The Cold Hard Truth About Fraggers Nade...

(R5on11c) #21

The nader can’t cook her explosives, they don’t work upclose, they are weaker, they are dodgeable. The naders special abilities aren’t even close as broken as a literally undodgable instakill nade. Good luck finding rage threads about the nader, because at the current point she requires skill to play…

(MaesTro) #22

True, she’s more flimsy, but the ability to spam nades into a closed room, halting a team and many times killing some of them, is there. When all mercs were available, many ppl raged against her exactly because of this. Just gather 2 Nader’s, spamming nades by turns and you get a good stopping power. But this is of topic.

As for cooking nades, as i said in my post, cooking nades is for specific situations (most often by far, camping peeps)

(R5on11c) #23

The nader can’t cook her explosives, they don’t work upclose, they are weaker, they are dodgeable. The naders special abilities aren’t even close as broken as a literally undodgable instakill nade. Good luck finding rage threads about the nader, because at the current point she requires skill to play…

True, she’s more flimsy, but the ability to spam nades into a closed room, halting a team and many times killing some of them, is there. When all mercs were available, many ppl raged against her exactly because of this. Just gather 2 Nader’s, spamming nades by turns and you get a good stopping power. But this is of topic.

As for cooking nades, as i said in my post, cooking nades is for specific situations (most often by far, camping peeps)

This is not the case at all. People just disperse around the choke and get back again, the fuse time is long enough for that. The spamability gets you no advantage at all since the enemy knows where your nades are coming from, why would they engage that spot? They just take an alternate path, you on the other hand can only launch 4 nades in succession.

As for the cooking nades part, you just have to see the enemy one single fraction of a second and the rest is the most simple prediction game. The offense power of this is ridiculous since you can bomb out your way at will and the enemy can’t predict that. got 4 guys around the corner? 1 peek and they are screwd since you don’t even need to face them.

(DeathScythe) #24

In my humble opinion, the only kind of nerfs the fragger nades need right now are:

  • longer time for nade to explode. This change will increase the time the fragger is exposed giving more time for the enemy to react.
  • slower travel speed. Given the current speed, even if a player is far away we cannot see the nade travel, with or without the visual indicator, until it is too late.

At the moment there seems to be some problems with nades/strikes explosion as their effects seem to be able to cross walls and with the explosion radius.

(DadoPeja) #25

Lol Fragger trows his nade faster then Nader’s GL - Logic :wink:

(watsyurdeal) #26

Honestly, I think that Fragger needs to be where he is if Medics are going to stay as they are. With the Revive shield, Aura’s healing station, self heals, and how long it takes to gib someone, Fragger is literally one of the only classes capable of getting people out of their holds.

When an enemy team has an area locked down, you NEED a Fragger, and a good one at that, to get control of the area and push out. Otherwise the game just stops, because of the combo of Engineers and Meds allowing teams to hold an area down completely.

(Reddeadcap) #27

While I really agree with Fragger in every thing, he’s a tank, he’s meant to take the damage and throw it all back, he’s suppose to be the basic assault but my only idea is that they should rework the blast damage where if you’re RIGHT ontop of the grenade, right near it, in the very center of the blast, you’re dead, insta-gibbed, maybe a couple of feet, 70 damage, and if you’re at the rim of the blast, 50.

Or maybe that gibbing would be based off how much Overkill damage it does, if the player is knocked down to -25 or less, gibbed.