This game needs a fix in regards to premade groups and match-making.

(Smooth) #21

When was the last time anyone here had the 6vs4 bug?

We’ve added new dbug code and we’re trying to find specific server logs of this occurring. Will need your in-game name and approximate time that it occurred.

Feel free to post here or PM me.

(Smooth) #22

In other news, we’re likely to update the Matchmaking algorithm in the next update so it takes a little longer but should find players of closer skill.

This is just a small step, we’ll continue to work towards making this better in other ways too.

We also need to simply get more people playing competitive since that’s the best way to improve match quality, there are some plans for this but we want to be happier with the current state of competitive before we push for that.

Just want to send out a massive thank you to everyone taking the time to play matchmaking right now. The feedback and data is giving us a lot to work on!

(Kl3ppy) #23

I’m not playing competitive because I dont waste my time vs cheaters. As long no working AC is in place, I dont play competitive games because now in 4 out of 5 games a cheater is playing.

(BioSnark) #24

During around 10 tries yesterday, only got into 1 match (against sick6 and with 2 unranked players on our team) and the rest we had various mm system failures or not all players getting into the server. That said, I was happier with that run of luck on the mm system then the usual running into hackers.

the 5 things I want from this system are:
-solo queue.
-better skill balancing. (don’t care about longer wait times if the match is actually good.)
-better anticheat measures.
-lower system failure rate when it finds a match.
-friendly fire.

(shibbyuk) #25

I’m still getting said issues constantly. Like Bio, last time I tried it took me about 8 attempts to get into a match. Even when there were 5v5 players, the message still stated “waiting for players to connect” then kicked us out once the timer ended.

In-game “Shibby”, this was Friday night between 11pm-1am I think.

(shibbyuk) #26

Also, I have an argument to pose about matchmaking…

I think matches should be made on a combination of rank and level, especially since the ranks seem mostly wrong at the moment. A good match, in my opinion, (even assuming ranks are accurate) is with players that have a similar level of skill AND experience.

(mti_) #27

Dota 2 is the most populated game I play and even with 100.000s of people playing at any one time I have to wait up to 5 minutes sometimes (usually with a full 5 stack). You can not expect to beat those times.
I personally dont get why so many people argue that long queue times are the worst case scenario in the first place. People who drop out of the competitive queue because they waited for 3 minutes are not the type of people I would design my system around.
In the current state you get into a game quick enough but it will either bug out, have a cheater in it or be a legit stomp. That is what actually turns people away from playing the game more than any queue time ever could. If the game isnt fun to play it doesnt matter how long it takes to get into one, people wont bother. This is obviously a vicious circle. Level 5s join their first comp game, run into issues with bugs and after finally making it thru they get absolutely rekt by veteran players. Not a big surprise there isnt many people willing to play comp right now.
I am quite certain that the damage has already been done. Functionality that is key to maintaining an active competitive community is broken and hence everyone who is trying the game out these last days and weeks will not see this title as a viable option for long term competitive play. It currently is a fun pub shooter with balance and cheat issues at the very best of times.
This is where the early access/beta discussion usually kicks off but fact of the matter is that you have a real money shop on your title which gave many reviewers/youtubers/journalists the feel that it should be assesed now (as well as when it comes out, hopefully). It is no secret that a game gets most of its attention when it first makes it on to steam and I fear we might have lost a significant number of players who would have stuck around if the title was a little more polished. Right now we can only hope that there will be people willing to generate hype around the game when it finally leaves beta to be able to show off the game again in a better state.
I can however not stress enough how important I think this functionality is. Every single day the MM is unenjoyable is a day this game is loosing (potential) competitive players who are the type of people who will keep f2p titles alive past the initial hype. Anti-cheat and MM are, for me personally, by far the most important things to work on right now.

(KeMoN) #28

[QUOTE=Smooth;534889]When was the last time anyone here had the 6vs4 bug?

We’ve added new dbug code and we’re trying to find specific server logs of this occurring. Will need your in-game name and approximate time that it occurred.

Feel free to post here or PM me.[/QUOTE]

Had no problems for some days, but started today again.

ingame name: keMoN
time: 16.40 - 16.50 and again 22.50 [German summer time]
players: 3 vs 7 and at 22.50 it was 4 vs 6

Now (23.17 German summer time) I got disconnected with the error that the “server was full”. That’s a first for competitive :smiley:


(Smooth) #29

I believe we’ve found what is the likely culprit here. Working towards fixing it once and for all now.

(spookify) #30

I hope so because it seems to be getting worse. Plus for some reason Euro servers MM is worse then USA MM with this bug.

Fun Note: We had a 8 v 5 in ranked MM haha! First time I have seen that. Then get this; when the timer ticked down it booted people from the other team that had 8 and actually started the game! Everyone was like wtf!

(dlul) #31

I bet this is related to ghost players.
Lots of servers shown with ppl on it while they left already (can’t connect, says it’s full while there are 1 or more open slots)
In matchmaking we got adeto pushed twice in our team (we were a premade of 5…) in 2 successive failed games, probably because the server didn’t register his disconnection, or he kept being in the system for some reason

(Tanzverbot) #32

Just had three games in a row versus a premade group of three high levelled players with 3 level 6 and 7 guys in my team. This just shouldn’t be a thing. Don’t put random guys against a premade group.

(Ashog) #33

then you won’t have matches at all. I’d rather say don’t put random low level guys against a premade group. But I guess with levels it doesn’t work that good yet, since it needs more data.

(alphabeta) #34

If you are going to play comp, then you have to take what you get at this point. We had a pre-made group of 5 yesterday. Out of 3 matches only one was competitive, because there were so few players in comp queue. More players=more competition.