Problem during -light stage

(Szico VII) #21

all done.

(Fracman) #22

In your neotokyo shader,
the q3map_lightmapsamplesize seems to have a wrong value, you have entered 1x1, but shadered can’t read this,
and i’ve never seen such a strange notation before…

Hmm… i suggest you modify the lightgrid and the lightmapsize,
first to reduce compile time, and second to perhaps also get over with the errors.

“gridsize” “256 256 256” (or even larger values)
“_lightmapscale” “2.0”

Unfortunately the search function of the forum isn’t working actually,
so you might have to look for the corresponding threads yourself.

neotokyo looks awesome, good job there! :slight_smile:

Unfortunately i can’t compile midgar, it complains about missing chocobo_v3.pcx

(Szico VII) #23

oh, here it is: (goes in /base)

the compile time for neotokyo is only 5minutes anyway.
for midgar its about 20.

P.S i think the gridsize automatically adjusted itself, judging by this line in the compile:

0 max trace depth
— SetupGrid —
Grid size = { 336, 336, 400 }
Storing adjusted grid size
1006080 grid points
— CreateLights —
Sun: textures/skies/midgarhighwayv3
Sun: textures/skies/chocoboranchv3

oh, and im fairly sure the error is brought about by something in the top half of the highway section (as you look at it from above) because upon removing that the error seems to disappear.

(Szico VII) #24

hey, i just read a post with an error that looks suspiciously familiar.

my map has 4900 unique combinations… maybe i should try that -nocollapse thing?

(Fracman) #25

Perhaps, you could try it.
Especially if you have too many lightmaps, the compile might not recognize the lightmaps to use …

(Szico VII) #26

well, ive reduced it by over half and still get the error. so i guess its not that. :frowning:

(Fracman) #27

sigh sorry.
Unfortunately i don’t have much time actually, so i don’t know when i’ll be able to look deeper into your maps.

(Szico VII) #28

do you know anyone else that can?

(Fracman) #29

hmm i’ll see, but i can’t promise anything.
Else you have to wait until i return :wink:

(Szico VII) #30

okay, its definitely some shader problem in the highway_v3.shader file

once removed and compiled, map works a-okay. any ideas which bit of the shader is the culprit?

(Szico VII) #31

qer_editorimage textures/skies/sky
q3map_sun 1.0 1.0 1.0 160 30 60
surfaceparm sky
surfaceparm noimpact
surfaceparm nomarks
skyParms textures/skies/midgarhighwayv3 512 -

upon removing that it works. however then, the level isnt lit.

it must be something that it lit in the highway map thats causing the problem.

(Twisted0n3) #32

What is “notc”? It’s not in the q3 shader manual that I can recall.

(Szico VII) #33

notc = no texture compression.

means that even when a player chooses ‘low detail’ they still see a high detail texture.

(Twisted0n3) #34

That may be what the problem is then. It’s clearly a nonstandard extension that isn’t in q3 itself or the stock q3 engine, and as such may be causing problems/unsupported. And if it’s working as intended, it may be causing the texture memory to be exhausted. If that leads to textures being overwritten in the video card, then pieces of the wrong texture might show up here and there. Just as in the screenshots.

(SCDS_reyalP) #35

RTCW and ET support this as “nocompress” AFAIK. Assuming it is the right keyword, it shouldn’t have a big effect one way or the other for just one texture.

Since it isn’t a compiler keyword, it shouldn’t have much effect on the lighting of the rest of the map.

since you’ve narrowed the problem down to the sky, i would suggest trying one of the sky shaders that came with the game.

(Szico VII) #36

well it isnt the notc, ive treid removing that before, and no luck.

i will tyr a different loight emitting sky now, although i think it must be something the sky is illuminating rather than the shader itself.

(Twisted0n3) #37

Hrm. I seem to recall that light emitting shaders can have directives that affect the characteristics of the lightmapping of the surfaces that it illuminates. Definitely at least the samples, with lightmapFilterRadius m n. I don’t know if it can affect the real resolution of the lightmaps though, which theoretically could make them large enough to run you out of texture memory.

Also, there’s nothing in the way of properties set that would make q3map2 treat this as a styled light, is there? That might include if the light source is targeted, although I think that’s just light entities rather than brushes with light emitting shaders. Better to check anyway, just to be sure, whether your sky is targeted and whether the shader has anything in it that might make it a styled light.

(Szico VII) #38

‘lightmapFilterRadius m n’

what, are you saying i should add that to my shader with a real high value?

P.S same error occurs with a default sky.

(Twisted0n3) #39

Nah. And if it happens with a default sky, the problem really must be elsewhere.

(Szico VII) #40

Argh. I don’t suppose someone could take a look at the map and see if they can spot anything? Because ive looked hard and ive either missed it or not realised the bug section.