Initial Gut Feedback

(Anti) #21

Burst fire with these beasts, they’re pretty sweet! Although something akin to the weapons you mentioned can definitely go on the ideas list :slight_smile:

(Humate) #22

Yes unfortunately even tap firing crouched…

(tokamak) #23

First impression:

  • This is going to be interesting. I’m really happy with the unreal engine

  • The game is going to focus on infantry combat. Good but then the mechanics need to be top-notch. It can’t be obscured by all kinds of gimmicks present in other games. Right now it feels a bit clunky, especially compared to the ET games. No intrinsic points though, just a collection of small things. I need to play more to get down to the details.

So Combat oriented:

  • Shot feedback needs more clarity. This was huge in ET, bullet impacts, regardless of the material they hit were always incredibly clear. Knowing where your bullet lands is an enormous valuable cue to help you determine your position, your spread, and how you relate to your target. The body hits were actually sufficient. The blood was subtle but obvious. Then again, corpses also bleed and that makes it hard to see whether or not you actually killed someone.

  • The weapons are huge. Smaller models would be appreciated. I’m not a fun of no-gun drawing but this feels weird.

  • Sprint could be faster. You’re after all sacrificing your ability to shoot. I don’t mind if this becomes more pronounced by making the gun draw later after a sprint. Normal running speed and everything is okay.

  • Is prone a possibility? I really miss it.

  • Less fall damage please!

Classes. Love the idea, it seems to stem from DOTA indeed. Lots of ways to create diversity and the ability to control what combinations are possible.

I’m going to think about possibilities. I like to see extreme stuff. An engineer carrying around a big ass turret which means he can’t have other weapon equipment. Field ops can make his drone drop tactical smoke, or as an ‘ultimate’ ability drop a supply cabinet. Same for the medic. There should be some really exclusive stuff tied to high costs elsewhere.

(Ashog) #24

Agree with lakers, unlock reset after campaigns would be great, but hey, I don’t know the commercial model of this game at all…

Regarding the prone - I personally don’t miss it as Brink didn’t have it, but what this game cries for is sliding… it really does. Is this possible?

(tokamak) #25

Yeah I miss sliding as well. If implemented then it should have no offensive utility and getting up should take a while as well. That way it’s truly used for sliding behind that box out of harmsway.

(Humate) #26

We want hip-fire and ironsight usefulness to be as close to each other as we can make it. So users can use what they prefer at most ranges. Since ironsights slow you down and obscure more of the screen they obviously need to be more accurate but I think we’re very close to having these balanced out.

IMO the player should learn which firing mode is the most useful in each scenario.
That said, at the moment theres no reason to hip-fire. The player speed is too slow.

(Anti) #27

That said, at the moment theres no reason to hip-fire. [/QUOTE]

Interesting as, with our internal tests, we have a fairly even split between those that hip-fire most of the time and those that Iron Sight. I for one always hip-fire and find the recoil of sights quite restrictive.

Would love to know what each of you folks prefers after you’ve gotten a few games under your belt.

(DarkangelUK) #28

I’d say I was 95% hip firing, the only time I ever went iron sight was to shoot at a distance.

(tokamak) #29

I did everything sighted as a force of habit, need to test more to see what actually works.

(Humate) #30

[QUOTE=Anti;409071]Interesting as, with our internal tests, we have a fairly even split between those that hip-fire most of the time and those that Iron Sight. I for one always hip-fire and find the recoil of sights quite restrictive.

Would love to know what each of you folks prefers after you’ve gotten a few games under your belt.[/QUOTE]

Im saying it shouldnt be a preference

(Anti) #31

Yes I know :slight_smile:

It’s a nice idea that there is more depth produced by players having to use the appropriate system in the right situation, but shooting is the core of the game and I really want players to enjoy it and feel comfortable with it, regardless of which of the many systems they’re used to from other FPS games.

That’s why I’d really like hip-fire and Iron Sight to be equally viable and balanced systems. There should still be enough different types of weapons, mechanics and states to create depth and skilled play in other ways.

(stealth6) #32

Initial reaction:

  • Everything looks so clean. Needs more grit for my taste. Can we get some limbs flying around?
  • I am a giant, all the props seem so small.
  • Damn strafe jump is out… So is crouch jump… Damn I’m heavy. (jump is so low)
  • What’s up with sprint? (The motion is slow… fast… slow… fast - I guess more realistic, but feels odd)
  • Cool everything is ET style. (objectives, medpacks, hipfire)
  • Why are the physics on the medpack off (they just magnetize to the floor)

That’s an honest first reaction. Of course I also thought, it’s pre-alpha give them a break and I might get used to it over time.

