The Ghostclip Update Release Notes - 21st September, 2017

(ImSploosh) #21

When is Javelin’s axe gonna be fixed? It’s still broken. Not working like it was when she was first released. It’s range is almost nothing and hits aren’t registering when they clearly should. Thought the axe would have been fixed with this update lol.

(bgyoshi) #22

Keep up the good work boys, love what I see in this update

Lets get a few hotfixes for some last items like combat axe hitbox and some gun balances like a slight nerf to burst rifles.

(TitaniumRapture) #23

@hurgya said:

p.s. I’m still salty about that “Phoenix skin” . I would call it low quality but that would be an insult to anything that remotely has a connection to the term ‘quality’

Here is new Phoenix btw

(TacticalMech) #24

When the trinket gets added into the store after the event concludes, will it go for the exact same price?

(Sgt_Engee) #25

So I noticed that Proxy’s event cards still have her patch over her eye and no cybernetic eye? Is this an oversight that’ll be corrected in a future patch or is it intended?

(K1X455) #26

@MarsRover said:

And average fps, and screen refresh rate, and mouse sensor… aaaand you can’t be matched with anyone, enjoy this empty server.

It must be a good idea to move all match servers to Pine Gap in Alice Springs then.

(binderr) #27

I like the fact they removed ‘objective/stopwatch’ specific mission and combined it to just xp mission, but why remove objective and stopwatch option from server browser. Now we have to to juggle though objective and stopwatch all in one. I honestly hate it. booooo! :o

(Outblast) #28

I dont know if its just me or not but this morning I came home to another 500mb update after the 1.2gb one. I opened some cases and went to work. Now there is yet another 500mb update???

(kittz0r) #29

Hotfix Notes:

HOT FIX 09/22
We’ve deployed a hotfix to resolve a few issues you’ve raised in our Bug Megathreads.

Fixed bug where players could get stuck in the lobby after unsuccessfully attempting to join a match
Fixed bug where players could get separated from their Party and placed in another match
Fixed bug where players’ team colors were inverted in the objective status update ‘< enemy name > disarmed the C4’
Fixed bug where matchmaking region could be reset when attempting to search

(Pokeking593) #30

@stayfreshshoe said:


  • Fixed bug where the name of the beached ship reverted from its community-chosen name ‘Bullship’ to its previous name ‘The Unsinkable’

LOL! I didn’t know it had such a ironic name!

(DB Genome editor) #31

@Sgt_Engee said:
So I noticed that Proxy’s event cards still have her patch over her eye and no cybernetic eye? Is this an oversight that’ll be corrected in a future patch or is it intended?
Second Edition event cards are supposed to still have her patched-up look, it’s only the First Edition cards (including First Edition events) which were supposed to revert to her having both eyes. The GhostClip skins are definitely Second Edition…

By the way @Sgt_Engee, would you mind getting me a screenshot of the enemy version of that Proxy skin for the DB Genome Project? Yours is the only one I’ve seen so far…

(Pokeking593) #32

Bloody hell. Anyone else finding it insanely hard to dispense ammo as Javelin after this update?

(Your worst knifemare.) #33

So about CMM. When can we talk in the post-game screens again?

Good work though.

(Sgt_Engee) #34

@Djiesse said:
By the way @Sgt_Engee, would you mind getting me a screenshot of the enemy version of that Proxy skin for the DB Genome Project? Yours is the only one I’ve seen so far…

Sure no problem. Here you go:

Proxy enemy variant:

Also if you’d like here are a couple more. One for Fletcher and Turtle:

Fletcher H22 Vintage Close Assault Special Edition:


Turtle KE61 Frontline Operative Special Edition:


(DB Genome editor) #35

@Sgt_Engee said:
Sure no problem. Here you go:

(OwynTyler) #36

Javelin’s not done yet.

more like she’s done for now.

ammo nerf left her without self-ammo sustain (even before nerf she was frequently left on 0\0 ammo, now all the time), and as a player near frienly Jav I barely get any ammo replenishment, packs and stations are far far more superior and useful, ppl don’t want to play Jav anymore…

(DB Genome editor) #37

@stayfreshshoe said:

UI Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where the labels on the MVP lineup stats were incorrect, leading to inflated results
    Clearly didn’t fix the “Most Ammo Given” award: