Missions: Obtainable regardless of team skill

(DarkangelUK) #21

For some bizarre reason this needs clarified but my examples were just that, examples, feel free to think of other missions that rely on the user and can be completed with individual skill and don’t rely on having a good team to complete.

(Drac0rion) #22

Could you specify more on what do you dislike about the current missions? Do you find the current missions are too difficult to complete on your own or are you looking for new missions in general or for execution mode only?
Other than win X games missions I really don’t see how any of the missions force you to depend on your team.

I probably would like to see some new missions, but it’s rather hard to come up with something that isn’t too hard and yet challenging enough and it most definitely shouldn’t be made for you to play solo in a team game.

My suggestion would still be to add milestone achievments, as we already got the merc stats and the gun stats, I think it would be nice to gain some extra cash for an achievment like:
50 kills/ 100 kills/ 250 kills / 500 kills etc. or for assists or revives or damage done or healing done, maybe even ammo deployed/provided. It would basically just end up as another form of stats while giving some minor rewards.

(Demolama) #23

Earning XP for missions is a double edge sword. While it is a good way to get people to get out of their comfort zone, sometimes those missions causes players to do stupid things just for the XP. For example, today we had an attacker drop a canister in a heavily defensive area. But rather then just letting the canister stay put and defend it, someone returned it because he needed game mode XP. Now with players out of position, because they were all defending the objective, the very next carry the attackers were able to capture the objective and we lost.

Which is why game mode missions ultimately hurts the game when people are just trying to get missions done and don’t care about what strat is best for winning. See my example above. This was also one of the big problems with the old secondary quests. People would run off to get the xp for secondary quests, become detracted by them, and began ignoring the main objective. At least support and medic missions are beneficial without hurting the game even if they are only done in order to complete their missions.

In fact the more I think about it I can’t think of any scenario where game mode missions actually help to promote better teamplay. If anything they only promote selfishness. Destroying/ repairing the EV, defusing/planting C4 these all require players to beat their teammates to the earn the xp. The only other means of earning game mode xp is to play defense and soak up long defense xp, which has no real offensive equivalent. Poor you if you are always stuck on offense during objective mode while competing with 3 other engineers to repair/ plant. Or if your team is so bad you don’t even see the objective. Perhaps adding a passive offensive equivalent to long defense xp might help to finish the missions quicker and alleviate having to compete with teammates to earn that game mode xp.

(Drac0rion) #24

Exactly my point every time I end up arguing with anyone about the game mode xp :smiley:

(ostmustis) #25

only win quests promote teamplay

(retief) #26

EV escort xp serves as an equivalent to long defense xp. That said, I’d like to see the objective destroyed/objective delivered/c4 defused xp given to all nearby friendlies. The guy covering/body blocking for the guy defusing is at least as important as the defuser himself, and this would promote actually helping your team instead of waiting for them to fail and hoping to plant/defuse yourself. Being able to semi-reliably get game mode xp on non-ev maps (and non skyhammers/engineers) would be nice as well.

(Mister__Wiggles) #27

Having individual missions to compensate for a crap team is like putting a plaster on a bullet wound. It doesn’t fix the main issue in terrible matchmaking and balance. That should be addressed before the missions are touched again.