[PREFAB] Capture the Flag

(Zer0Cool) #21


you could use a func_timer to execute wm_endround :stuck_out_tongue:

(Qualmi) #22

ok one last post from me, it actually went a bit offtopic, but it somehow was useful offtopic.

however i tested some things today as i found out the method by myself and cambo posted the solution, which is the same as mine, here. i wanted to apply this method of counting kills to 1on1 laddermatches with etpromapscripting, which would mean no recompile of the maps to apply the system. but i came to the conclusion that it has no chance to be ever realized. the main issue is that kills/deaths only get counted if player passes the respawn entity, that means i could for example if i get killed and am smart and see that the clock is only 1 or 2 seconds till mapend, simply refuse to tab out and therefore the kill wouldnt get counted. for 1on1 matches, where kills have to be computed 100% accurate this is one main issue and i dont think 1on1 players of ladders would agree to play with this system. for pubs as stealth already mentioned you can also exploit the system, for example joining spec, spawning, joing spec again etc…but on pub not really tragic.

however i already created a script for valhalla which probably will be useless now. with etpromapscripting actually you can apply this system and this is what i have done with this script here:


			classname "info_player_intermission"
			scriptname "info_pl_al"			
			target "inter1"
			spawnflags "2"
			origin "304 400 496"

			classname "target_script_trigger"
			scriptname "ax_counter"
			targetname "ax_counter"
			target "ax_inc"
			origin "584 1280 154"

			classname "target_script_trigger"
			scriptname "al_counter"
			targetname "al_counter"
			target "al_inc"
			origin "-352 -360 34"

			classname "team_CTF_redspawn"
			scriptname "abcd1"
			angle "270"
			origin "584 1344 154"
			target "ax_counter"

			classname "team_CTF_redspawn"
			scriptname "abcd2"
			angle "270"
			origin "536 1336 154"
			target "ax_counter"

			classname "team_CTF_redspawn"
			scriptname "abcd3"
			angle "270"
			origin "488 1344 154"
			target "ax_counter"

			classname "team_CTF_bluespawn"
			scriptname "abcd4"
			angle "360"
			origin "-416 -360 34"
			target "al_counter"		

			classname "team_CTF_bluespawn"
			scriptname "abcd5"
			angle "45"
			origin "-472 -320 26"
			target "al_counter"

			classname "team_CTF_bluespawn"
			scriptname "abcd6"
			angle "45"
			origin "-528 -280 26"
			target "al_counter"

			origin "584 1344 152"	

			origin "536 1336 152"	

			origin "488 1344 152"	

			origin "-416 -360 32"	

			origin "-472 -320 24"	

			origin "-528 -280 24"	

		wm_allied_respawntime		1
		wm_axis_respawntime		1

		wm_set_round_timelimit		5

		wait 200

		wm_setwinner 0
		accum 0 set 0

		wm_announce "^7Reset scoreboard!"

	trigger ax_inc

		accum 0 inc -1
		wm_announce "^1Axis ^7score!"

	trigger al_inc

		accum 0 inc 1
		wm_announce "^4Allies ^7score!"

	trigger ax_win

		accum 0 abort_if_greater_than -1
		wm_setwinner 0

	trigger al_win

		accum 0 abort_if_less_than 1
		wm_setwinner 1

	trigger a_tie

		accum 0 abort_if_not_equal 0
		wm_setwinner -1

	trigger timelimit_hit

		trigger self ax_win
		trigger self al_win
		trigger self a_tie



		wait 200
		wm_announce "test1"	 

	trigger ax_inc

		trigger game_manager al_inc



		wait 200
		wm_announce "test2"	

	trigger al_inc

		trigger game_manager ax_inc

very very sad :< it actually would almost have been a little revolution in 1on1 ladder. the script is beta state, there are some announce messages in there which wouldnt belong in the final script as well as some messed up scriptname key pairs. its a valhalla etpromapscript as i already said, so without any recompile you would be able to count kills, which actually is realized, but due to reasons above think wont be accepted. but i didnt want to leave this script to nirvana so i posted it here. forgive me my selfishness :slight_smile:

(stealth6) #23

ok I tried to combine the scoreboard with cambo’s method, but it’s not working :S

The file is included so maybe cambo can get the last error this weekend :smiley: and we can all sleep in peace xD

Also @ Qualmi I gave your idea some though but I am afraid it is impossible to include a hud scoreboard with the current limits in ET.
Unless you can specify the coordinates for an image on top of another image, then it is possible but I don’t think that you can do that unfortunately :stuck_out_tongue:

Also don’t worry about going offtopic I don’t mind lol sometimes interesting ideas come up like this frag counter :smiley:

(-SSF-Sage) #24

Hmm. But if every spawn counts, then you can’t do a selfkill. It is imho an important thing that every fight happens with same amount of starting hp’s.

At @Zerocool, yeah that’s an old and bad workaround. With that you can’t change the map timelimit… Some maps uses it nevertheless. This works perfectly so why to bother?

(stealth6) #25

in the current 1v1 system it is most deaths that wins so it is useful, also the thing qualmi said that players would wait to tab out. They already do that too in the ladders. The better players wait to be gibbed if they are winning. (while they are down their score is safe)

(Zer0Cool) #26

for 1on1 matches you could trigger a global trigger_health each time one respawned so both have full hp.

(-SSF-Sage) #27

Zerocool, that is a very good idea. But another big problem is ammo, so you need ammo too.

(stealth6) #28

sheesh way to kill 1v1 lol, you don’t need ammo kill the enemy quicker and pick up his weapon with more bullets.
also hp is not really needed either just makes it even harder for the less skilled player.

adding these two features would ruin 1v1 imo.

(Cambodunum) #29

thx stealthy boy :smiley:

gonna take a look later ( now i have to paint my flat :frowning: )

(ailmanki) #30

for 1on1, once one player has died, activate a trigger_hurt which gibs everything in the area.

(Cambodunum) #31

for 1on1, once one player has died, activate a trigger_hurt which gibs everything in the area.[/QUOTE]

… but then it counts as a kill for the opponent too (via respawn of both) … so you have to trigger a new script to decrease the deaths of the killer (if possible) … should be possible imo (gonna take a look tomorrow)

btw … the prefab is working now … just wanna take a second look if ill forgot something … otherwise i will post the prefab tomorrow … its time for some movie with my girl :slight_smile:

greetz and goodnight

(i will test it next week with my tdm map on a 30 slot server … hopefully my server wont crash xD … im still a lil bit worried about the amount of executes)

(stealth6) #32

wrap it up nice and release it :smiley: will be nice to see it.

Also tell me when the TDM is going down then i will try and be there.