
(Rex) #21

Dumbest comment in the new year so far. :rolleyes:
Yeah, let’s turn it into one of these awesome ‘modern games’ out there. As there aren’t already enough crappy FPS…

No, players should be rewarded to use at least their brain for once.

(DB Genome editor) #22

Self-killing is a necessary feature if only because you need to be able to quickly balance skewed teams without having to wait for someone to die “naturally”.

That being said, I don’t believe you should be able to immediately benefit from self-killing when done for other reasons. Right now, you can go on a backrage spree, realize you’ve over-extended yourself (out of ammo, out of health, too far behind the enemy) and instantly teleport back to your spawn with full health/ammo and possibly a change of class to boot. I’d like to see some sort of penalty there, maybe simply a minimum respawn time of a few seconds. Let’s say the penalty would be 3 seconds for example, if you self-kill before the spawn timer hits 3, you catch the next spawnwave, otherwise you’re out until the following one. As a minimum you spend those 3 sec in limbo, no instant respawn into a better position / situation.

Self-killing would still be a tactical option, but one with an additional cost to be weighted in the balance. It feels too much like a no-brainer in many situations right now.

(shaftz0r) #23

Self-killing would still be a tactical option, but one with an additional cost to be weighted in the balance. It feels too much like a no-brainer in many situations right now.[/QUOTE]

no? this entire thread is talking about how worthless /kill, is in this game. any talk of penalizing it is pure pubber fantasy

(.Chris.) #24

At the moment there is no penalty because it is worthless, respawn times are so short as are distances to most objectives. There should be a penalty for respawning and in past games there was a penalty, you lost any gained ground and you lost any info on enemy positioning and so on, this was more so in ET:QW with the larger maps and speed of which you could shift around a defence. Respawning isn’t always the best option, you have to weigh up the pros and cons of the situation, at the moment due to the current nature of the game there are almost no cons to respawning and in this sense I agree with Djiesse but we shouldn’t be adding in artificial costs to respawning, it should be as before a tactical decision, at the moment it isn’t.

(BomBaKlaK) #25

Make some proper maps with some real travel time to obj, capturable spawn point, and spawn point selection ?
That can help a lot, then respawning have a cost (travel time), and can be more tactical in term of choices than just came back with full ammo and health. (but who cares maps are just tunneling to the death … so spawn selection is useless …)