TG has picked up brink.

(its al bout security) #21

i rarely ever lost in the whole but alotta idiots in pub matches -__-

(LubedScotsman) #22

Truth of the world, but there’s a lot of dummy clans too. :penguin:

(its al bout security) #23

they are top 5 in almost everything.

(DonkeyDong) #24


top 5 of the leftovers…

yay! special Olympic winners!

take any game, say, top teams play, and they’ll be 50th. only reason why they’re anything even in bc2 is because no good teams are playing.

exhibit A (not in any particular order)
afflicition/l4s/whatever they call themselves
team f8

purgatory XD
bonk (only in brink)?

so it’s not at all even remotely right to say that.

(its al bout security) #25


top 5 of the leftovers…

yay! special Olympic winners!

take any game, say, top teams play, and they’ll be 50th. only reason why they’re anything even in bc2 is because no good teams are playing.

exhibit A (not in any particular order)
afflicition/l4s/whatever they call themselves
team f8

purgatory XD
bonk (only in brink)?

so it’s not at all even remotely right to say that.[/QUOTE]

super happy fun time is the brink champ and you have no idea what you are talking about btw, when you wanna play me grab a console ill show u how good 5th place really is, are you a top rated? then get out of here you troll

(sereNADE) #26

so how many xbox clans are actively playing brink to the point you could say they are top 5? any videos of your matches? i haven’t seen console play since the leaked streams the 2 days prior to brink launch.

(General Techniq) #27

LOL. Is EVE even that popular? I hadn’t noticed.

Though, I do plan to spend a few months tinkering with EVE, starting at the end of this summer, in preparation for Dust514.

(INF3RN0) #28

The only thing consoles could ever brag about is Halo. Plug ur control into a PC and enjoy competing at the bottom of the barrel rofl.

(BMXer) #29

This CAN be settled in a fair way ya know!
But it would require this uber top level console team to have access to decent PCs for a day at least. They could do this, and connect their noobstix to the PC and play.

You claim you don’t play with aim assist so you should be fine vs m/kb players, right?

Get your top 5 console Brink players, load up that config that Crispy provided and lets do a 5v5 exhibition match. I know I know, you cba to purchase the PC version just to prove how good you are… yea yea yea lets hear it… :wink:

(Crytiqal) #30

Hmm let’s see,

console players can use 4 fingers and 6 fingers just for holding the controller.

PC players can use 8 fingers or even 9, and don’t have to sacrifice movement to press a button.

I wonder who would win?

(sereNADE) #31

I don’t think this thread is really so much brink console vs brink pc players but more about some strange reason to say that a possibly celebrated xbox clan has picked up brink and it was later “believed” that the clan is among the top 5 (implied xbox only) clans.

Now, reducing everything to sticks vs kbm I gotta point out that being really good with sticks among nothing but stick people is really remarkable. Think of 100 meter dash where each runner is cast and crutches. To win such a race would be quite an accomplishment!

(its al bout security) #32

not top 5 at brink top five of many games, i do remember game battles had a ladder but it soon closed because super happy fun time
( a clan) dominated and everyone else dropped.

(DonkeyDong) #33

[QUOTE=its al bout security;348563]not top 5 at brink top five of many games, i do remember game battles had a ladder but it soon closed because super happy fun time
( a clan) dominated and everyone else dropped.[/QUOTE]

I’ll take “Jokes by noobs who do not know any better for 10000$”
Queue Jeopardy soundfx
What is bull****?

Dude, don’t know if you noticed, … but pretty much everything you’ve said is a sad joke.

And please… telling me to pick up a controller? I’m not a handicap sorry.

(coolstory) #34

Delusional console players thinking they are better than PC players but won’t play them. Whats new?

(its al bout security) #35

[QUOTE=DonkeyDong;348565]I’ll take “Jokes by noobs who do not know any better for 10000$”
Queue Jeopardy soundfx
What is bull****?

Dude, don’t know if you noticed, … but pretty much everything you’ve said is a sad joke.

And please… telling me to pick up a controller? I’m not a handicap sorry.[/QUOTE]

in comparison to me you are handicapped cause i have a pc and a console, nice try, your troll attempts have not been taken lightly.

(DonkeyDong) #36

trollin a troll…

is that the same thing as reverse raging?

haha,… dude… +1 for pc… -100 for console so not sure how you do math…

(big bear) #37

I know/knew the tg clan. They were ok. I was gonna join a few years back but couldnt commit the time so dropped out. Anyway, tg, ffs sake dont let this joker in your clan. He’ll give it a horrible rep. As you can see he’s already started.

(crazyfoolish) #38

I sense lies. If you have a PC why would you be using your console?

(TW Turtle55555) #39

This thread was just an informative attept to let Brink players know that there is a well established clan that is supporting Brink as one of it’s many games it supports.
The claim that we are top 5 in almost everything is unproven. We have some excellent players/teams among our 2200+ members. Many have played in MLG events and advanced and done reasonably well. Others continue to be at or near the top of different website ladders and tournaments.
We welcome respecful new members that can follow our rules and regulations. TG is not for everyone, many people will not like the structure and need for practice and discipline. Many others will enjoy an environment where respect and rules as well as communication, teamwork and tactics are applied.
Check out our website, register if you like, if not still feel free to contact us for potential scrims/matches.

(o Twistedl o) #40

Lago, get your 5 verse my 5? Unbeatable seems too easy for me