think we need a :hen: icon for the smiley menu.

(rendom) #82

Download my cleaned contribution somewhere at the beginning of this thread, it contains all the icons this website uses with their correct pathname and filename :)[/quote]

ok. thank you.

Hm, this wil take time.

(EB) #83

Nice work rendom

(senator) #84

I really like rendoms style, but wanted to try something a bit cleaner, more conservative and more in line with the spash damage original design (corporate identity :wink: ).

Here’s a little preview, and I’d like to get some feedback before I commit myself to doing the rest, any ideas on possible improvement?

And yes, it’s orange alright :nod:

(DarkangelUK) #85

Hell just add them all and make it so we can choose which button set to use. They can fight it out for the game in an ET 1v1 tourny :stuck_out_tongue:

(nUllSkillZ) #86

I also like rendom’s icons very much.

Just a suggstion:
Shouldn’t the small icons have a shining orange “border” too?

(Dangles91) #87

Had some free time so i thought id try my hand at making some custom icons, Here are a few.

Nothing compared to Rendom’s but might get runner up :slight_smile:
Nice work rendom, what program are you using and how long have you been using it?

Just a few full set is here.

(senator) #88

Here is my contribution, I made this set to fit in the current forums grey/orange look and kept the original icons width and hight, so integrating these icons should be no problem.

Phpbb supports several different themes, so keep those icon-sets coming :fiesta:

Before I forget: -= download here =-

Here is a preview of the static icons:

and here are the animated ones:

<-- I might redo this one, not entirely satisfied yet (it’s the ‘who’s online’ from the main page)

enjoy 8)

(nUllSkillZ) #89

Wow, just read the whole thread.
Very good work.

eb’s and darki’s are also pretty cool.

Little suggestion for Diecast5’s icons:
The color of the “inlet” should be orange.
And new post should etc. be highlighted not darkened.

(rendom) #90



And finaly here all files in archive.
40Kb :slight_smile:

(nUllSkillZ) #91

They are great.
Very good work.

(darki) #92

you just took the vista theme for the buttons? xD

(Stixsmaster) #93

ok here are the images I promised, and also, after I post the download link will be quotes from my friend that made them saying that I could get the game instead of him(that is if I/he wins). Sry I do not have a screenshot for it is WAAAAAYYYY too many images and well hope you like.


NEW IMAGES: http://icometal.com/FreeStyles/member-specials/lang_english.zip
I would like to let all know that the download is from my friends site, not mine and well his site is http://icometal.com/, so check it out for free phpbb & CH2.1.6d templates.


(Prognar) #94

I like what I’ve seen so far!

(senator) #95

You are kidding, righ? Right??

Those are NOT images made for this website, they don’t resemble the images used here in the slightest, they are made for features this forum doesnt even offer (Events??, Check?? Export??). Some are just plain wrong (an icon with a lock, filname ‘topic locked’ reading ‘New Reply’ ???)

Let me guess, you have ripped these images from some other forum, without even checking them, hm?

(Stixsmaster) #96

I SWEAR we did not do such a thing, we work hard at making our own custom images, I am sry you dont like advance work that is way beyond your own talents but hey they do go well with this template as they are all grey and what not just like around here except for the occasional orange and yellow but the icons would go great with where all the current ones are on here.


P.S. the only thing(s) that we might have used from any other images are those small images like the MSN butterfly or AIM dude that we/he used and so yea he just cut those out from other images and inserted them and BAM we made these badas* images so yea.

Also, a lot were made for a mod for phpbb 2.0.22 called “Categories Hierarchy 2.1.6d” but that mod uses all the same features plus added-on ones and all these icons should work perfect here in sum cases though like for the profile link above you DO NOT even need to use text anymore just insert the image and make it a link.

(Floris) #97

Hate so say it but those icons hurt my eyes :>

(Nail) #98

I am sry you dont like advance work that is way beyond your own talents

:lol: locked icons should say locked, not New Topic

(Fluffy_gIMp) #99


A big thanks to all those who participated!
We are currently in the middle of a big milestone so the winner will be announced by Wils in a few days time.

Please watch this space for the result… :wink:



(Wils) #100

What? :suspicious: