I’ve learned some things as well, and one of those is don’t pass on the hype to friends. I will more than likely buy the next game without question, but I won’t rally my friends to do the same… I got some amount of grief from them with regards to Brink ¬_¬
@SD Did You Actually Learn Anything From Brink?
I think you guys are the minority, who will be buying their next game at launch…
as for myself, and many other peeps i know who bought brink at launch… will not be buying any SD game without a beta or at least a demo…
which is sad, truly enjoy W:ET and i love ETQW… Brink? well, just … just bad… and with BRINK–
i feel SD has gone the way of the console and their next game will be nothing more then a watered down PC game ported from the console $$ machine…
Not sure if I’ll buy their next game until I know what it is or what it will be or if it ever will. Without any announcements, it could be anything. Whether or not a lesson was learned, is sort of subjective in the grand scheme, since, years from now, there’ll be a whole different set of parameters possibly in regards to what is released. Nothing is created in a vacuum. The industry is constantly changing: rumors of the next Xbox grow in the North, whispers of a nameless machine…
Closed beta with good players/modders early enough that gameplay/map/control whoopsies can be addressed.
Open beta later on so the platform specific and LOL OUR MAP HAS NO SOUND bugs can get sorted. Someone’s gotta do testing, and if the publisher won’t then it might as well be an open beta so the launch is less disasterous.
[QUOTE=shirosae;390045]Closed beta with good players/modders early enough that gameplay/map/control whoopsies can be addressed.
Open beta later on so the platform specific and LOL OUR MAP HAS NO SOUND bugs can get sorted. Someone’s gotta do testing, and if the publisher won’t then it might as well be an open beta so the launch is less disasterous.[/QUOTE]
Mainly the beta access(hope that really happens) should get buggers,the people,who love to bug,not just random frag freaks who complain about “Why I die so fast =(”.Isn’t beta idea to bug bugs out? =D
My money will be a privilege on next title, not a right, even with a open beta
Same here, talked a bunch of people into preordering including myself
I don’t know about this, but the successes and failures of Brink kind of seem similar to the successes and failure to Wolfenstein 2009 multiplayer. I think it would be best of Splash Damage work on what they do best, rather than try to pull in a horde of CoD and BF players, because those CoD and BF players won’t ever try something new, unless CoD or BF does something dumb that shoos away the playerbase of their games.
Like Wolfenstein 2009, I would probably play Brink with an open mind, but I just don’t want to spend the cash on it. It is one of the games that I followed before release, that I don’t even own.
Another thing I stressed a long time ago is the whole work on 3 platforms simultaneously thing. It is good that it saves money, but the problem with that is the whole lowest common denominator thing. You can only design a game that work on all 3 platforms at once, which negates the exclusive features of each system, as opposed to work on each version separately, and use the strengths of each system. You can also try to work on all 3 systems at once, and fine tune each version to suit the specific features for each system. The fact of the matter is that the PC version plays a lot like the console version, rather than the days of ET and ETQW, where the PC version played like a PC version.
The biggest problem is that Brink shouldn’t have tried to pretend to be anything it wasn’t. You end up with a tiny fan base because no one wants to play a game that is masked as a sequel(CoD, ET, TF2), but is far less than what they are used to. It should have been either wholly original or stuck to a working formula (anything, even CoD). Who is to say that CoD/BF players wouldn’t actually be interested by a new ET style game if it had the mainstream attention Brink did. Brink was just an overly simplistic game in all areas, which ET games were not… and that was one of its big selling points! A pure ET game still hasn’t been attempted to be released into the bigger scheme of things, so I really hope they give it a chance sometime in the future. People should be hitting their heads on the wall going OMG THIS IS A HARD GAME because that gives a ton of motivation to keep playing; from direct game play and not artificial unlocks, new chars, dlc, etc.
At the risk of finally agreeing with something tokamak and DarkAngel said, I too would never tell all my friends to get the next SD title, but I will still keep an open mind. The Brink universe has the potential to be much bigger, and if a true open design and an actual Ark is presented in a campaign form, with less linear multiplayer experiences, then my dollars would definitely go into another go at Brink.
But before “spread” issues, “comm” limitations and “balancing” is looked at, can the “experience” of the game come first? I have no memorable gaming experiences from Brink. Characters, events and the overall presentation were less than “indie” level. The only way my cash is gonna head in SD’s direction is if I can expect a good experience in the campaign and the multiplayer keeps me engrossed because it gets the “before & after” support it needs. The teaser trailer for Brink promised a HUGE world with massive shooter possibilites. All we got was some buildings and shantys with some icons tacked on to them.
I hope they learnt not to do a game with Bethesda again.
From what I gather Bethesda alone is meant to do the funding and SD has to ask Bethesda before doing anything with Brink.
In that respect I hope Bethesda have learnt to keep their noses out and let the developers get on with it, should be a prime example of too many cooks spoiling the broth.
Agree with dark there. Beth managed to get Rage right. Still plenty of people playing on all platforms. My guess is that id could throw their weight around more than SD could because, well… they’re id.
And after actually playing Rage on Xbox I must say it is fun, engaging and pretty as all hell.
I think every party (players included) learnt a little from Brink’s release. And I look forward to SD’s next game, although I’ll be a little more cautious too.
[QUOTE=Exedore;389999]Of course we think we’ve learned, but honestly, what could we tell you to make you feel better? You all are the ones that actually decide whether we’ve learned, and you can’t do that until you have the next thing to evaluate.
We’d love to communicate the specifics, but that’s simply not an option. That is one thing I can say we’re absolutely trying to sort out for future projects.[/QUOTE]
Well in the absence of any new product or info about one to evaluate I was just curious as to what you guys thought. I know very well what we (the forum community) generally think were the mistakes, but I wanted to see what your thoughts were.
It sounds like you all are interested in having more flexibility to communicate with the community in the future. I understand that there are contracts, etc. in place that we don’t even know about that may or may not impact what SD can/cannot say to us. This is very good new though as IMO it is one of the greatest elements a studio can have and only helps to foster a better community.
Sorry if I came across as a dick at all. I tend to do that sometimes.
Get rid of the Tech 4 engine and get back to making a smooth shooter that actually shoots where you point like W:ET. My closest experence to the W:ET is playing L4D2. A super smooth engine and the bullets go where I expect along with great team play (most of the time). Brink could have been a whole different experience on another engine.
I wish I could say I’ve never heard such rubbish in all my life, but … internet and all… But let’s just say you’ll probably hold the title for at least the next 60 minutes.
A closed beta – and especially the most loathesome kind: one that is bought into with some bribe, such as pre-ordering – at this point (i.e. after 2011, the year of so many stinkingly, steamingly bad AAA releases), is at best going to engender mistrust, and at worst, downright hostility.
Not saying every test needs to be open (but they probably should be), but at least one pre-release test better be.
As it is, I watched Brink closely, and anticipated it highly. The release-period disappointment/disaster meant I would not touch with 10’ pole, and I had to wait for steam free weekend to playtest so as to even consider buying it.
Bottom line: in this modern era of crap on top of crud, I don’t touch anything for anywhere near full price, without playing it first. Developers and publishers, do as you will.