So Frustrated

(spookify) #21

[QUOTE=phineasfreak;537658]What a pity, yet understandable.
Had some nice TP with you back then.
As a pure pub-player, i see it totally different:
High skilled comp players are too pro to teamplay, that’s my experience.
Ususally there is this “nobody understands to play, so i dont even bother to have a look around if there are actually some players tryin to stick with me intentionally”.
Not that i say, you do, no offense, more a general experience.
What i don’t understand is why there is not even a try to have 8 vs 8 comp, this where i see the fun looking to the diversity of mercs,
where is that unwritten law, that comp is played best 5 vs 5, since ther never is one to try?
Since there isn’t i stick to pub, always having nice surprises (and sure some intensive frustrating moments, too).
Of course i wouldn’t see myself in the same league with my humble average skill.
I do miss the pros on pubs though.[/QUOTE]

I see your point and I would actually wish for 6v6 however with the maps we currently have and the lack of creative objectives there’s no chance. We have tiny little maps with super fast mercs. We also have short or Medium spawn time as stupid moving spawns… Maps like Dome are a little bigger and might introduce a 6v6 concept.

As for Pubs most upper level people try to look for the level 10 and above servers but I can never find one. Team work or not more timely spam and better fire power should win those.

Lower level pubs where you have levels and skill all over the board are crazy frustrating and you can even be held in spawn. The lower levels will /quit or call you a haxer its really no fun for anyone. The High Pubs you can actually work on a class with out having to flat out carry. And thats what pubs should actually be for. Not all about winning and losing but testing out the mercs in a fairly balanced controlled game.

When I play pubs I really do want to win especially if I see a clan stacking on purpose or trollers thinking they are all that because they have a better team.

The current maps 8v8 is such a cluster! But I can actually see it working on Dome. Once more and bigger maps come out I hope DB does transition to 6v6. I think slightly larger maps will also make pubbing a little more fun.

Remember we also have execution mode coming and that is pretty fun to pub. Maybe other modes will come out also.

The games mercs will continue to evolve but we just flat out need bigger better maps.

(Demolama) #22

I agree with all your points. The skill levels are all over the board right now, and even if I wanted to play with people 10+ I can’t because the dedicated servers for them are always empty. Still, regardless of that server problem, even playing with level 10+ isn’t a good indicator of someone’s knowledge of the game. The game has been out 3 months and anyone who has played a few hours a week can easily hit level 10 and still not know how to do something as simple as defusing or planting the C4. Spawn camping isn’t fun for me, and when I’m on the receiving end I just grin and bear it for the few minutes I have on the server because by the end of it all I did not form any sort of bond to the server or the people on them. I think that is the core of the problem, and one of the reasons why dedicated players can get bored and frustrated so easily.

Perhaps to elevate some of the monotony of running the same 5 maps, what if they made 1 or 2 dedicated single map servers per region to run some of the older and longer versions of the current maps, such as the old London Bridge. Obviously these servers should not interfere with people wanting to quick join and thus should only be available via server browser. Hell just having any servers running one map only is enough for me to want to play on that server rather than just another random rotating map server.

I think if forming a community is one of Splash Damage’s main goals, then by giving players the ability to play on one server rather than constantly hopping into one of the many random and extremely common servers over and over is probably one of the best way to build that community. I know that’s how I met many RTCW/ ET players that I still play with to this day, starting with RTCW’s Xian’s MP_Beach server during their beta test. But right now I really can’t really say the same for the many random DB players that I’ve come across. For me they are just one of many random people I joined on a server for the next 15/30 minutes. Will I see them again on some other random server? maybe. Will I recognize them if I do? probably not because the chances of running into them again with enough consistency to form some kind of lasting memory is not likely to happen.

(spookify) #23

[QUOTE=Demolama;537662]I agree with all your points. The skill levels are all over the board right now, and even if I wanted to play with people 10+ I can’t because the dedicated servers for them are always empty. Still, regardless of that server problem, even playing with level 10+ isn’t a good indicator of someone’s knowledge of the game. The game has been out 3 months and anyone who has played a few hours a week can easily hit level 10 and still not know how to do something as simple as defusing or planting the C4. Spawn camping isn’t fun for me, and when I’m on the receiving end I just grin and bear it for the few minutes I have on the server because by the end of it all I did not form any sort of bond to the server or the people on them. I think that is the core of the problem, and one of the reasons why dedicated players can get bored and frustrated so easily.

