Please update the anticheat/countersystem...

(UnaSalusVictus) #21

this guy kept telling everybody to “get rekt” and laughing because his hack still blocks vote kick(and lets him play as he does it) somehow it changes the person being kicked to the person who tries to start the kickvote.

all we can do as long as kickvote dosnt work is report and wait days/weeks for the person to get banned…and make a new account.

i think if you made it so you need a steam account thats got a few paid games on it before you can play DB that would stop alot of it, yes it would keep out some legit players but, if it was stated up front on the steam page, i doubt many would be put off being told “you need a level 5+ steam account to play, this reduces the number of cheaters/hackers/aimbotters you will encounter” people would actually be more likely to try db again, i have gotten a few friends into it but they quit after bad nights or multi bad nights with hackers, and i mean blatant hackers, these arent rookie kids they are seasoned fps vets who have been gaming online since the 90’s/56k days, we dont just randomly call hax, though we have spent alot of time using voice chat to compair notes before reporting people.

(UnaSalusVictus) #22

this is a crafty one i use to think he was legit but after 5-6 rounds with himtoday, hes just a crafty aimbotter, smooth aim set pretty high, useless closeup but at mid and long range, nothing but headshots till people on both teams start bitching about him then, suddently its only around 75-80% headshots… steam url to account i noice they all keep their accounts locked down like this lately.

(AssortedStuff) #23

I’ve experienced that in the closed beta (before going to Steam), being killed across the map with both opposing teams still at their spawn points :frowning:

(Nail) #24

afaik, there was no anti-cheat then

(AssortedStuff) #25

Obviously there wasn’t.
Skazalot mentioned he was surprised of the occurrence and I merely confirmed I had experienced it at some point (just to say that unfortunately it wasn’t something new).

(UnaSalusVictus) #26

was bragging about how hes been reported hundreds or thousands of times the last 2 weeks and is still there.

he was raging with rhino then arty then aura then rhino again, no spread no cooldown etc, i started just hitting k to avoid him getting a kill off me since the whole other team was in our spawn and he was there instantly killing most ppl as the spawn shield wore off.

(alphabeta) #27

These aimbotter/hackers are really killing this game off for me. Come on Nexon do something.

(NeroKirbus) #28


this is a crafty one i use to think he was legit but after 5-6 rounds with himtoday, hes just a crafty aimbotter, smooth aim set pretty high, useless closeup but at mid and long range, nothing but headshots till people on both teams start bitching about him then, suddently its only around 75-80% headshots… steam url to account i noice they all keep their accounts locked down like this lately.[/QUOTE]

Gseijn/silva is not a hacker, I’ve played with him a ton during W:ET days and I play with him every once in awhile on DB. He’s a crack shot, but if you sneak up on him he has trouble tracking you in close quarters.

(gseijn) #29

My aim is far from smooth and my sens is VERY low, that’s why I struggle at close range with the grandeur. Ever since they lowered the rate of fire it’s even worse.

(_milla) #30

hm… it looks fishy but myself had 90 kills and just 7 deaths in one objectve round with rhino, so … screen is not a proof.
but based on that rhino, well there is aura but with low score.

my team aura had more xp then me for constant healing and was following me litereally everywhere. It was great team co op.

well its so easy to start new steam account, when I reached lvl 100 I started new smurf just for fun but I got used to it due new friends Im with contact and playing every day, on other side on my old account best friends went offline or moved elsewehe overwatch so… , at this new account Im almost lvl 30 with all mercs enabled and for sure Im better then most of the players connected on the server with me:) And when I play with lv 105 account players with me in a team are like in some kind of stasis waiting for me to do everything and they just dont care.

so now Im playing with low lvl account, doing what I like, mostly frags.

they call me server destabilizer lol

(BomBaKlaK) #31

A real pain in the ass !!! Ranked is infested ! and the cheat they use are also blocking the vote, you can’t kick him and you can’t surrender … Do you plan to do something ?
Of maybe let DB die for good, so we are not waiting for nothing

(Nail) #32

[QUOTE=BomBaKlaK;557261]A real pain in the ass !!! Ranked is infested ! and the cheat they use are also blocking the vote, you can’t kick him and you can’t surrender … Do you plan to do something ?
Of maybe let DB die for good, so we are not waiting for nothing[/QUOTE]

Please direct your constant whining to Nexon, IT’S their bloody anticheat, you’re becoming even more annoying

(BomBaKlaK) #33

Did you even play DB to talk about ?
Or did you just seat around bitching on everyone like a little girl ?

(Nail) #34

you’re the one bitchin BumBaKrak, but you don’t seem to understand English, crying and stamping your feet on SD’s forum for something that is controlled by NEXON just annoys me no end, go spam that pile of poo and it’s baby rangers

(BomBaKlaK) #35

Mouhahahahahaha give me some more !

(Mustang) #36

Thread cleaned, keep it civil please chaps.

Everyone’s entitled to a good moan from time to time.

(squirmyj) #37

I am a massive fan of this game. Love it! but the hacking / cheating is a a serious issue which has got way out of control. It would be fair to say that cheats could kill this game… which is something I do not want. What steps has SD / Nexon / NGS made to improve anti cheat?

(squirmyj) #38

I guess nothing would be the answer then?

(Nail) #39

they have taken steps forward, and some backward

that make you happy ?