@hawkeyeguy99 said:
Ok so running with the defensive tank idea. I like the idea of an EMP deployable but unfortunately, it’s kinda useless because we already have Guardian who does close enough to the same thing (as defense) and is more effective at protecting. To make him a defensive tank I’d suggest a total rework to give him two abilities:
- Armor Packs - gives teammates a small amount of extra HP, say about 20. This HP would be non recoverable once depleted so it can’t be gained back by health stations or med packs.
- Deployable Accelerator - sticking with the “thunder” theme, an AOE deployable that supercharges friendly deployables within it’s range with extra power for a limited time. Healing stations give more health, ammo stations give more ammo, Turtle’s shield has higher health, Guardian’s sky-shield lasts longer, Bushwhacker’s turret does more damage, etc.
These two things would help define the meta more in defense as currently the game is highly focused on offense ability and less on defense. The best defense really is a good offense in this game. A Thunder re-work on these lines would place him fairly strongly in the meta and re-move the entirety of what makes him frustrating to play against currently.
Time for my usual rant about armor packs, “temporary” HP increasing abilities, HP/movespeed ratio screwups andhitbox size screwups.
I personally don’t believe that you can have any “throw and forget” type armor abilities without a large drawback- reduction in movement speed. Adding 20 HP over a merc’s usual HP gives them a large advantage in a 1v1 gunfight with a merc that has the same base HP. If the armored merc retains their usual movespeed, that increases the advantage even further (I’m not even gonna mention hitbox size/HP at this point).
Perhaps I’m overexaggerating the importance of 20 extra HP (or maybe it’s my time in the Merc Suggestions section that drove me crazy…), but armor abilities should have a downside of movement speed reduction to be balanced. That doesn’t solve the hitbox issue, but at least it fixes the movespeed/HP ratio problem.
Deployable Accelerator seems pretty situational to me. All other abilities in the game function by themselves pretty well, but this depends entirely upon other deployables to function at all*. Seems useful enough when your team has deployables though.
*I suppose you could say the same with the Skyshield and air support, but there are a lot more mercs with projectiles and fire support than there are with deployables.