Server Clearance - Script Release

(phisherman) #21

Episode II - Clantag Protection LUA

This script provides the possibility to protect one or more clantags from being used by unpermitted persons. If a player is wearing the tag without proper permission, he is warned/informed (by default) 3 times before he is punished (by default renamed). This is fully configurable.

Read a detailed list of features and configuration possibilities in the .lua-file.


The script was developed for NQ 1.2.9, I do not know about compatibility to other mods/older versions.

Please report any bug you might encounter and make sure to carefully read the instructions concerning configuration to avoid unwanted behaviour.

I uploaded a new version of the script that fixes a bug where the script would occasionally warn/punish players without them wearing a reserved clantag (thanks to jemstar for reporting). This was due to lua considering certain characters “magic”. Turning on plain search prevents this.
Unless it is too much of an inconvenience, you should consider updating.

(shagileo) #22

cool addons, great work !

(phisherman) #23

Episode III - Nextmap Announce LUA

What the script does so far is print the name of the next map to chat during intermission.

I know it’s nothing spectacular but the special thing about this script is that it does not require you to fill in your mapcycle configuration! The script will automatically parse the nextmap vstr and read the full and colored name of the next map out of the corresponding .arena-file.

I’ll see if I can get it running with campaign mode, but I’m not sure if it will work.

Features that I plan to include before I release it:[ul][]Hook into Nextmap-Vote: If somebody calls a nextmap-vote, the script will print the name of it[]Possibility to configure a server banner cycle that will print the name of the next map every X seconds[/ul]If there’s anything else you would like to see in there, let me know.

(UJERebel) #24

Possibility to configure a server banner cycle that will print the name of the next map every X seconds

Aint this already a feature of NQ? We have it on our servers, and we have no lua enabled i think… Grtz

(phisherman) #25

Well yeah, of course you CAN do this with the NQ banner cycle, but you need to change it for each map. The cycle that will ship with the script does not require to be configured, it will find out the name of the following map itself. :wink:

(shagileo) #26

Mirrors at TrackBase (together with the map scripts of Mortis):

(mortis) #27

thanks again for re-hosting. Three years of pay cuts have taken their toll on my finances… :confused:

(phisherman) #28

Episode III - Nextmap Announce LUA

Many servers run banners showing the subsequent map. Since these banner cycles are a lot of nasty work to create and need to be changed upon any slightest change of the map rotation cycle, I decided to create a LUA script that does not require to be configured. The script will find out the name of the next map itself and will display it under these three circumstances:[ul][li]In intermission, a line will be printed to chat showing the name of the next map[]A server banner cycle can be set up: Design, interval and location are fully configurable[]If somebody calls a nextmap-vote, the same line as in intermission will be printed to chat so players can see at a glance whether or not they want to go to this map[/ul]
Since campaign mode seems to use some kind of weird syntax, this script does only work with objective mode!

Read a detailed list of features and configuration possibilities in the .lua-file.

The script was developed for NQ 1.2.9, I do not know about compatibility to other mods/older versions.


Please report any bug you might encounter and make sure to carefully read the instructions concerning configuration to avoid unwanted behaviour.

//Alternative download link, thanks shagileo.

(shagileo) #29

TrackBase mirror

Thanks for these scripts, they really spice up servers

(phisherman) #30

Episode IV - Connect Announce LUA

I’ve always liked the message enhmod prints to chat whenever a client connects to the server showing player data like name, country and ip. That’s why I created a lua script that does the same thing:
The line printed by this script shows name, country and shrubbot level. Originally, it also showed the first two parts of the ip, but I decided to ditch that because in many cases the text didn’t fit into a single line. Additionally, the first two arguments of an ip are simply too little information to locate a player decently which makes it a more or less useless feature. The second image below shows the line with ip-displaying enabled. If you still want to display the ip, the code is already there. Simply go to line 347 and follow the instructions.
An optional feature is the displaying of “dynamic player flags”: If enabled, the script will print unique strings to the end of the line if the player fulfills the corresponding qualifications. Read more about this in the .lua-file.

The script was developed for NQ 1.2.9, I do not know about compatibility to other mods/older versions.


Please report any bug you might encounter and make sure to carefully read the instructions concerning configuration to avoid unwanted behaviour.

This work is dedicated to KFG clan for always welcoming me on their server.

Note: The location is based on the sess.uci entity field that only works with g_countryflags system enabled.

//Alternative download link, thanks shagileo.

(shagileo) #31


Really? Have you had word from any? Still much appreciated. :slight_smile:

No sorry, I haven’t been playing ET thoroughly for a while now, but I meant that if servers would use them, it would be good :slight_smile:
They’re cool addons

(jemstar) #32

Thanks Phishermans Phriend!!!

These are great!! The nextmap works great!!! Connect and tagprotection doesnt seem to atm may be interferred with by the NOQ.luas I have set up. I am running NQ1.2.9_b6 Either way is very generous of you to share these treats!!! Muchly appreciated!!!