Perhaps to elevate some of the monotony of running the same 5 maps, what if they made 1 or 2 dedicated single map servers per region to run some of the older and longer versions of the current maps, such as the old London Bridge. Obviously these servers should not interfere with people wanting to quick join and thus should only be available via server browser. Hell just having any servers running one map only is enough for me to want to play on that server rather than just another random rotating map server.

I think if forming a community is one of Splash Damage’s main goals, then by giving players the ability to play on one server rather than constantly hopping into one of the many random and extremely common servers over and over is probably one of the best way to build that community. I know that’s how I met many RTCW/ ET players that I still play with to this day, starting with RTCW’s Xian’s MP_Beach server during their beta test. But right now I really can’t really say the same for the many random DB players that I’ve come across. For me they are just one of many random people I joined on a server for the next 15/30 minutes. Will I see them again on some other random server? maybe. Will I recognize them if I do? probably not because the chances of running into them again with enough consistency to form some kind of lasting memory is not likely to happen.[/QUOTE]

WOW excellent suggestion.

What can it hurt if you have 10 servers dedicated to trying this out.

5 Euro

Each of the 5 Named MP_Map Dedicated USA/EURO

No rotation just dedicated Maps that cycle games.

I can really only see this working on SW servers because you get to play both sides and there can be a shuffle.

This will also give SD an idea what what the best pubbing map is and possible player count.

I think opening crates in game and switching mercs a little more often will also be good things but this is a cool idea.

I played MP_Beach 4, 5 or 6 hours on end non stop back in 2001!! The reason was bluecherry had amazing stats and leaderboards!!

(Szakalot) #24

[QUOTE=Demolama;537662]I agree with all your points. The skill levels are all over the board right now, and even if I wanted to play with people 10+ I can’t because the dedicated servers for them are always empty. Still, regardless of that server problem, even playing with level 10+ isn’t a good indicator of someone’s knowledge of the game. The game has been out 3 months and anyone who has played a few hours a week can easily hit level 10 and still not know how to do something as simple as defusing or planting the C4. Spawn camping isn’t fun for me, and when I’m on the receiving end I just grin and bear it for the few minutes I have on the server because by the end of it all I did not form any sort of bond to the server or the people on them. I think that is the core of the problem, and one of the reasons why dedicated players can get bored and frustrated so easily.

Perhaps to elevate some of the monotony of running the same 5 maps, what if they made 1 or 2 dedicated single map servers per region to run some of the older and longer versions of the current maps, such as the old London Bridge. Obviously these servers should not interfere with people wanting to quick join and thus should only be available via server browser. Hell just having any servers running one map only is enough for me to want to play on that server rather than just another random rotating map server.

I think if forming a community is one of Splash Damage’s main goals, then by giving players the ability to play on one server rather than constantly hopping into one of the many random and extremely common servers over and over is probably one of the best way to build that community. I know that’s how I met many RTCW/ ET players that I still play with to this day, starting with RTCW’s Xian’s MP_Beach server during their beta test. But right now I really can’t really say the same for the many random DB players that I’ve come across. For me they are just one of many random people I joined on a server for the next 15/30 minutes. Will I see them again on some other random server? maybe. Will I recognize them if I do? probably not because the chances of running into them again with enough consistency to form some kind of lasting memory is not likely to happen.[/QUOTE]

Read this again people because thou have spoketh the truth-fth!

Named servers are super needed if people are to develop any sense of community.

It is exactly like you said, there is just nowhere for us veterans to play. Minlvl10 servers are underpopulated, matchmaking is a boring wait until map ends after the enemy team ragequit (or an equally boring hold for 15min at 1st obj), and random pubs is a constant carry.

(Loki.) #25

[QUOTE=Demolama;537662]I agree with all your points. The skill levels are all over the board right now, and even if I wanted to play with people 10+ I can’t because the dedicated servers for them are always empty. Still, regardless of that server problem, even playing with level 10+ isn’t a good indicator of someone’s knowledge of the game. The game has been out 3 months and anyone who has played a few hours a week can easily hit level 10 and still not know how to do something as simple as defusing or planting the C4. Spawn camping isn’t fun for me, and when I’m on the receiving end I just grin and bear it for the few minutes I have on the server because by the end of it all I did not form any sort of bond to the server or the people on them. I think that is the core of the problem, and one of the reasons why dedicated players can get bored and frustrated so easily.

