Ranked Season 1 Update

(triteCherry) #21


[*] Fixed bug where Nader would often fire a Grenade Launcher Grenade upon death


(BrazenXXGold) #22

And no News on South AM servers, right? ;-;

(Gaspoline) #23

oh joy…defending is going to be a boatload more difficult now…

“CDA Defenders will now only see EV repair progress when a member of the team has line of sight on the EV”

does this include when the teammate is down or has died and still has visual of the ev?

(BerylRdm) #24

Very nice gameplay changes! I approve :wink:

(FalC_16) #25

spent few minutes searching for a ranked game…didn’t find any…I guess I keep away from ranked as usual

(DMaster2) #26


(BananaSlug) #27

sooo… now we have pre season trinkets, we will have season one trinkets during 2nd season, and then during 3rd season trinkets from season one will be replaced with trinkets from season 2 ? is that right ?

(Gaspoline) #28

also, why is there no note about the change to proxie mines?

(TheFoolArcana) #29

Waiting for feedback SD/Nexon…

(Eddiethc) #30

how come when i hit rank match it puts me in a room with just me with only option to invite friends? im level 8 am i missing something here?

(FurryGagarin) #31

no wonder eu on top as the most active region. i’m on asia play on eu too and bear with above 250ms ping. while on asia i never get match, either the player wasn’t there or there was no open server at all so ppl didnt feel like to try find match on asia. just don’t know.

please notify and make and announcement if you guys open the asia ranked server again, so player in asia can play ranked with better ping

(Xan) #32

Solo/Duo Queue - For this first Season, we’ll be limiting queues to Solo/Duo. This is to prevent the majority of players who join as Solo coming up against 5-Player pre-made Parties. We plan to re-introduce full 5vs5 Ranked play with a few improvements as soon as we can, as we consider organised teamplay the lifeblood of Dirty Bomb. For a greater breakdown on the change, check out this forum post.

Disabled AU & Asia Regions - We will be disabling the AU and Asia regions in Ranked play for the time being, to avoid overly long queue times due to the smaller player counts in these regions


(Eddiethc) #33

ok i got in a ranked matched 1 time took forever an just now again took 4 minutes to find a match thats way to long

(xFallenAngelx) #34

what’s with the latest change? The whole game feels like a slowdown. Especially Proxy, which was really the only advantage she had. :frowning: To the point I don’t even enjoy the game now. I liked the fast-paced game, and especially proxy, but this latest update has actually made the game less enjoyable. I can’t pinpoint exactly what it is, but something is astray.

(blonk) #35

My general feedback so far on ranked:

You also get such a small amount of time to choose your mercs before the selections are locked, what’s with that? I’ve hardly spoken to my team and gone to the merc selection before I’m running out of time, it doesn’t work at all with randoms if you want to chat to them and ask what they’re running with (this applied to last season as well).

Does it have to be 5v5? I know some hackles will already be raising at this thought, but since it’s just 1/2 man groups couldn’t we have slightly bigger matches? It at least increases the possibility of having players and somewhat waters down the impact of 2 ace players on one team.

Friendly fire is a big thing, I really like that it’s on and certainly think it shouldn’t be turned off, but the feedback to the player when you are hitting friendlies is really lackluster. The hit ding should be different, or you should get a visible HUD warning telling you to stop. I’ve also seen dumb things like bushwackers body blocking players in corners with turrets, that’s a bit lame.

The overall pool of experience for me is low, but still hit balancing problems (2 of the three games were total washes), though didn’t feel quite as pointless as before. Need to play more to see.

(FurryGagarin) #36

anyone notice how proxy throw the landmine is change? either her hand become weak or landmine become heavier

(Eddiethc) #37

so my question is should it normaly take 4 to 5 minutes to find a ranked match? is this standard?

(Eddiethc) #38

Edited this cause i guess input seems to bother certain trolls cough cough under me. :’( it will be ok

(bontsa) #39

@Eddiethc No wonder 4minute que seems forever for you, you strike to me as a fella whose time is so valuable that there’s not a single moment to waste on commas nor periods! :wink:

Que times used to be much longer, higher the rank = less players around your skill level searching for a game = longer que. Even as Pre-Season Gold 2 I waited +10minutes sometimes. Let alone Cobalts and Elites who could previously search for hours.

For the 10 placements matches and couple failed ques I had today, times seem to be considerably better, around 2-5minutes. Very good actually.

Word of advice for hasty grasshopper is: Put the search on, alt-tab, do stuff around (make sure game sounds are audible even when on desktop), once hearing the distinct voice of found match, go accept and enjoy. Time flies when you aren’t glued to the search screen. Also there is 1 minute 10 seconds time to accept the match once found, so make sure your “few seconds” doesn’t take over 70.

(Eddiethc) #40

@bonsta Oh wow you feel better trolling someone? YOU MAD BRO? MAD CAUSE BAD? save the wall of text KK sugar :slight_smile: