The making of a new/updated .def for 1.4 and .ent for 1.5

(pr0t3st) #61

Sorry for digging up this thread, but I thought that might be useful for some others; it was for me. Just stumbled over this:
That guy wrote a Entity Definition File Converter, which is capable of converting .def to .ent files, unfortunately not the other way around, as proposed by Shaderman. Yet, it was a help for me.

(Teuthis) #62

how can I get the updated .ent file with func_button etc. I am facing the problem that with Radiant 1.5 I don’t have the func_button and with 1.6.4. I could manage to implement it in the .def file but then the target_lock is missing (which I have in 1.5 but not 1.6.4). So I either need to get the target_lock in my .def file for 1.6.4 or I need to implement the func_button in my .ent file for 1.5.

can anyone help please?


(Mateos) #63

For 1.4/1.6:
Also the fourth RTCW draft.def, need to find a link…
Edit: A package I made for merlin1991 who’s maintaining WolfET for Radiant 1.6; Contains the DEF files I use with 1.4/1.6, with an extra (target_location):

They should be the 1.6 default, and the entities descriptions are subject to change and evolve, I hope :slight_smile:

For 1.5:

(Teuthis) #64

awesome. thanks a lot

(aowblacky) #65

For 1.5:[/QUOTE]

the link in that post wich u have linked is not working. can you upload the .ent file pls?

(Mateos) #66

Here you go:

Downloaded the same day as Destroy666 posted and same name/size, should be it :slight_smile:

(Destroy666) #67

The link is still working, but unfortunately now you need either a 4shared account or login with Facebook/Google/blablabla to download the file…

(Mateos) #68

It was staying at 20 seconds for free download here :confused:

(Magic) #69

Alternativ download :


(twt_thunder) #70

I am a bit stupid as always when it comes to this… how do I do this? where do I put the files so the work, anything I have to change etc…
I use 1.6.4

(Mateos) #71

In the scripts folder.

(twt_thunder) #72

ok, no need to delete anything or replace anything?

(Mateos) #73

The package should already contain the default entities, thus cleaning all the DEF file should be done; You can check anyway in Radiant if you see twice each entity.

(twt_thunder) #74

yep I have… should I remove all and just put in yours then?(Sorry I need it in with a teaspoon… :frowning: )

(Mateos) #75

I think so ^^ (I’m on xFire atm btw :stuck_out_tongue: )