(Indloon) #33

Since its LUA related thread:D
I got question.
Is there anyway how to make a LUA script what shows kills/deaths &class…etc and it can be sended to some site??

(jemstar) #34

Hi Genert,

Lua can send to db but will need a program to read it and dispaly info on website. I use VSP stats processor. The VSP site is down atm but you can get the files and some support here:

This is what it looks like:

If you need help Krilln is very knowledgable and I can help in setting it up as well just ask!!

(Indloon) #35

Thanks for anserw Jemstar.

LuaSQL can be.
But I thinked for that you need to share the SQL host,database,password…This is big security leak:P

I thinked to it whole day in school.
The problem can be solved by saving everything to kills_deaths_guids_players.txt log.
And the server owner uploads a PHP script to his FTP,where the PHP script sends data to the database.

I need to read tutorials about the LUA now:D

Aha,the LUA functions are similar to PHP functions."textfile.txt","w")

(jemstar) #36

Yep u need to know the db password but you dont have to give it out!!

If you looked at the link to my stats page u didnt need a pasword!!

But you seem to know wat you are talking about with scripts so gl :slight_smile:

(jemstar) #37

Hi, have been trying to get advanced voting to work. At this stage the UI works, but the lua doesnt load. I have made no changes to it and are running on NQ1.2.9_b6. Any advice is very appreciated!!

Setting MOTD…
Lua API: Loading noq/noq.lua
Loading NOQ config from /usr/local/games/et/661350/
Lua API: Loading dynamite_counter.lua
Lua API: Loading tagprotection.lua
Lua API: Loading nextmap.lua
Lua API: Loading connect.lua
Lua API: Loading rspree.lua
Lua API: Loading kspree.lua
^1Database c661350_stats is up to date. Script version is 1
Parsed 56 commands from 147 lines.
rspree.lua: running on map ‘adlernest’
rspree.lua: readStats(): 0 ms
rspree.lua: loaded 20 alltime stats from revivingspree.txt
rspree.lua: readRecords(): 1 ms
rspree.lua: loaded 17 alltime records from rspree-records.txt
rspree.lua: startup: 1 ms
Vetinari’s rspree.lua version 1.2.3 activated…
kspree.lua: loaded 29 alltime stats from killingspree.txt
kspree.lua: readRecords(): 0 ms
kspree.lua: loaded 26 alltime records from kspree-records.txt
bennz’s kspree.lua version 1.0.2 activated…
kspree.lua: startup: 0 ms
^4Game Initialization completed in 0.33 seconds.

All your others are working perfectly and are fantastic!!! Thanks heaps.


(Krillin) #38

[QUOTE=Genert;378777]Thanks for anserw Jemstar.

LuaSQL can be.
But I thinked for that you need to share the SQL host,database,password…This is big security leak:P

I thinked to it whole day in school.
The problem can be solved by saving everything to kills_deaths_guids_players.txt log.
And the server owner uploads a PHP script to his FTP,where the PHP script sends data to the database.

I need to read tutorials about the LUA now:D

Aha,the LUA functions are similar to PHP functions."textfile.txt","w")


There isn’t any security leaks in VSP V0.46. The only security leak will be is if you do not have PHP / MySQL set up properly and expose your username and password to surfers. Not to mention the fact that it is really not a security leak. If you DO NOT use the root username and password for the stats database it is really not a problem. Also the fact the database CANNOT be reached from the outside world unless you allowed it to be. If that is the case then that in itself is a HUGE security risk itself. :eek: I can connect via CLI and really have a party with your databases. But I am ethical and a professional.

I have been using VSP since it first came out in 2004. Never before has there been any problems with ‘Security Leaks’ at all. The SQL injection exploit in gamestat.php has been addressed and has been fix in V 0.46. along with other requests from users. It is all spelled out for you and it is relatively easy to setup and use. :smiley:

The database is only used to store and fetch data. Store data in the database from running against logs and then fetch the data from the database when the stats site is pulled up. It is very simple and easy to use. So what is the issue with ‘sharing’ a database. You just need a database for this purpose nothing more? :cool:

Also, you are talking about LuaSQL. A database which has not been updated in over 4 years! This tells me you have not done your homework. As MySQL recent release was at least this year?! IMO use something that is current. Get out of the stone age and get up-to-date.

Hope this clears things up a bit.


P.S. I found this because the link posted in Jemstar’s posting which showed up on the statistics page of the website. Thought I would check it out and see why it is was posted. Thanks for suggestion VSP, Jemstar.

(avery) #39

I just downloaded a few of them. I will be putting them on my silent server and let you know what happens! Looks cool though!

(Indloon) #40

Oh,you digged an old post out Krillin!

Well,yes,I had few information about LuaSQL then.
But I didn’t finish the script,because I founded it is pointless and has a lot security risks on!
Just think to give db params to server admins,even if they are evil! D:

But I managed to work it out in other way,by making changes on SDK,the data got sended to my own server master,which had Python script,which gotted the data and encrypted(md5) it,then added to MySQL table, after map session ended.

But I have switched to PostgreSQL,it is more stable for me.