Praetoria-Mission One: Bunker Hill

(Kic) #21

nice map

(Donpedro) #22

Just look at the picture what i posted in page 1 :slight_smile:

(murka) #23

yes but what do you see strange there? low deatil?

(Donpedro) #24

No, just the transition is not smooth like this:

(Donpedro) #25

(Diego) #26

Thanks for the comments. Its nice to see someone with better fps than I get. The redish fog was done to match the sky color and I find it rather artistic – and this is the desaturated version. It used to be more red than this. I know the stairs are a little futuristic, but I wanted to color code the various sections of the bunker and match it to the command map to make it easy for new players to find there way around.

I’ll add you to my msn and try to answer your questions as soon as I can.

I am using the dotproduct texture blending from Sock’s website. So the blending between shaders matches the alpha channel of the top shader. The crisp edging is caused by the blending mode between them. I think someone posted on here once about a way to make that blend smoother, but I never got around to trying it out. You image looks like the kind of blend you get with an alpha map from Easy Gen.

I take it you have not downloaded it yet. That’s ok. It’s a big file. It is more like Fueldump size. The map is about 3/4 the size of MLB temple. Before I split it into 2 maps, it was 1.5 times the size of MLB temple and growing :wink: I’ll try your server out. In my opinion, the map should be pretty balanced for up to a 24 player game. But I fully expect that on 64 man servers, you may have to tweak spawn times and weapons limitations to accommodate the larger group.

(ZeusBBA) #27

Great looking work Diego, another to add to my list for upcoming rotations. :wink:

(Diego) #28

Thanks. I’ll check out your servers to see how it’s going.

(CooperHawkes) #29

Holy sh*t…
It’s. just. so. beautiful. :shock:
/me drools. :slight_smile:

Well, you might remove “alphaFunc GE128”… but IMO it looks more interesting the way it is (i.e. speckled instead of “washed-out” smooth blending).

(Darkfrost) #30

Just wondering, why do you set the winner to -1 at the start? :slight_smile:

If you change the time limit it just stays at 0:00 when the match is over.

(Diego) #31

Thank you for you comments. I’m glad you like it. This was my first map for ET. But it was a long time in the making. I knew there was something with the alpha blend. That just wasn’t high on my list to modify.

I’m glad you asked. A lot of people keep screwing around with the time limit so they can watch the flyby and nothing happens. Here is the reason why:

In order to give the allies the full 30 minutes to place the dynamite, I can’t simply run the script for the axis victory before the round ends because the allies could always blow the radar with 1 second left on the clock.

To get around this issue, There is no winner set at the start of the map. I have a second func_timer in the map that fires every 60 seconds. In the script is a routine that counts the firings. When the value of the firings reaches 31 it triggers the axis victory scripting which contains the setwinner commands. It also disables the radar objective so the allies can not blow the radar after the timer has reached 0. The reason the value must be the game time + 1 is because the timer fires once immediately at the start of the map.

Here is the relevant script:

	trigger axis_objective_counter //Counts axis objectives completed (i.e. # of times the timer fires this trigger)
		accum 1 inc 1
//		wm_announce "^3timer triggered"
		trigger self axis_endgame


	trigger axis_endgame  // Check to see if all of allied objectives are complete
		accum 1 abort_if_not_equal 31

		setstate allied_destruct_radar_toi invisible // This removes the Radar Controls TOI so the dyno can't blow radar after timer runs out.
		globalaccum 3 set 0 // This is used as a failsafe to interrupt allied victory script in case dyno blows while axis victory is running.
		wait 1000

		togglespeaker axis_victory_speaker
			// *----------------------------------- vo ------------------------------------------*
			wm_teamvoiceannounce 0 "praetoria_axis_airstrike_spotted"
			wm_teamvoiceannounce 1 "praetoria_allies_airstrike_spotted"	
			// *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
		wait 2000
		trigger fighter_A move_plane_B1 // Start at 2 seconds
		trigger flyby_tester randomfire
		wait 2000
		trigger fighter_B move_plane_B1 // Start at 5 seconds
		wait 7900
		trigger cargo_plane move_plane_B1 // Start at 12 seconds
		wait 8000
		wm_announce "^3The Allied Paratrooper force has been shot down by the Axis Anti-Air Defenses!" //Start at 20 seconds
		wait 500
		trigger fighter_C move_plane_B1 // Start at 20.5 seconds

		wait 6000
		wm_setwinner 0
		wait 500

So if you are hosting a server and you want to extend the map time to 40 minutes, you need to change the conditon line to this:

accum 1 abort_if_not_equal 41

If you are just messing around and want to watch the show, You need to set that value to 2. This was the setting I used while I was testing it out.
Setting it to one will cause the script to start running immediately at the beginning of the game.

So anytime a server admin tries to shorten the game time through server commands, nothing will happen until the 30 minutes have passed so I don’t recommend trying. If you try to extend the map time in the same manner, It would not probably not help becaues after 31 firings, the sequence will still play.

Of course, the Victory manager script also controls the Allied victory. But that sequence is based more on using wait statements to keep the map running before executing the setwinner and endmap commands.

(Darkfrost) #32

Ok :slight_smile:

(Diego) #33

Logged into your server this morning for a bit. Only about 20 players online though. You download redirect kept dropping me out of the game. I’ll try again later tonight.

