It would be great if...

(Brinkman) #21

I think I can get a few people here to rally around the idea that the grenade launcher is really over powered.

(Hundopercent) #22

OP? No. Strong in retard mode (8v8)? Yes.

(Hundopercent) #23

[QUOTE=shaftz0r;481238]honestly, this is your cfg. i can see people all the way across the map without any issue at all, and i have almost everything turned down. i can give you hand with it if you want (not that we play much anyway)

all of this. ive been feeling this way for a while now. im all over someone hitting almost nothing. if this were quake, all i would hear is lg bolts lighting someone up. instead im in a firefight with someone where a whole clip is used before either one of us dies. thats silly[/QUOTE]

Sure, shoot me your config and where I need to place it in the Nexon install. I’ll give it a whirl.

(meat) #24

I was using the grenade launcher last night. It is a lot better than last patch.
It was under powered before the patch. The grenades might be a little to bouncy though.

(Rex) #25

I think it can’t be said yet that the gren launcher is ‘really OP’, because it’s super buggy at the moment and only effective with more players plus dependent on the map. The grenades are extrem bouncy, so you can’t stand a chance in a fair 1on1.

I would rather call it random.

(Hundopercent) #26

[QUOTE=Rex;481278]I think it can’t be said yet that the gren launcher is ‘really OP’, because it’s super buggy at the moment and only effective with more players plus dependent on the map. The grenades are extrem bouncy, so you can’t stand a chance in a fair 1on1.

I would rather call it skill.[/QUOTE]

Fixed it for the new generation of developers and gamers. :wink:

(meat) #27

It is a little random. I am having difficulty predicting the bounces. Given time with it should help, plan on using it a lot in the next week.

(Ecano) #28

[QUOTE=BomBaKlaK;481120]Yes far away ! Tighten the spread a bit more can be a good thing. Weapon handling need some tweaks to

And definitely more maps and old ones with some tweaks, with better objectives adjustment.

Maybe more mercs to ?
and be able to select a character between maps ?
or 4 of 5 slots for mercs selection ?

Last thing and not least, optimization is really needed (at some point)[/QUOTE]

QFT + add game quit option once map finished, now you have to kill the program or load the next map.

  • server playlist
  • servers queues
  • objective clases

(INF3RN0) #29

I almost feel like the maps get you killed a lot more than the guns at this point. Kill stats can still be very widely distributed, but I’m always for furthering it. My issue is that there’s just too many awkward areas on maps that make it very difficult to lockdown like previous games. I’ve just had to find my sweet spots when necessary. On the other hand I also consider the guns to have a very different handling than other games, but I’m not entirely convinced they need more than removing random x-axis recoil or making it controllable via burst/tapping.

(Brinkman) #30

[QUOTE=Rex;481278]I think it can’t be said yet that the gren launcher is ‘really OP’, because it’s super buggy at the moment and only effective with more players plus dependent on the map. The grenades are extrem bouncy, so you can’t stand a chance in a fair 1on1.

I would rather call it random.[/QUOTE]
Your points point out that it’s OP. Face a defending team with 3 or more grenade launchers all firing from afar with assault support. You can’t flank them the assault team will get you, can’t attack from afar because you’re tripping over their grenades.

they get too many, they fire too quick, and they bounce forever. they’re some sort of twisted magnet sniper grenade. This needs fixed because the more players figure it out the less fun the game becomes.

(Rex) #31

[QUOTE=Brinkman;481301]Your points point out that it’s OP. Face a defending team with 3 or more grenade launchers all firing from afar with assault support. You can’t flank them the assault team will get you, can’t attack from afar because you’re tripping over their grenades.

they get too many, they fire too quick, and they bounce forever. they’re some sort of twisted magnet sniper grenade. This needs fixed because the more players figure it out the less fun the game becomes.[/QUOTE]

Beside me I haven’t really seen anyone playing Nader so far. By the way have you even played her?

(meat) #32

Yeah you need to try her out Brinkman its not as easy as you think getting kills.
But I was getting my share with Nader this morning in TDM.

And if your getting spammed from afar by nades get your sniper to do their thing.
There is a solution to almost all problems, it just takes teamwork to get it done.

(Ashog) #33

They can tweak the damage and splash of nader’s pineapples as much as they want but it won’t help to buff this character by making it more attractive until they correct the shooting delay with main weapon. Sure, using bounces works, but trying to land a direct hit if the enemy is farther than 2 m is just pure luck, since the normal trajectory prediction doesn’t work due to weird firing delay.

(Protekt1) #34

Want a retard mode? White chapel, coming around the first corner escorting the EV, 3 grenade launchers supported by a fops ammo station blindly spamming non-stop. Couldn’t even get remotely near the EV without being hit 2-3 times making you either dead or easy fodder for the other teammates to shoot you. And they can run through the field of explosions because no FF. This was only 6v6… I cannot even imagine 8v8 with potentially more of them.

(Ashog) #35

Thought about throwing an airstrike?
Countering them with your own Nader? Throwing a nade around corner?

There are yet not many but somewhat enuff counters in the game. The problem is, some people just cba or too cool to change character depending on situation.

(Hundopercent) #36

[QUOTE=Ashog;481391]Thought about throwing an airstrike?
Countering them with your own Nader? Throwing a nade around corner?

There are yet not many but somewhat enuff counters in the game. The problem is, some people just cba or too cool to change character depending on situation.[/QUOTE]

I don’t want to leave a server, switch characters, rejoin, just to kill 3 lamers. If this is all true about the hotdog dispenser it just further shows that SD needs to respect our human input more than ECHO.

(Mustang) #37

[QUOTE=Ashog;481391]Thought about throwing an airstrike?
Countering them with your own Nader? Throwing a nade around corner?

There are yet not many but somewhat enuff counters in the game. The problem is, some people just cba or too cool to change character depending on situation.[/QUOTE]
This is fine for comp because players can co-ordinate their loadouts, but for pub play this isn’t possible (at the moment).

I often find that the character needed to do the task isn’t in my loadout, and others either don’t have them either, don’t know what a good counter might be, or don’t want to switch.

Hopefully when the character selection is done between rounds, in warm-up or lobby or however it’s done, that we’ll be able to see our entire team’s loadouts and make adjustments accordingly.

(Ashog) #38

Yes, it will be better. I also don’t understand why 4 slots would be bad.

Normally, there is at least 1 fieldops in a team and most people have them in loadouts anyway. So it is him to blame for not using the character ability to break through the block.
Or your fault of not asking him in teamchat. If something is needed and I can’t switch to that, I would ask several times my teammates to perform that particular ability action. That’s called communication, isn’t it? :slight_smile:

(attack) #39


Maybe more mercs to ?
and be able to select a character between maps ?
or 4 of 5 slots for mercs selection ? (at some point)[/QUOTE]

yesterday i jumped in last minute in a draft match , however once in the match i have noticed that my load out was wrong i had 2 engis inside and my team already got 2.we have rly needed a sniper and i couldnt pick it. i know SD work on it, i only wanted to qoute out that the current system doesnt work!