State of Play: Load-testing

(spookify) #21

They asked me for help. I said Aim and shoot!

(Kl3ppy) #22

that’s very helpful …

(meat) #23

Glad to see, them playing the US east servers, so I been helping them.
But I don’t have spookies wisdom. Maybee he should be appointed their official tutor!

(spookify) #24

Considering they werent doing that, its a very good first step in a First Person Shooter! HAHAHAHA:penguin:

(DarkangelUK) #25

Ah the old ET community way of welcoming new players to the game… be a dick

(Anti) #26

Think that’s a slight exaggeration but it would be nice (for both us and you folk in the long run) if people could try to be nice and supportive of new players coming in to the game.

For the game to be a success, in any regard, it needs a big and strong community. Trolling new players, ‘pwning’ them in matches, or anything else along those lines doesn’t really help anybody to achieve that.

(BAMFana) #27

The reception I got upon joining the alpha is the worst I’ve gotten in any game, and several of the other players I know who got alpha access had similar experiences. Unfortunately there are several very childish, petty individuals with alpha/beta access, and I doubt they’re suddenly going to change their attitude and behavior just because the devs say “please behave” now, but we can always hope I guess.

(INF3RN0) #28

[QUOTE=Mustang;492638]Haha, yea seems I have a new friend. :smiley:

Not sure if he’ll be back anytime soon though, he seemed pretty mad some players were too good, we can but hope.[/QUOTE]

He seemed to think that all non-cc members would be removed from cbt lol. I was like… eum don’t think that’s how it works bub. “How can you even get that many kills at only level 25?!” classic.

(spookify) #29

Just stay in your Euro servers and no one will have a problem with you.

(k0k0nat) #30

I think the new players show how much a tutorial is needed. They dont get the basics of the game.

Not offensive, just real talk… y0!

(shaftz0r) #31

[QUOTE=k0k0nat;492683]I think the new players show how much a tutorial is needed. They dont get the basics of the game.

Not offensive, just real talk… y0![/QUOTE]

what basics? there’s nothing about this game thats really any different than almost any other fps game. you pick a class, which is really just weapons in this game, unlike et. you follow the massive obj markers that are in the middle of your screen, and you shoot people. if you cant get this entire game down in 30 mins, you should stick to console games because this is more basic than most games on pc.

(Zarlor) #32

Maybe because I’ve been with the beta for a while, so I remember what the map objectives used to be, but the objectives are sometimes confusing. Sometimes I have to remind myself that now it’s not the part where I escort the EV, it’s the part where I wait at capture points -NO WAIT it’s the part where I deliver the datacores somewhere to the end of the map maybe… I know many maps show the little overview flyby which is sometimes accompanied by a voiceover, but remember how QW just had an announcer rattle off the next objective? I liked that a lot and it didn’t ever annoy me. The beginning flyover and narration stops everything while you sit and watch it. I know all it takes it playing through a map a few times, but to new players I hope they don’t get too confused and leave before giving it a chance?

(DarkangelUK) #33

I hope they bring in the commander voice soon, the one shouts out what the current objective is every so often, that will at least help somewhat.

(shaftz0r) #34

i see what you’re saying, but thats very map specific. im not saying that a quick tutorial to run through the obj types wouldnt help, i just think its a bit overboard to say that this game is in any way confusing or hard to learn

i would rather the voices telling me what to do than massive obj markers and icons all over my screen.

(Dormamu) #35

From what i gathered, some of them are using IS to much for this game, you can recognize that when they stop in the track to shoot at you.
As long as the shuffle is working and people are willing to change teams, the minions will be alright :smiley:

(BAMFana) #36

Yeah, a lot of them probably have experience with call of duty style games where you have to use ironsights unless you’re almost in melee range. In Extraction you very rarely want to use ironsights, even at long range. A big part of that is how hard it is to aim with the default ironsights, though. I predict ironsights becoming a lot more powerful once the scope addons are added.

I’ve also noticed them being generally confused about what’s happening in the game, which is something I recognize from when I started playing. The game is really confusing for new players because of the changing spawn locations and rapid rolling wave spawns.

(k0k0nat) #37

What I mean with basics:

K/D is irrelevant in xT/ET.

You are a good player, if you do the objective and support your team. Not if you are playing TDM instead.
Even with 3:12 you can still be MVP.

A lot of new players just try to find the perfect way to increase their K/D instead of helping with the objective. I see them camping at nice spots or randomly running around.

(malarky) #38

[QUOTE=k0k0nat;492683]I think the new players show how much a tutorial is needed. They dont get the basics of the game.

Not offensive, just real talk… y0![/QUOTE]

We’re working on this. Onboarding new players and educating them is going to be key to building a strong community. We need to make sure that new players understand that this isn’t COD or CS. You have to move and shoot at the same time :slight_smile:

We’re also looking at making sure that players are only playing with players of equivalent experience and skill. We don’t want epic mismatches. This stuff is all in development at the moment.

(Rex) #39

We’re using a load-testing agency for this, and you’ll see their minions around on the servers during the load-testing events (handily identified by “CC” tags).

Thanks SD finally positive stats!

(INF3RN0) #40

We’re also looking at making sure that players are only playing with players of equivalent experience and skill. We don’t want epic mismatches. This stuff is all in development at the moment.[/QUOTE]

So what will happen to the handful of more experienced players? It’s been the first full NA games in a while now and I hope I can keep my new pals.