Ranked Season 4 Update Release Notes - 20th October, 2017

(Xenithos) #21

I’ve only been able to play one match of ranked but I’m already a very pissed off monkey. First match of the day, we had a guy that was forcibly disconnected from the game 3 times while trying to join. THEN it gave him a 20 minute penalty. We had to play 4v5 as it kicked him right after the introduction scene starts playing.

So we decided to launch without him and removed him from the party, but out of the BLUE, No one is searching for a match, etc, I get a “ACCEPT” button. So I’m like, huh, guys, anyone actually searching right now? “No”
So I’m like, Eh, I’ll hit accept anyway.


So we start trying to play a ranked match after kicking the other player and restarting the party. This time, it says I HAVE A PENALTY._ I HAVE A PENALTY FOR GETTING AN INVISIBLE MATCH REQUEST THAT I ACTUALLY FUDGING ACCEPTED WHAT ON EARTH!?_ Is this related to like a 5 minute previous search that I cancelled that never actually canceled!? And it could see I was in a party or something!? What on earth is wrong with this game!? Anyway, putting both of these in bug reports, I don’t even know what to say I’m so angry right now.

(Mc1412013) #22

Rank ballance is still off. First match and we creamed the other team and thats with me sniping from a realy bad spot and made 3 kills the whole game. I felt so bad for other team i pretended to be a 7 yr old sniper just to try to even out the match. still planted the first obj in the first minute. I lile winning but i dont like being on a team that destroys the other team into never playing ranked again.

(Tandem) #23

I believe solo-only ranked is the way to go.
If that is not an option then ranking up should not be determined by wins alone
but rather solo performance.

Why is the skilled player deranked for losing a match that requires a team effort?
There needs to be a way around this and rewards for the solos who outperform but still lose obj because of their team.

At this point ranked means very little.
Elites and cobalts with no aim or game sense, this is a thing in Dirty Bomb. smh
Would matching solos with solos “only” be possible?

(pumpkinmeerkat) #24

@Xenithos said:
So we decided to launch without him and removed him from the party, but out of the BLUE, No one is searching for a match, etc, I get a “ACCEPT” button. So I’m like, huh, guys, anyone actually searching right now? “No”

Opposite happened to me last season - queuing as a party of three, other two in party got the accept prompt and joined a match but were partied with another party of three while I was still in queue. Had to force quit the game to exit matchmaking and received a penalty.

(videoboy4000) #25

wrong thread