spawn points

(nAb.Death) #21

I cant figure out what is wrong so i took a screenshot of every wolfobjective and ctfspawn, so you can tell me if i did anything wrong.

ok, so here we go…

1st wolfobjective: the hut (allied 1st spawn)

ctfbluespawn at the hut:


2nd wolfobjective: the bunker (axis 1st and allied 2nd spawn)

ctfredspawn at the bunker:

ctfbluespawn at the bunker:


3rd wolfobjective: the town (axis last spawn)

ctfredspawn at the town:

Tell me if something is wrong!
Thanks :smiley:

(Mateos) #22

By the way, do you have a script_multiplayer with a scriptname value defined as game_manager?

The entities seem fine, and since you did like the vanilla maps .script (I expect), I can only see this missing.

Anything wrong in the console?

(nAb.Death) #23

you mean this?

(nAb.Death) #24

sorry cuz im bumping this topic, i know im being annoying lol, but i really need to make this working :confused:


I can make a tutorialmap with working script + entities later and upload it to TWT :smiley: