The Guardian Update Release Notes - 10th October, 2017

(ThinkItsClose) #21

@teflonlove said:

@Mc1412013 said:

@Lord_Coctus said:

@ThinkItsClose said:

@kopyright said:

@azz_abdr said:

@stayfreshshoe said:
##General Fixes

  • Fixed bug where Phantom & Sparks voices were much louder than others

Have you heard Javelin’s cry for medic? Or her scream? It can be heard on entire map. Could you tune it down a little bit?

It’s not too loud unless you can hear it on other servers.

It’s so loud i’m having dreams of Javlin’s medic scream

Then revive her quicker.

Or beg the other team to double kill her

That won’t help, voice commands still work even if you have been gibbed.

Didn’t think so, it’s just silent. The v-say thing it chat shows but no noise

(F4T4L1Z3D) #22

@OwynTyler said:

@F4T4L1Z3D said:
I can already see that defensive drone is going to be a pain in the ass for players who will want to destroy the AV. As far as i know only Kira’s laser can’t be stopped

just don’t stack airstrikes… shoot one, wait 10 sec, shoot another - kill em all with it unless they have full team of those koreans chicks

Even now before they added her people were stacking airstrikes when they saw the AV was repaired, you really think it’s going to be any different now

(Mc1412013) #23

@F4T4L1Z3D said:

@OwynTyler said:

@F4T4L1Z3D said:
I can already see that defensive drone is going to be a pain in the ass for players who will want to destroy the AV. As far as i know only Kira’s laser can’t be stopped

just don’t stack airstrikes… shoot one, wait 10 sec, shoot another - kill em all with it unless they have full team of those koreans chicks

Even now before they added her people were stacking airstrikes when they saw the AV was repaired, you really think it’s going to be any different now

Nope half the time im either taken out or get head shot trying to run to ev to throw the drone