Perhaps to elevate some of the monotony of running the same 5 maps, what if they made 1 or 2 dedicated single map servers per region to run some of the older and longer versions of the current maps, such as the old London Bridge. Obviously these servers should not interfere with people wanting to quick join and thus should only be available via server browser. Hell just having any servers running one map only is enough for me to want to play on that server rather than just another random rotating map server.

I think if forming a community is one of Splash Damage’s main goals, then by giving players the ability to play on one server rather than constantly hopping into one of the many random and extremely common servers over and over is probably one of the best way to build that community. I know that’s how I met many RTCW/ ET players that I still play with to this day, starting with RTCW’s Xian’s MP_Beach server during their beta test. But right now I really can’t really say the same for the many random DB players that I’ve come across. For me they are just one of many random people I joined on a server for the next 15/30 minutes. Will I see them again on some other random server? maybe. Will I recognize them if I do? probably not because the chances of running into them again with enough consistency to form some kind of lasting memory is not likely to happen.[/QUOTE]

Good thing you said this here and not on Nexon…

I posted a similar response, regarding ‘community’ and how its starts on private servers, clan ran, were relationships start etc etc…
Without it, game cant grow, thus destined to die out…

BAM- forum violation spreading F.U.D. :confused:

(Szakalot) #26

[QUOTE=Loki.;537674]Good thing you said this here and not on Nexon…

I posted a similar response, regarding ‘community’ and how its starts on private servers, clan ran, were relationships start etc etc…
Without it, game cant grow, thus destined to die out…

BAM- forum violation spreading F.U.D. :confused:[/QUOTE]

I’m sure you had a very civil, no-drama tone :stuck_out_tongue:

(potty200) #27

[QUOTE=Loki.;537674]Good thing you said this here and not on Nexon…

I posted a similar response, regarding ‘community’ and how its starts on private servers, clan ran, were relationships start etc etc…
Without it, game cant grow, thus destined to die out…

BAM- forum violation spreading F.U.D. :confused:[/QUOTE]

Their mod’s over there are promoting some sort of dictatorship. Say anything out of line your post gets deleted. Post a thread they are not happy with, it gets locked. I gave up over there when they got those 2 community mod’s, just awful and have no idea what they are doing.

Does it make sense to edit content due to it being offensive/swearing when in game I am being told to “defuse the ****ing c4”?

(Nail) #28

I’ve noticed threads getting locked down for concepts the “moderators ?” don’t agree with or decide are necro’d after a couple weeks. LOL, I got an infraction for saying bullsh1t and I see f bombs being dropped daily. It’s an odd bunch over there, seems a lot of “buddies” bumping each other, but at least the Reddit Rangers have toned down there

(Loki.) #29
  • lol -
    Honestly, it was a mild-civil tone :cool:
    Just stated my opinion on some post regarding Private Servers and there importance(gave examples like Demolama) and without them, the game will die out…
    In doing so i got the Violation PM and when i questioned it got:

August 7
In no specific terms, by stating the game will die due to actions or inactions. If you had been in any way constructive I would have been fine with it, but you appeared to be stating what you thought were facts.


umm, are they new to Online Gaming? without a community, you dont have a game ???

anyways, I rarely go there anymore… seen way to many threads locked for bull**** reasons…

(sunshinefats) #30

^^ As long as we’re on the subject I would say nexon should take notes from the forums here at warchest. People are generally free to state their opinions and the community is pretty friendly here.
Back on the subject at hand, I can relate to much of the frustration felt(although on a slightly different level as I’m an average pub player).
I say this a lot, but it bares repeating…the main ingredient missing in DB, for me, is freedom. A large part of my own frustration stems from feeling stifled or forced to play in a certain manner. It seems many of the sentiments in this thread support that (in their own various ways) to some degree. I dunno…it seems like a weird choice for the devs to restrict things in so many ways(servers, mercs, etc, etc.)…we can only hope they open their minds to some of the suggestions people have been making(both in this thread and others).
And on the subject of servers mentioned, I would also have to agree…back in rtcw, et, and etqw I also always played on the same servers I had found that I liked rather than random ones.

(spookify) #31

Went back into Match making and got another Very High Match up.

I am happy because I won but looking at the other team they got so frustrated at the end sort of like how I was when I made this Thread.

