Patch today?

(Chris Mullins) #21

We don’t have crazy things like baseball and softball over here so we should be ok :slight_smile:

We do have a little bit of bowling, but its more of an acquired taste (I love it)

(spookify) #22

[QUOTE=shoe.;524960]We don’t have crazy things like baseball and softball over here so we should be ok :slight_smile:

We do have a little bit of bowling, but its more of an acquired taste (I love it)[/QUOTE]

Cricket? Football? Squash? Polo? Rugby? :wink:

UK Sports WIKI

(meat) #23

Bowling and beer they go together. One of the few sports were they sell beer to the participants.
Got to love it…

(Ashog) #24


done and done :)[/quote]

Bestest shoe. evar! :stroggbanana: