Still the same problem

(nAb.Death) #41

i want the same light as in supply, which is it?


about 25?

no clue but higher than 10 anyway :slight_smile:

place light entities to get more dynamic and natural light
the can also be colored by using _color R G B

fade will give light entities longer fade

1.0 default

0.5 longer fade

0.2 long fade

0.1 far to long fade

good luck :slight_smile:

(KeMoN) #43

I think that’s the best way to describe the problem with ambient light. It just brightens everything and therefore destroyes light effects. You can’t really play with shadows etc. I understand that many ET maps, and I’m happy you brought up Supply Depot, have a quite high value of ambient light.
However I hope you agree with me that the level of light effects/variations/eyecandy in Supply is quite low. The map is intended for fast gameplay and fragging.

There is generally no problem with adding ambient light. It vastly depends on the mappers desire what target audience he wants to set for his map.

If you want to create a fast-paced map with main intention on fragging etc, you don’t need to add atmosphere, since many players that only play for fragging, have simple_sky, picmip, and similar settings to push performance.

Also the screenshot you linked to, oveove. There is no problem whatsoever. It’s just generally bright and the few lights you set up aren’t really lighting the place and therefore lacks a realistic atmosphere imo.
I think that if you would reduce ambient light and instead work with street lights, lit windows etc, you could get a nicer atmosphere and feeling out of it.

(Mateos) #44

Supply Depot 2:
ambient 16
_color 1 1 .9

(stealth6) #45

Braundorf is a dark and competitive map. Anything is possible.

Your community is probably ecstatic that they have a map with FA on every wall. So it probably doesn’t matter that there are no lights. It was a more a suggestion to improve your skills and maybe you make you more impressed by your work. Both lighting & terrain blending can be learnt and applied to your map within a week and would improve the look and feel immensely. It’s up to you though since your community probably won’t show much more enthusiasm either way.

(nAb.Death) #46

As i said this is my first map ever and i am a etpro player, so i made sure the map is competitive, and has it’s 3 perfectlly placed ways to the objective (main, side and sway) sway means spawn way btw… But i decided to make a map for F|A because it’s such a big et community and it would be nice for them to have their own map. And thats why it probably wont be used in etpro scene, but if i removed all the F|A tags and stuff from it and name it something else, i would probablly be able to get it in the etpro scene. But yeah im not doing that so the map is meant to be played on 2 F|A servers (hardcore and stopwatch) which are silent and etpro mod. This map is not for jaymod or any other ****ty mods.

(stealth6) #47

I never said you should remove the FA stuff, I suggested to make it more subtle. For instance make flags with FA on them or graffiti on the walls. If you did this then you could also easily make a second version without the FA textures (if you wanted to ofc).

Even ETpro players can appreciate some eye candy. You don’t have to do any of this though, once the BSP meta compile works the map is “playable”.

(nAb.Death) #48

oh yeah i have alot of fa textures used for like pictures on the wall you can break and stuff, but inside the buildings not outside, so you cant see none at the screenshots… but yeah i used alot of the pictures they suggested.



I know

Q: did I link a screenshoot?

Q: can you see anything positive?

Q: if I say that this was a test by me, what do you say then


[QUOTE=KeMoN;494413]Also the screenshot you linked to, oveove. There is no problem whatsoever. It’s just generally bright and the few lights you set up aren’t really lighting the place and therefore lacks a realistic atmosphere imo.
I think that if you would reduce ambient light and instead work with street lights, lit windows etc, you could get a nicer atmosphere and feeling out of it.[/QUOTE]


(Magic) #51

He is just giving you good feedback - feedback you can learn from.
A response like that will keep people from posting…


tss, I dont got a feeling of that.

auto reply: sorry for you

(nAb.Death) #53

ye oveove, stop making my topic look unappreciated :>
jk hahaha :DDD


Good then! Youre lifting this into another direction! Thanks
Continue kidding,

a cat for you --> (^.^) mjau!