I was not Fragger! haha! But I was an utility player so I could basically do whatever. In a nut shell throw down DPS. After my fail as Nader on Terminal I would test my theory and go Sniper/Rhino/Bush…

On the small map of Underground the sniper (me) poked and even insta gibbed making 50% of their pushes 5v4. That is why in my above posts I ranked Val 50% Offence and 50% Defense. If you have even a decent sniper he can be a force to be recon with. This is nothing new as Chicken could completely rek havoc back in the dirty cups days.

Video from the lossing teams point of view aka MxpTV


Starting a 6:44 I rek Mxp 3 times in a row with head shots hahaha!

As the topic of this thread has rotated to possible one merc or drafting if you do pick right it might actually work. But players will need to select a high poke merc that can play both offense and defense. I tried Rhino just a few times but his speed and overall size aka hit boxes made him a huge target.

This video also shows 5quid a Cobalt 1 being forced to play medic and basically failing. (Sorry 5quid :frowning: )

  • This just points out in a 5v5 Ranked one player can either win it or lose it. This is going to be a crazy frustrating thing. I have also seen this in LOL and really have no way how to get around this. If you are playing at this level you really have to know all the roles. That is another point DB has specific roles… 2 Medics and a Fragger is basically a must… so you have 2 spots to basically be different then anyone else.

If straight up drafting is put into this game and no dub mercs will the team with Fragger win? Or could the other team possible counter with a sniper. I would possible like to see a 1, 2, 2,1, 1, 1, 1, 1 drafting style
Team A has First Pick, 4th Pick, 5th Pick, 7th Pick and 9th Pick
Team B has 2nd, 3rd Pick, 6th, 8th and 10th Pick

This and a high reward for SOLO que might make Ranked MM awesome. Unlike the above ranked MM video where you had two premade teams going at it. I would really like to see a 10 man SOLO que of this high of a level of play.

What would you like to see for the Drafting format?
One merc only?
2 merc per player?
Keep current 3 merc per player?
If you have drafting of 2 or 3 mercs per Player how do you draft that?

(FireWorks) #32

What would you like to see for the Drafting format?
One merc only?
2 merc per player?
Keep current 3 merc per player?
If you have drafting of 2 or 3 mercs per Player how do you draft that?[/QUOTE]

I think that would be a captains mode style.
Phase1: You draft all the mercs for your team.
Phase2: Players select which drafted mercs they want to play.

2 Players could still have the same merc as 1 of their 3. So they could switch out roles during the match.

Personally Id love to see banning. Would be nice to see games without fragger and sawbones for once.
But this will be countered by Thunder later…

(spookify) #33

In the Cup this weekend I really only used 1 merc (Bush) but I did have a very specific role. In that role I also had the ability to go arty, redeye or Val in special situations.

The question is was switching necessary or could I have lived with 1 specific merc for the entire match on offense and defense.

***In this Cup “I” probably could have lived with one merc. However this does take away from specific strats like how F8 ran a Rhino and Auro on Terminal Defense First Stage Defense. It would be very hard to run that Rhino throughout the entire map on stage 2 and then attacking haha!

So this is where the idea of 1 merc throughout really hurts. You will see less creatively as teams will be playing it safe with the most balanced mercs for attacking and defense.

In Ranked MM’s at the higher levels it will be slightly harder to follow a strat and talk people into a specific role while having the knowledge of picking a merc that is good on both offense and defense. A person and pick a Aura and Rhino because they are Defending first and then get completely destroyed on attacking.

I want to thank F8 for letting me play.

That being said I would like to see SD focus on Locking down the CFG even more. Really focus on an even playing field. Not sure if it has been locked down but anything that has to do with netcode or packets. Anything that can make your merc warp or glitch needs to be locked down ASAP.

I cant wait until this game takes off and Euro have their own cups and NA has there own. Possible meeting for a NA/EURO cup time to time but not every weekend.

I would also like to see changes to the sniper. That guy on Sick6 was carrying (other then Newb) and it was beyond frustrating and I sort of felt cheated getting insta gibbed. There’s a bunch of posts about this haha.

***On a personal note I would like to see the animation or brightness of the muzzle flash dimmed down a little and also the sharpness of Aim Punch reduced slightly to avoid a sea sick feeling from time to time.

Also watching the final of this cup when there is a dude back raging and he cant kill him! We have seen this for so long that when you are back raging something hinders you from hitting the head… Whats the deal with that! :smiley:

Possible also look at nader slightly to make her more viable. Some people are amazing with her but some slight buffs could make her a must have. Timing, speed and bounce. Again Slight tweaks. I just remember how valuable a good Rnade was in ET and IMO nader isnt quite their yet.