shader to make texture move

(twt_thunder) #21

ok… it was a typing failure guys…but lol… no i can’t use this… hahaha

look on this video…

EDIT: btw it should be cvops_body not body :slight_smile:

(ailmanki) #22

this tool might help a bit:

But it has not been done for ET, so the result is different - for example deformvertexes is less or stronger in ET (dunno which anymore).
But it is surely helpfull to for understanding more or less how the shader commands work.

edit: hehe funny movie…
You can also just modifiy the base value, without changing it periodically, that way you can make the player look like a big round thingy, or like a thing line… lol

crazy stuff and ugly… lol, but well the glowing thing ain’t that bad, just that the legs are missing… well with the Tool from C, that could be done nowadays…

edit: this was not for cheating intended :p, that was a unpure server, and I ended up removing it. Yet I used it for some days, but it was available for others too … lol
(the thing which has no legs but glow…)
Yet, I totally agree, it is an unfair advantage… but well everyone could have used it back then, or anything else.

(twt_thunder) #23

thanx for that, i got it allready…but it wasn’t this function i wanted anyways

but i got another idea to try out…:smiley: just wait for the result…LOL :smiley:

(twt_thunder) #24

[QUOTE=ailmanki;190684]this tool might help a bit:

edit: hehe funny movie…
You can also just modifiy the base value, without changing it periodically, that way you can make the player look like a big round thingy, or like a thing line… lol


thanx for that idea :smiley:

well, next step… how to put on foliage models on the texture?

this is the shader so far:


	cull disable
	deformVertexes wave 1 sin 1 0.1 0.4 

	deformVertexes wave 2 sin 1 0.1 0.4 
        q3map_foliage models/rayban_foliage/w_grass_foliage1.md3  1 48 0.1 2
	q3map_foliage models/rayban_foliage/w_grass_foliage2.md3  1.1 48 0.1 2
	q3map_foliage models/rayban_foliage/w_grass_foliage3.md3  1 48 0.1 2

	surfaceparm alphashadow
	surfaceparm nomarks
	surfaceparm trans
	implicitMap -


	cull disable
	deformVertexes wave 1 sin 1 0.1 0.4 

	deformVertexes wave 2 sin 1 0.1 0.4 
        q3map_foliage models/rayban_foliage/w_grass_foliage1.md3  1 48 0.1 2
	q3map_foliage models/rayban_foliage/w_grass_foliage2.md3  1.1 48 0.1 2
	q3map_foliage models/rayban_foliage/w_grass_foliage3.md3  1 48 0.1 2

	surfaceparm alphashadow
	surfaceparm nomarks
	surfaceparm trans
	implicitMap -

(IndyJones) #25

can you explain your question more?

(Nail) #26

[QUOTE=IndyJones;190679]i meant this:

deformVertexes wave 64 sin 1 1000 1.0
deformVertexes wave 64 sin 1 1000 1.0


haha, my bad, sorry, been kinda busy with our site switching webservers
not thinking clearly

(Pande) #27

if you want shorter waves…
Lower Frequency

if you want higher waves…
Increase Amplitude

Obviously, vice versa also. That should hopefully get the effect you want.

(Nail) #28

Frequency is speed, amplitude is size

(Pande) #29

oh i thot frequency was how many times per texture length. :o so what is that then?

(twt_thunder) #30

no…folx… i’m done with that stage… now i want to “blend” (i think you call it that) my model, attachin grassmodels on the texture…