Skyhammer: “Yeeeeeeeeeeeees!” v5,1 <3 all the time <3
“… I’ll kill you, and you, and you, aaaand… you!” v7,4
“… Better luck next time dead person”
“… You are not as stupid as you look, but then, who could be” v7,9,4
“… Your skills are truly amazing, whatever they are, assuming they are good for something” v,7,3
“… Its a shame, ¿? shame, buu huu” v7,3
I miss her execution mode line:
“… I’m a cute ittle-wittle girl like Heidi, with a grenade launcher, it’s mainly decorative, ignore it”
“… I’ll boil your head and serve it with mashed potatoes” v,7,9,5
“… It does not go like a rocket because I already have rockets that go like a rocket because that is what they are” v7,9,1
“… You, I wont even aim at your feet”
and those you can only invoke by her actions (knifing, getting a rocket kill…):
Knife killing spree
“… Vertical axes, horizontal axes, die, I chop you” or something like that
“… I axed you a question”
Rocket kills or launching a rocket
“… Ha-do-ken” (street fighter reference)
“… This was harder on Wolefnstein: ET, I’m sure”
“… Fireworks, because fire works”
“… Noob tubio”
“… PanzerFokYou”
“… Noobtube?, Pro pipe!”
Finishing moves
“… You’ll go to Valhalla”
“… You make a good corpse”
“… Aaah, go fok yourself” v7,9,3
“… Sooo owned” v7,4