<-- Those annoying icons...

(Prognar) #41

I think new icons were sort of the idea…

The old ones were grey and orangy and completely different than the stock phpBB ones.

I like the submissions so far.

(Pytox) #42


Yep, everything is there. I checked the original subsilver theme to make sure.[/quote]
That link doesn’t work :expressionless:

(EB) #43

I am working on a set…should be done soon.

(senator) #44

THAT would be kinda good to know actually :smiley: Locki asked to fix the icons, which I read as ‘keep the current icons but make them visually more appealing by removing the white halo’.

If on the other hand this was intended to be a competition to design a whole new set of icons (new colors/content… a full conversion so to say), than somebody should step forward and say so :wink:

(Joe999) #45

imo this should be the lock icon:


(MadDogX) #46

I’m about half way done with my custom set. It’s in the Splash Damage “orangy” design. Here some samples:

(kamikazee) #47

Jahahaa! What better then “Hen admin”?

(Gringo) #48

Ha ha, nice one joe!

(EB) #49

I rushed most of this…

(Stixsmaster) #50

dude I can get this done for you in like a couple of minutes or by the end of tonite(MAYBE) so dont worry, I will get a friend, or sumone I know to help change the images around so that the bg is bright gray and the borders are dark grey and then the icons in the middle will stay the same and ill have the text become white for you.


(ayatollah) #51


(Stixsmaster) #52

I am attempting to get sumone that made my sites template, which is badass, to make them and stuff, I made sure to mention that I was requesting for splashdamage.


(Dangles91) #53

So that means you will be giving the signed copy of ET:QW to them?

(Stixsmaster) #54

correct, meaning that I will be sure to mention that I am teh distributor and they are the creators, meaning we work as a team.


P.S. he probly wont want the game seeing that when I allowed him to get ET off my site he denied the offer because he said I quote:

I don’t really have the time to play computer games

So yea.

(DarkangelUK) #55

You can always make time for free stuff :smiley:

(rendom) #56

i was trying to make this ones in SplashDamage style.
Now i will make the rest icons.

(Floris) #57

rendom those are great

I really hope this tourney is won by the one who creates the nicest looking icons instead of fixing the ones already there.

(eRRoLfLyNN) #58

EB v rendom so far imo!

(Shaderman) #59


(AKA Sneaky) #60

complete subsilver set with fixed frame:


In case noone met the criteria yet.

Please take a look.