SD, please provide a way to open several/all cases at once

(Mustang) #21

7 crates takes around 7 hours to earn, in which time you earn around 3k of credits, so yea 2k out of 3k does sound very high to me, especially when a merc cost 50k, which is around 100 hours of play, unlocking cards at the same time would make this more like 300 hours. Looking at the numbers now I’d say it’s more than unfeasible, I’d call it ridiculous.

(kenpokiller) #22

Support. Let me buy cases en masse and open them up already. RNG is okay but slotmachines are a hassle ;).

Also custom cases won ingame with skins



(Amerika) #23

Where do you get 7 hours? I get 4-7 crates a night just playing casually for a few hours. I tend to play rather quick Objective matches though. If you do longer Stopwatch matches you might not end up with as many crates.

(mccrorie) #24

I’ve never managed 7, or even 5, even after playing for several hours straight.

The whole UI system for opening crates needs an overhaul. Too many clicks, too laggy, too cumbersome, too slow and time consuming. I should be able to open 4 or 5 crates in about 30 seconds.

(Mustang) #25

Rather than being shorter it now takes even longer than before, you have to re-click the “Cases” tab after every opening.

(Amerika) #26

Yeah, I have no clue why they would have defaulted it back to the Loadout tab rather than cases. Especially with the current state of the Loadout tab which is anything but helpful. It was like this before the change however as you always had to click back on cases after opening one up.

(tangoliber) #27

Is the game purposely teasing me by having me just miss the gold cards over and over? With as many times as it happens, you would think that I would have hit one eventually. :slight_smile:

(Amerika) #28

Just hit “Skip” during the animation and you’ll end up with what you were going to get anyway without the ‘tease’ :slight_smile:

(mccrorie) #29

It feels slightly less laggy now, but there are still far too many clicks going on. The whole flow of it is garbage; moving the mouse all over the place from one side of the screen to the other. Click here, click there, clickin’ everywhere.

(montheponies) #30

Add to that the laggy UI when using g-sync and you tend not to open crates at all…