SplashDamage downloads

(EB) #21


ftw monster !!! arrrrrghh !

(kamikazee) #22

Bah, that’s nothing against a tapir squad.

Although I’m still thinking on where to put :nag:.

(Dazzamac) #23

My tapir squad could kick your tapir squads ass
:tapir: :tapir: :tapir: :tapir: :tapir:
:tapir: :tapir: :tapir: :tapir: :tapir:
:tapir: :tapir: :tapir: :tapir: :tapir:
:tapir: :tapir: :tapir: :tapir: :tapir:
:tapir: :tapir: :tapir: :tapir: :tapir:
:tapir: :tapir: :tapir: :tapir: :tapir:

(Jaquboss) #24


:nag: is mine :twak:

(kamikazee) #25

Bah, sheer numbers won’t do it. You haven’t seen my strategic lineup! :stuck_out_tongue:

BTW: Tapirs are not supposed to fight tapirs, only stroggs and other monsters.

Don’t worry. I wasn’t going to steal it, borrowing is enough.

(ParanoiD) #26

Why not. We are the first clan which is dedicated to ET:QW and all events around it. I havent seen one before. Sure the game isnt out yet, but you can start a clan for it.

(EB) #27

@Paranoid… (just have fun with me on this)
Can there be a clan before there is a concrete object as a reason for a clan to become ?

Example…could there be chess groups if chess weren’t existant ?

Chicken before the egg thing, I guess…

(ParanoiD) #28

The other thing is: We know ET:QW will come. A chess group couldn’t excist if it isn’t announced. We are sure the game will come so you canprepare yourself for it. Our clan isn’t even recruiting yet, we are more just a place for some to wait for ET:QW, get some information and meet ppl from our old clans in ET. We just wait and come in action when it is out.

(Jaquboss) #29

Ah, that is certainly one of reasons why there is same poll forever :nag:

(Shaderman) #30

Sounds like a Tupperware party for me :smiley:

(kamikazee) #31

Tapir-what party?

Anyway, someone has got to be the first. The only thing you can do is try to convince everyone of your claim.