The DB Genome Project - Release 4.0

(DB Genome editor) #21

[QUOTE=Ashog;533649]Here you go:




same merc but different face angle.[/QUOTE]
Did you take these with the in-game 1152 x 864 resolution or did you use a different resolution and rescaled them after? The layout is different from what I’ve seen so far (for instance the text box at the bottom extends into the picture area instead of being contained within the black band), did you take these after the update?

(Ashog) #22

Yeah, after the update. I used 1152 in the game of course.

(DB Genome editor) #23

Yeah, that’s what I was afraid of: somehow they changed the layout of the preview a bit, and the variant info is now higher up and encroaching on the picture… :mad:

I think I’ll be able to salvage things so they still fit with the pics I have collected so far, but it will require a bit more manipulations…

Anyways, thanks for the pics!

(DB Genome editor) #24

A more significant update this time with the release of Phantom and the Alienware loadout cards. Also I finally got pics for the last few skins I was missing for the older mercs (except Bush’s Default which is still bugged… :/). If you have any of the ones I’m missing for Phantom, please give me a shout.

Version 4.3 release notes:

[li] Added Phantom loadouts and skins sheets

[li] Added Katana to Weapons Chart
[/li][li] Added Undercover to Augments Chart
[/li][li] Added Alienware Special Edition loadouts to Aura and Skyhammer’s loadouts and skins sheets
[/li][li] Added Special Edition loadouts info to Layout Map (lower left, same area as Obsidian loadouts)
[/li][li] Updated Kira’s skins sheet (now completed)
[/li][li] Updated Sawbonez’s skins sheet (now completed)
[/li][li] Updated Vassili’s skins sheet (now completed)
[/li][li] Silver/Gold/Cobalt area is now labeled “Alternate Skins Samples” to emphasis that these are just examples, not exhaustive sets
[/li][li] Added some missing loadout cards and updated a few others to better resolution on various mercs’ loadouts sheets

(Bloodbite) #25

Is this the silver you’re looking for?

(DB Genome editor) #26

[QUOTE=Bloodbite;534175]Is this the silver you’re looking for?

Yep, that’s the Silver I’m missing. However in order to be able to use it, I need the pic to be taken with the Enemy skin on, in 4:3 aspect ratio with a resolution of 1152x864 or more so the card and text don’t overlap so much with the model.

(Bloodbite) #27

I’ll take a snap of it tonight when I get home from work for you at you’re preferred specs

(Bloodbite) #28

Silver Phantom

(DB Genome editor) #29

[QUOTE=Bloodbite;534323]Silver Phantom


Thank you!

(DB Genome editor) #30

Small update to clean up some remaining placeholders. I’m down to 3 missing bits:

[li] The Bushwhacker Default which needs to be fixed by SD[/li][li] The Phantom Iron BL52 loadout card[/li][li] A model screenshot of a Crown Gold Phantom (any loadout)[/li][/ul]

Version 4.4 release notes:

[li] Updated Phantom’s skins sheet (now only missing the Crown Gold one) [/li][li] Added some missing loadout cards on Phantom, Rhino and Skyhammer’s loadouts sheets[/li][/ul]

(-PogS-) #31

Hi Djiesse,

Sorry I was busy working on the loadouts and didn’t see your post. They are now all complete for each Merc. Note that I only made full Bronze Loadouts because it is what matters the most.
I got the color icons from retro engineering by Gamepedia. Some icons were and are missing though. I made a few myself : Tølen MP, Blishlok, Minigun, Fel-Ix, Empire-9, Smjüth & Whestman,Beckhill Combat Knife, Cricket Bat, Katana and Stilnotto Stiletto. I tried to be the closer possible to the actual models. If you need them, tell me :wink:
One more thing the bared o : ø from Tølen is achieved with alt 0248

To all,
I made a composite Loadout card layout with icons. It features mouse over information on icons. Try them out
It is a draft layout but I will try to implement it on a full scale.

(DB Genome editor) #32

I thought this would be a small update to include the last few items I was previously missing for Phantom, but the last game update actually introduced a bunch of cosmetic changes to his loadout cards, so I ended up updating a lot more than expected:

Version 4.5 release notes:

[li] Updated Phantom’s skins sheet (now completed) [/li][li] Updated Phantom’s loadouts sheet to reflect recent cosmetic changes to his loadout cards (model pose on Bronzes and Silvers, skin now showing properly on Irons)[/li][li] Updated some loadout cards to better resolution on various mercs’ loadouts sheets[/li][/ul]