Ranked Season 3 Update Notes

(Cletus_VanDamme) #21

Blishlock Aura is the most played in PUB matches? Since when?

(zavabia) #22

Kinda Very disappointed Thunder didn’t get an actual nerf. Nice, his conc got a slightly smaller cone. But he’s still super tanky, super stong and has very strong weapons cough stark. I know balancing characters in games is hard, but he was such an issue last season I refuse to believe there was no comments or complaints about him, so I am a little salty that he’s barely been touched.

(Chris Mullins) #23

@Szakalot said:
kinda dumb to post the update notes a day before, worded as if it was today, to be honest

Apologies. At least they’re correct now though?

(n-x) #24

Fair warning, custom bindings get erased.

(blufflord) #25

@n-x said:
Fair warning, custom bindings get erased.

Yea the problem for me isn’t having to set bind them all again, as that’s pretty easy. It’s just when I find out in the middle of the match that reload button or ability button is reset and i have to waste time in match doing it. So thanks for the heads up

(Chris Mullins) #26

@n-x said:
Fair warning, custom bindings get erased.

Thanks for the report!

(n-x) #27

Just to clarify:

I kept my custom keyboard layout (esdf instead of wasd). But I lost my binding I made directly in the config (always run and walk when holding left shift). I assume the same will be true for long jump bindings.

(Chris Mullins) #28

Ooooo. That’s OK then. Thanks for clarification

(ThunderZsolt) #29

@MisterBadmin said:
Prices, because SD forgot to include them. (shoe. posted them in the community Discord.)

Left Obsidian (PUB-BL83) USD $9.99 or 250k Credits
Right Obsidian (RANKED-BL41) is 2000 Ranked Points
Battle Hardened Trinket is 1500 Ranked Points

Thanks for the info!

Finally, there is something in the store that is worth buying, so I can support the game!

(bought a couple mercs when I was new, but now I have all of them, elite cases are not worth it imo, and I’m not that much into crafting, so I haven’t buy any crafting kits either)

Most veterans have piles of credits though, or already have this card, so it is not for them I guess…

(OwynTyler) #30

@n-x said:
Fair warning, custom bindings get erased.

AGAIN?! What’s the point of those then if every once in a while you get eveerything erased?..

(GatoCommodore) #31


To make the blinding effect from Thunder’s Concussion Grenade a little easier to avoid, >we’ve narrowed the field-of-view check to 140 degrees, down from 180 degrees.

kek, people will still cry when i drop it on their feet

(Attackholic) #32

I thought there would be a significant change in the processing of game which includes

  • New mercs(Turtle n other mercs if you have planned already)
  • Decent Market system for Dirty bomb in steam(players could buy/sell/trade stuffs like loadout cards with others)
  • Change in loadout cards(obviously cooking loadout cards)
    Hope the above mentioned updates are on their way.

About Ranked season 3,
It seems to be cool. There isnt anything more to do for ranked season.

Keep up the good work developers
Good luck :slight_smile:

(rosskii) #33

I just played my first ranked. I asked the guys in my team what ranks they were. They were all level 7. How embarassing. I kind of hoped this would be fixed. So now I have to create my own party groups because I cant trust dirty bomb to give me competitive players? Anyway the unlock rank should have been changed to 10 imo…

(rosskii) #34

@zavabia said:
Kinda Very disappointed Thunder didn’t get an actual nerf. Nice, his conc got a slightly smaller cone. But he’s still super tanky, super stong and has very strong weapons cough stark. I know balancing characters in games is hard, but he was such an issue last season I refuse to believe there was no comments or complaints about him, so I am a little salty that he’s barely been touched.

Agreed, but I dont actually think its Thunder that needs nerf anymore. Its just the Stark, because it applies to all mercs, Arty, Stoker, Kira and Thunder.

(GhosteyGhost) #35

Crafting fix pls? I have a lot of fragments and I can’t spend them…

(KeinBaum) #36

Unranked Party Limitations - To prevent high-skilled players artificially boosting other players, Unranked players will be prevented from partying up with Gold, Cobalt or Elite Operative level players. Once you’ve completed your 10 placement matches, you’ll be able to party up with anyone.

How exactly does that change anything?

‘Queue Dodging’ Prevention - To stop players from leaving lobbies when coming up against high skilled opponents they recognize, enemy teams are now anonymous in the Lobby.

Still fixing symptoms instead of causes I see. Oh well.

At least there are some good bug fixes.

(rosskii) #37

I just played 3 ranked games, and on all games had a bug at the end lobby, where nothing was loaded and now the games are not listed in my stats.
edit maybe they showing now, strange bug tho, cos u cant see any of the results