Need Help Coding FG42 Scope in MP

(No1_sonuk) #21

It was in the scripts directory?
Completely delete the commented parts ( the lines starting with // ).
Check that models/weapons2/fg42/fg42_2.tga actually exists.

(Denny) #22

Yeah it was in the Scripts directory, and i did delete the commented parts. It’s actually fg42_2.jpg, so i changed that in the shader file and it’s still giving me that error mentioned above.

(No1_sonuk) #23

Try this:


      implicitMap models/weapons2/fg42/fg42_2.tga 
      rgbGen lightingdiffuse 

Alternatively, put a ‘textures/effects/GUNfx.tga’ file in as a bright red 32x32 square so you can see where it is trying to put it.

That said, I have unpaked ET on my HDD, and I can’t see that file at all.

(Denny) #24

Okay, got it working. Here’s what i did. First i tried you’re suggested script and that didn’t work. Then i made a GUNfx.jpg (32x32, Solid Red) file and placed it in textures/Effects within my mod and sure enough it worked prefectly fine. So i then deleted my custom shader and reloaded my mod and it still worked.

So i think the whole problem lied with that GUNfx file. The thing is though, i didn’t see any change whatsoever in game using that jpg i made. My guess is that they once had it enabled but removed it later on and just forgot to update the models.shader file. I just hope no other models use this texture, i didn’t find the texture itself in the PK3 files so i doubt it is, i also checked the models.shader for both SP and MP and only seen it referenced twice.

Thanks for all you’re help Sonuk. When the FG42 is added to Fritz, i’ll give you a hollar so you can check it out.

(Denny) #25

Does anybody know where i can find the code for scope sway and that scope meter? You know how the mauser drifts from left to right when scoped, i wanna set the FG42 scope like that. I found it once but i can’t find it again. Basically i wanna set it like this because the FG42 can make easy headshots as is, so with mauser like scope sway it could makeit more tough to get headshots.

(dutchmeat) #26

Hello Denny,

I saw you managed it to add a fg42 in multiplayer…
i’ve been trying for months and i still have the “couldn’t find weapon 23” error.

Can you please help me ?
and do you want to join my vampiremod project ?


(080522jk) #27
