This was posted to social media but not here thread.

(Mc1412013) #61

Obsidian frager confirmed


(HammerOfDawn21) #62

Lots of exciting news coming soon for Dirty Bomb...

— Dirty Bomb (@DirtyBomb) August 7, 2017

Edit: Couldn’t figure out how to embed tweets, so it looks like this.

(BloodySin) #63

@HammerOfDawn21 said:

Lots of exciting news coming soon for Dirty Bomb...

— Dirty Bomb (@DirtyBomb) August 7, 2017

If it means we’ll get to kill babies, I’m already excited.

(Reddeadcap) #64

@TheStrangerous said:
I suppose Turtle will drill a mechanical eye to Proxy?
Been a year since she couldn’t tell the distance or see in 3D.
Actually its an eyeball so hell just have to squeeze it in, by the look of the scar I think some surgery is needed to “wire” it to her but it’s semi confirmed through voice lines that Aimee didnt just blind her, bit gauged out her eye.

(MarsRover) #65

@HammerOfDawn21 said:

Lots of exciting news coming soon for Dirty Bomb...

— Dirty Bomb (@DirtyBomb) August 7, 2017

Edit: Couldn’t figure out how to embed tweets, so it looks like this.

I love announcements about announcements.

(TheStrangerous) #66

Shoe gets a new beanie?

(Jan S.) #67

(blufflord) #68

@ThatJohnS said:

What does all this mean? Situation room?

(BloodySin) #69

@blufflord said:
What does all this mean? Situation room?

(Mc1412013) #70

Gues the invites are only for ones that can get to sd offices. And most likely are top ranked twitch/youtubers and or there favorite forum members. So us forum peasents have no chance of it.

I hope atleast they twitch stream the event.

(GatoCommodore) #71

DB gonna try to go Big?

Huge if true

(Your worst knifemare.) #72

@blufflord said:

What does all this mean? Situation room?

Its where SD brainwashes people so their team grows.

(kittz0r) #73

@Mc1412013 said:
Gues the invites are only for ones that can get to sd offices. And most likely are top ranked twitch/youtubers and or there favorite forum members. So us forum peasents have no chance of it.

I hope atleast they twitch stream the event.

No, no and no

(Jan S.) #74

(BloodySin) #75

So… did I miss there being any sort of selection of “great questions” made by the community somewhere?

(Jan S.) #76

@BloodySin said:
So… did I miss there being any sort of selection of “great questions” made by the community somewhere?

They asked about some questions here on facebook, but other than that I think there was nothing. I wish there was some sort of heads up for us, “non-VIP” community members :smiley:

(BloodySin) #77

@ThatJohnS said:
They asked about some questions here on facebook, but other than that I think there was nothing. I wish there was some sort of heads up for us, “non-VIP” community members :smiley:
Right, so basically either the players picked are in actual touch with the community demands, not only with their own, or we’ll have to rely on luck to get our doubts answered. Sweet.

(Jan S.) #78

For me, the biggest issue about this is SD didn’t announce it anywhere (or I’m blind), but if they would, this probably wouldn’t happen:

It’s great they’re working with content creators and community overall, but I feel like forums are left out. I believe they’re reading everything, but it doesn’t seem like it.
In weekly dev videos, shoe only talks about steam issues and content creators, sometimes dbnation. But thats it. There are a lot of interesting threads about improving DB, here and on reddit, but I have yet to see something from forums to pop up on video.
But hey, whatever, got it out of my system.

(Mc1412013) #79

Yeah it feels like shoe is here once a week enless theres an update or vid to post. Devs are non existant here.

Also why does it feel like to me sd only care about streamers it. Seems like all the streamers are given info ahead of time and have pts acces. I miss the old days when it was still cd/dvd only. Was alot easier to get into beta testing side of things. At onr point i had every beta copy of you dont know jack, from the original version to the spinoffs. Though we also got test mupet treasure island was kinda. boring to test. And the others games sucked so bad i forgot what they were

(pumpkinmeerkat) #80