(Erls) #34

Yeah its an american server, so normally it doesnt pick up fully for another hour or two. Pretty much, from 10 AM to 6 or 7 PM Pacific time (which if your in Burbank your on) it is fairly full (50+).

Also, its not my server, I’m just a member of Bunker Gaming, which owns and operates it.

(Father) #35

BTW: great map… :idea:

(Diego) #36

Not sure what those trigger errors are unless they are related to the firing of the end script trigger that happens every 60 seconds.

The shader thing I am aware of. GTO was a valid value in the q3map shader manual. Not sure why it gives that error, but my shaders look correct so I never bothered to get rid of the error.

(alex82) #37

chech your pm pls :twisted:

(Diego) #38


I have decided to move your private request to the public forums because to do not want there to be misunderstanding in what I am about to say regarding the release of a modified version my map:

You absolutely do NOT have my permission to alter my map. You do NOT have my permission to release that “Light Edition” version that you created on ANY server. The quality of the map reflects on me as the mapper and the hack job that you have given to my map shows anything but respect for my work.

Let’s compare shall we? Guess which one is yours.

I fully expected that any map when placed on a large server may need spawn times and game time limit adjusments made to re-balance the game play so the map is still fun for all and I do not mind any kind of changes like this to occur as long as it is specific to your server. However lets look at the other changes:

Boathouse MG: Removed.
Second Tank Barrier: Removed.
Allied and Axis victory scripting and sound: Removed.
Textures: Compressed into oblivion.
Fog: While I know many people do not agree with my color of choice, let me just say that I have never seen an orange sun cast blue light in the atmosphere. The Bright Sky/Black Ground look that you have given my map simply looks like crap. Not to mention the distance is so wide now that you can see the geometry culling.

How can you praise my work with one hand, and butcher it with another? I spent 2 1/2 years making this map and that includes 8 months of play testing. It took me 4 weeks alone to model the airplanes and script the victory sequences and you deleted them in 4 seconds. Of course they are not a necessary part of the map. But they make the experience of winning or losing extra special.

There are a lot of things I did in this map that were not necessary. Was it necessary to build the power generator out of more than a box? Was it necessary to use a chain reaction of electrical effects to destroy the radar instead of a simple dynamite explosion? Was it necessary to build every brush of terrain by hand instead of using Easygen? Was it necessary to spend months balancing the gameplay at the second tank barrier when I could have simply deleted it like you did? Or was it necessary to use high-res textures instead of the ultra-compressed things you replaced in my map? These are the things I spent months creating. Everything that is in this map is there for a reason. You’ve been playing it for 3 or 4 days and you start chopping out anything you don’t like?

Did it occur to you that you can’t simply rename a pk3 file to create an alternate version of a map? There are a many files that depend on a unique map name in order to work properly without conflicts with others. And while you have some knowlege of scripting since it was so easy for you to delete stuff out of mine, you obviously have no idea what must be done when creating a map so that you will not have these types of problems.

I am sorry if you have clients who are not willing to wait for the download. However, I know that there are a few maps out there that are nearly as large as mine and they still see regular play on many servers. A person’s willingness to wait for the a map to download is not only dependent on the map size, but on the transfer rate from the server. Personlly, If one of my favorite servers puts a new map or mod on their server that is very large, I will wait for it to download because that server is the place I want to be. But some servers have such a slow transfer speed that there is not a file small enough worth waiting for the download.

I’m sorry I have to be so hard on you. I know that you thought you were doing me a favor and I believe that your intentions were good. But If you really wanted to help me make this map popular, you could try promoting the original version of the map instead, and perhaps encourage you clients to take the time to download the map before they join your server.

When I created this map, I knew the file size was going to be a problem for some people. It is my hope that the ones who download it will decide that it was worth the wait. Maybe they will not think so and my map will quickly fade into oblivion. In fact, it is just as likely that the frame rate issues that people with older computers have with the open layout will cause it to fade even quicker than the file size. But I deliberately chose to make the layout in this manner just as I chose to use the large textures so I accept the responsibility for that.
The “Light” version of Praetoria that you have created is not something that I would ever want to release to the public. I hope that you will respect my wishes and remove it from your server. Should you decide to keep the original Praetoria in your rotation, you have my thanks for that. And I hope you and your clients continue to enjoy it.

While I do not approve of any of your script deletions, I will let you judge the gameplay that works best on YOUR server as long as you meet these two conditions:

  1. Your scripting modifcations must be SERVER SIDE ONLY to prevent your clients from downloading a modified .script or .pk3 file.
  2. In your edited version of the script, I want you to specify that you made this modified version and that it is specific to your server only so that clients who may not like your changes are aware of them.

Perhaps you and many others think that I am just being an ass. But this project was a very long time in the making and it is a slap in the face to have someone who has less than a week of experience with the map make “Improvements” without consulting me first.

(alex82) #39

JAJ DIEAGO, i think u really misunderstand me :oops:

I never say this is my map! I only send to you an example pk3 file which was created reconverting files and was only less then 18 MB +some script modifiction.

And ask u possible use this smaller map as “light edition” in an server and i say if u want u can make public this file to help this great map popular, thats all. And i never say the map is my work and dont wrote also in the email.

I respect your work thats why i ask u so u dont need write any overeacted post.

(==Troy==) #40

In my past experience of map making for different games at least 50% of the maps were modified without my permission, and I couldnt do anything about it… :roll: … Especially those games, that didnt need a decompilation of the map, and had an editor avialable with the initial install of the game.