(Humate) #33

[QUOTE=Anti;409083]Yes I know :slight_smile:

It’s a nice idea that there is more depth produced by players having to use the appropriate system in the right situation, but shooting is the core of the game and I really want players to enjoy it and feel comfortable with it, regardless of which of the many systems they’re used to from other FPS games.

That’s why I’d really like hip-fire and Iron Sight to be equally viable and balanced systems. There should still be enough different types of weapons, mechanics and states to create depth and skilled play in other ways.[/QUOTE]

Ok i can understand and respect that :slight_smile:

The shooting is the core of the game. Is aim the core of the game as well?
Do you consider the player speed, to be at the level which prompts or challenges a player to aim?

(SockDog) #34

Sounds good to me, we’re here to test just show us the toys. :slight_smile:

(Anti) #35

[QUOTE=Humate;409088]Ok i can understand and I respect that :slight_smile:

The shooting is the core of the game. Is aim the core of the game as well?
Do you consider the player speed, to be at the level which prompts a player to aim?[/QUOTE]

Yes, by “shooting” I’d include interactions with the weapon, the systems by which it’s controlled and the players actual aim itself, it’s all key.

Do you need to aim at players with the current speed? Of course. Head shots make a big difference right now, going for those is something the skilled player should consciously be doing, that requires aim as well as recoil or spread control etc. Do I think the speed and aim are right as they are now? I don’t know, that’s kind of down to you guys in the community to let us know :slight_smile:

Personally I feel our fastest characters right now are about right (pending FOV changes and perhaps reload whilst sprinting), our slowest maybe a bit too slow, and there are locations in some of the maps that reduce the need for aim and lead to slightly more spray due to the amount of cover or narrow spaces. That said, I don’t think we’re too far off where we should be and we can balance the game out to make these feel good.

(amazinglarry) #36

I definitely lean toward hip firing and I think the reason for that is I always played twitchier kind of games “growing up”, and I hate the fact that even if I’m faster at locking onto somebody, I’ll still lose the firefight because the accuracy is all over the road. It’s one thing that frustrated me most about CoD et al… I prefer strafing / twitch firefights.

Maybe I’m a dying breed, though. I don’t want to die :frowning:

(SockDog) #37

I simply prefer to use the option based on distance. Iron sight for some zoom but with reduced visibility (that can mean either gun model or the fact you have a lower FOV) and hip for close combat. Not really that enamoured with the concept of iron sighting all the time just to gain an accuracy boost.

(mortis) #38

I did notice my corpse tumbling down stairs and stuff, ragdoll in an ET game was something new for me! I do miss the good old days of being able to scroll through gun, pistol, pliers, landmines, etc. rather than using weaponbanks, but most people seem to prefer the latter, so I may be the odd man out…

(Humate) #39

[QUOTE=Anti;409092]Yes, by “shooting” I’d include interactions with the weapon, the systems by which it’s controlled and the players actual aim itself, it’s all key.

Do you need to aim at players with the current speed? Of course. Head shots make a big difference right now, going for those is something the skilled player should consciously be doing, that requires aim as well as recoil or spread control etc. Do I think the speed and aim are right as they are now? I don’t know, that’s kind of down to you guys in the community to let us know :slight_smile:

Personally I feel our fastest characters right now are about right (pending FOV changes and perhaps reload whilst sprinting), our slowest maybe a bit too slow, and there are locations in some of the maps that reduce the need for aim and lead to slightly more spray due to the amount of cover or narrow spaces. That said, I don’t think we’re too far off where we should be and we can balance the game out to make these feel good.[/QUOTE]

I just dont feel the combat creates enough of a challenge for the player, if any, at the current player speeds. Maybe I’m in the minority that see this.

(light_sh4v0r) #40

First impressions:

+Wicked, new game by Splash Damage YAY!
+Nice launcher, clear menu’s and nice server browser
+Really nice gunfeel, hipfiring is fantastic
+Maps seem interesting, most bits have plenty of routes
+already runs better than Brink ever did!
+distinction between friend and foe works quite well already.
+Sounds and music

-Not yet really clear what most of the side-objectives do, should come with experience
-No minimap that I found, nor a big map to see the basic map and objective layout.
-FPS seems locked at 30 for me, but I don’t know why. (My machine can’t do much higher than that anyway, but still).
-Explosion radius is a guess, grenade physics are a little odd I think, a bit too bouncy and the arc is a bit weird.
-Ragdolls would perform some really weird moves sometimes
-Not really clear what class I was, I indeed killed myself on joining my first game.
-Not really clear what team I was on on mapchange, I have to view the scoreboard to see if I’m attacking or defending.
-movement does feel a bit slow and clunky to me, but this is also related to my framerate. (It seems to be my CPU throttling the performance, not my GPU. Have an Athlon X2 @ 3.1Ghz.)

Off to bed now, had a blast though. This is gonna be a gem for sure. I think I’ll be skipping NS2 :slight_smile: