Is this game dead already?

(VG_JUNKY) #141

here :
I thought some of us would benefit from this.

(Thundermuffin) #142

Actually, you’re wrong. That “BRINK is ET3, let’s not mince words” comment came directly from rahdo, a Splash Damage employee. I can’t think of an instance where a Bethesda employee or one of their marketing campaigns directly related BRINK to an ET game. It isn’t that we aren’t “media savvy,” but SD continually talked to competitive PC gamers on Crossfire about all these great ideas they had, but they never, ever came back to say “we can’t do any of this, sorry.” Had they done that, no one would have complained and we all would have cancelled our preorders and just saved the money.

(tokamak) #143

I think an hour per session isn’t too much asked. I equally enjoy arriving late and being the underdog.

(MoonOnAStick) #144

I would be more interested in going further the other way (campaign unlocks ++). A larger number of campaign unlocks (with fewer duplicate front grips or red-dot sights) and a tech tree. Are there any games that implement this?

You could save default unlock progressions for each class or edit inbetween rounds. Perhaps more interesting if certain unlocks were most useful on particular maps that appeared later in specific campaigns, similar to how vehicle drops gave the Strogg access to the Icarus on infantry only maps.

I’m not sure I really need an accurate system to assess my worth though, that would just be depressing :wink:

(tokamak) #145

Yeah I’m all for that, more choice, more power and thus more diversity between the paths players take on the short therm can result in some very crazy games.

(ArchdemonXIII) #146

@Kendle I don’t disagree. I’m opposed to leveling systems in general. Or at least I oppose level giving access to tiered equipment. Planetside, Sony’s MMO FPS actually had a decent system. Levels gave you points to buy certifications, which gave you more options instead of just giving you more powerful weapons. If your going to do a level system, I think that’s the way to do it.

I look at counterstrike as a prime example of what I hate. If your team sucks, or even just gets off to a bad start, you may find yourself in a situation where you can barely afford a full load of ammo for your starting pistol and you’re going against guys that now have assault and sniper rifles, full kevlar and a few grenades each.

Some of the advertising said “from the makers of ET”. In fact, that was used an example of why the game should be expected to be more like ET in another thread.

As for what homeslice told the community, well, I was unaware of that. That was a bad move on his part. On the same token I don’t know what his position at SD is. Just because someone tells you something at a given point in time doesn’t mean it’s set in stone, especially if he’s not acting as the official representative of the company (he might have been, I don’t know Rahdo or his position). I’d say I empathize with why people would be angry at being mislead, but if anything it’s as good a reason as any for game devs to keep their mouth shut and not make declarative statements.

To sum up, if it was in an official capacity that those words were spoken, I’m wrong, SD was wrong, and y’all have every right to be horked off. If it was one dev speaking casually with fans who made a remark the rest of the company didn’t live up to, and and you are holding SD accountable to one guy’s words, well then you forfeit any right to complain if SD has less open dialogue with the community in the future.

(ArchdemonXIII) #147

I don’t mind being the underdog. When I play a team game without auto balance, and people start switching to my team because their team is losing, I will be the one to switch to the losing team.

What I don’t like is when the game gives me the upper hand. For me it cheapens the victory. It’s like winning a kickboxing match against a midget. Yea, you won, but bragging just makes you look like a tool.

(tokamak) #148

It’s an upper hand you worked for. And it’s not a total upper hand but rather a specialisation in a certain field. Players that worked equally as hard as you may have built their perks somewhere else. This asymmetry is what makes ET more interesting than shooters were the field is completely levelled.

(Thundermuffin) #149

Just because it says “from the makers of X” doesn’t mean it’s going to be made in the same vein as that game to me; VALVe games still say “from the makers of Half Life and Counter-Strike” but I don’t expect Portal or Team Fortress to be a clone of either of them. I didn’t expect BRINK to play exactly like an ET game until SD actually started making claims that this was a natural progression in the ET series and it was ET3.

Rahdo is the creative director of SD so he oversees the game’s development, just so you know; so he has a lot of say in the direction the game goes. He played a really vital pat in community relations to the PC community as SD never talked to us about the game. All they really said was they “knew” PC gaming and its control scheme and they were going to be able to do it a lot easier than the consoles, so they were saving it for last. Fun fact: the game sucked on PC badly, so it makes one wonder if they truly knew what they were doing or if the PC just isn’t important to them anymore.

I totally understand that sometimes you can’t do everything you say. That, however, doesn’t mean you can tell us all this stuff we were asking for (ability to turn off iron sights, tight spread, tons of ways to customize to the way we play, etc) could potentially have cvars and then not put it in, nor come back to say it wasn’t in the game. Again, we would have cancelled our preorders, not complained that the game bombed, and would have been on our merry way playing Counter-Strike, Starcraft 2, or some other game. Also, if they just don’t want to give the PC the attention it needs for it to be an actual high quality title and not just a shoddy port, then that is completely fine, but, please, just tell us. Heck, we might even buy your game on the console if we like it.

(INF3RN0) #150

Hi my name is Archdemon143587 and I’m new here :). Can I haz cookie!

(ArchdemonXIII) #151

Hi I’m IN4NO and I’m wicked oldschool, so I spend my time trying to drive off new players to show what a loyal SD fan I am.:tongue:

(INF3RN0) #152

I received a mod warning for insulting your intelligence with that one haha! I’m not loyal to SD though… I used to battle with the SD Justice League till they disbanded. I think you perhaps fall more in that category, while I would be part of that “whiney elitist biatch club” ofc :). Just helpn ya dodge Tmuff’s post brah.

(ArchdemonXIII) #153

I’m not dodging muffin’s post. I may not agree 100% but he has some fair points.

It’s unfortunate about the warning. Wasn’t by my choice. I’m a big boy, I’m more than capable of taking some heat.

Can’t say I’m a loyal fan, yet… Brink is my first experience with SD. If anything you could call me a bit of a corporate apologist as I feel sometimes the fanbase has unrealistic expectations of companies.

(Crytiqal) #154

It’s not our fault SD decided to create ET and ET:QW first and give us high expectations :stuck_out_tongue:

(tokamak) #155

Especially if the next game then is dubbed “'ET3”

(ArchdemonXIII) #156

I would say the part where they said it was ET3 is the only legitimate reason to believe it was going to be ET3. Anything else is purely an assumption.

(gooey79) #157

Lets always remember that Splash Damage are happy with how things went. They kept schtum precisely because people would have cancelled their orders. That wouldn’t have been good for business in their eyes.

So they chased bad profits and got them. However, the issue with bad profits is they’re not long lived, certainly not for future company/consumer relations.

The next game needs to be a blinder if they’re to turn things around.

(tokamak) #158

That and it being a tactical class based objective shooter.

(INF3RN0) #159

The next game needs to be a blinder if they’re to turn things around.[/QUOTE]

There’s going to be a lot less pre-orders that’s for sure… I would think it may take some time before we see anything new, unless it’s just an all out jump to a console style business plan.

(tokamak) #160

Brink seems to be a tainted name for sure.