Missing Shaderlab links?

(]UBC[ McNite) #21

How much webspace is the manual? And how much traffic? I could host it too for some time if its not too much. I really searched for it today lol… i need a downloadable version :smiley:

(EB) #22

@Ydnar: any chance of you having a backup of your notes from shaderlab ?



(kamikazee) #23

Is there actually anything left from shaderlab?
Now that I could use some info from Q3Map2’s source code concerning the ASE handling, the site is still not back…
Or was the source code hosted somewhere else?

(Shaderman) #24

AFAIK the latest source code is available here:


Here’s a description how to get the source via SVN:


(kamikazee) #25

Ah, that’s what I was looking for, I couldn’t find it in the files folder on Zerowing and must have looked right over the ‘GTKRadiant repository’ link on the zerowing main page.

Thank you!

(SCDS_reyalP) #26

I’ve mirrored ydnars quickgamma here http://www.collectivecomputing.com/~reed/QuickGamma_0.1.1/ in case anyone needs it :moo:

(Chruker) #27

*** Chruker selects Ydnar, hits Space, and drag the clone to a nearby computer ***

(Q.) #28

Target captured. :drink:

doh! :eek3:

(kamikazee) #29

Ok, now that my ET just crashed on me and I wanted to try this utillity, I can’t download it. The download chokes on 85%. Got any clue how this may come?

(Shaderman) #30

No idea. I downloaded it and may send it to you. Email address needed :wink:

(kamikazee) #31

Oops, tried it on another PC and it simply downloaded. However, the first 80% is downloaded at 50 KB/s; the other 20% at 1 KB/s. That’s why I thought it choked.

(Twisted0n3) #32

Where is ydnar himself? Isn’t he going to tell us how long this downtime is going to go on? There’s no point mirroring all this stuff if shaderlab’s going to be back up tomorrow … but there is if it’s going to be down another two weeks…

(Q.) #33

Some usual suspicion. :blah:


(Infernis) #34

Still in need for a proper host Obisidian? We over at leveldesign.nl are currently backing up usefull Q3 data for the future. I would be no biggie to host everything related to q3map2

Drop me a line if needed.

(obsidian) #35

First of all, that’s not how you spell his name. And his name isn’t Frank.
Second, those pages are pretty… umm… HTML-noob! ydnar uses xhtml/css and he’s “cleaner” than that.

Thanks for the hosting offers guys, but I’ve been working on my own website for a while. I just need to buckle down and finish it.

(Q.) #36

I see. I see. :moo:

(Q.) #37

Sl now redirects to linuxgames.com.

(joop sloop) #38

just to make sure all the threads know about my extra mirror: http://q3map2.everyonelookbusy.net/ :wink: [/spamrun]

(Q.) #39

Everyone wants it!
Everyone wants it!
I think. :drink:

BTW official shaderlab now seems to have index page rather than a redirection to linuxgames.com.