My dream Aura changes...

(PixelTwitch) #21

[QUOTE=Smooth;522829]I definitely agree the healing station needs some changing right now for game balance and to better fit it’s intended purpose of fortifying an area with stationary in-combat healing.

Some of the things we have initially planned include:

[li]Fixing it so explosives actually damage the Healing Station[/li][li]Adding ‘orange’ VFX to enemy Healing Stations for team identification[/li][li]Adding a short interaction time to reclaiming deployables[/li][li]Having the amount of cooldown reclaimed be proportional to the remaining health of the deployable[/li][li]Adding a short set-up time to Healing Stations so healing doesn’t begin instantly[/li][li]Adding a deployable status indicator to the owners HUD[/li][/ol][/QUOTE]

Really not a fan of number 3. These interaction time things have proven to be nothing more then frustratingly clunky when it comes to the carry objectives.
number 5 is not a bad addition but I see this as something that could be considered a rather huge nerf to Aura.

All in all while these changes may “fix” the balance they still do very little when it comes to adding any sort of depth…
I am finding it so hard to believe the gameplay is supposed to be this shallow, so its likely my fault for expecting to much.

(Mustang) #22

[li]Adding a short set-up time to Healing Stations so healing doesn’t begin instantly[/li][/ul][/QUOTE]
Hope this doesn’t include an “unable to reclaim during set-up” feature, that would just be extremely annoying.

But other than that, sounds good.

(Rex) #23

[li]Adding a deployable status indicator to the owners HUD[/li][/ol][/QUOTE]

I would like to see this for mines, turrets and all other stuff as well please. Was also already suggested long ago.

(Smooth) #24

That’s the intention.

[QUOTE=Mustang;522845]Hope this doesn’t include an “unable to reclaim during set-up” feature, that would just be extremely annoying.

But other than that, sounds good.[/QUOTE]

It won’t :slight_smile: