Match Making? More like Mismatch Making.

(Szakalot) #21

[QUOTE=montheponies;536804]Same frustrations tonight - my simple short term, open beta, solution - turn off party creation. By removing that, you’ll do a couple of things;

a. it’ll throw everyone into one big(ger) pool - selection and formation of balanced teams is now using everyone rather than being hamstrung by 5 cobalts on the one side.
b. folk really interested in playing competitively can organise scrims via IRC, steam, mumble, teamspeak, smoke signals - whatever, not difficult.

For a. a moderation may be to limit to 2 players, so you and a pal can play, but a fully stacked team can’t.
For b. SD need to provide a far better private server model.

Unlikely for this to be implemented, but that’s the only way I can see this working in the short term - even in the long term how can you trust ranks if they are generated whilst playing with such imbalances that premades introduce?[/QUOTE]

everything he said, matchmaking has to be solo queue to get any popularity.

But anti-cheat has to happen before anyways, so I guess we wait and see

(mti_) #22

Having no more team queue will hurt the community as well since there is no private lobbies for scrims yet.
I think letting people know why their queue takes a long time might help. You sign up as 4 or 5 and it lets you know you are now waiting for another 4/5 man team of equal skill. This might mean you wont get a game for a very long time but thats on you because you decided to stack a cobalt team.
People who solo queue can go up against and with teams of 2 or maybe 3. Level 10 and under players should not go up against level 20+. We have had the “experience doesnt equal skill” argument a lot but not nearly as often as I hear “nice level hurrdurr” when I play MM with my lvl28 mate. Unranked players should not face cobalt under any circumstances no matter if it is their 10th placement match and they won the lot. Make Gold 1 the best rank you can get right from the get go. The chances of a player being that good so that it isnt fair towards him are miniscule. Never let silver players play top ranked gold or even cobalt, there is a massive skill gap there.
I honestly dont understand why everyone assumes that queue times is what will kill MM when in over 50% of games we absolutely trash people that are nowhere near our skill and in many of the remaining matches the same happens to us. The amount of level 5s that we made rage quit MM for good must be massive even tho we always try and apologize for whats going on.
I honestly believe that top level clans/pugs/stacks should be forced to use IRC to find oppos due to the system just treating everyone fairly. Hopefully with an influx in players and an increase in skill that wont be the case forever but right now there is no way that MM will pick up in popularity.
I am fully aware that they aknowledged this to be a problem and that their trademark “soon” as been applied to the issue but some basic, improved functionality could be patched in with minor effort before the entire thing is fully done. We needed this stuff a long time ago.

(KeMoN) #23

I realize it’s getting repetitive, but something has to happen!
Anyway, my last MM match was over a month ago and there’d been some updates so I figuered I’d give it another try.
I got matched after under a minute, so I thought the algorithm had actually found proper enemies because it wasn’t taking a lot of time to then decide to just create a random match. However ingame the teams looked like this. They were a clan and we were all solo-queues, we established that. Needless to say that after around 4 minutes it looked like this.

For the love of god, please fix it!

Also I played through the whole match (because the guys were funny and we started a melee war [although not everone joined]) and at the end in intermission I clicked “return to menu” and after disconnect it prompted me the message that I was leaving a match in progress. First problem here is that it wasn’t in progress anymore and second problem was that two teammates had already effectively abandoned the match.

//EDIT: This happend before the update of today 22.09.2015

(shibbyuk) #24

Chances are, they had been waiting a long time before you joined. I stopped playing competitive because of the same situation cropping up constantly. I don’t know a solution other than having a separate solo queue.

I remember often getting the warning message when leaving after the game had finished. I think it’s just the message, though; no penalty seems to be applied.