Get the massive Party in Rio update for RAD Soldiers now - it's free!

(Warchest_Andy) #21

They expire at the end of the third day of inactivity, I think.

(Smouse) #22

Exciting seeing the new world map thinking of where we’re going next. I say Antarctica!

(unDefEAteD1) #23

Game looks good and plays great! I wonder if you can go offmap like in mad mercs mercenaries?

(General_Rommel) #24

I can tell you this is false. I currently have:

3 games at 6 days
1 game at 5 days
2 games at 4 days

…since my last move, waiting for opponent to take their turn. This was better before the last update - I don’t care about the coins, they need to change this back. I could have finished like a dozen games with other players but these guys are taking up a good chunk of my 20 slot limit

(General_Rommel) #25

I can now confirm they expire at the END of the 7th day.

Had one just expire, and a couple more sitting at 7… And a bunch sitting at 4+ :frowning:

Poor choice changing it back to 7 IMO. It was better when it was just 4 days

(Crozzton) #26

Weird mine expires after less than 7 days. 3-4 days. Had an invite out that expired after more tho

(mitsuhiko) #27

Just an update on the expiration issue:

(nitehawk89) #28

This game is AWSOME lvl 15 STRONG =, who wants to battle lol, buying all the new maps today. :eek::slight_smile: