F for Pick up overrides Plant/Defuse

(Destroy666) #21

What would be the point of separating helping up instead of repairing/planting/defusing though? Engineering is more important, more commonly used and has more confilcts other than helping up.

It should indeed. But it often doesn’t because this implementation is broken. Also, having to aim directly at the dyna is not quite comfortable anyways and may lose games as well. Even losing half a second for that can be terrible… In other words, I agree that DB’s key minimalism feels good, but not if you exaggerate and are too “greedy” to provide a separate button for such an important functionality. If you opened a poll for this, I’m sure at least ~80% would vote for the separation.

(poiuasd) #22

Sure having an engineer key would probably be better.
But what are these conflicts you’re talking about? I can’t remember a single case where I haven’t been able to plant or repair and the only thing that screws up defusing in a way that it actually matters is a downed teammate.

(Destroy666) #23

Other conflicts were mentioned several times in this thread… And as I also said, they personally don’t disturb me that much either, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

(Loki.) #24

A ‘single’ medic class or ability to ‘gib’ teammates would solve this problem as well…

I vote for Both :wink:

(alphabeta) #25

Medics should revive. Engineers should plant and defuse. Soldiers should shoot. This would eliminate the priority bug.

I don’t want or expect a soldier to get me up; it takes too long and usually ends up in them getting killed when I am 98% revived anyway. And of course they are usually trying to revive me when they should be shooting someone else.

(Glottis-3D) #26

[QUOTE=alphabeta;542390]Medics should revive. Engineers should plant and defuse. Soldiers should shoot. This would eliminate the priority bug.

I don’t want or expect a soldier to get me up; it takes too long and usually ends up in them getting killed when I am 98% revived anyway. And of course they are usually trying to revive me when they should be shooting someone else.[/QUOTE]


even if they have no one to shoot at at the moment, they can (AND THEY FREAKIN MUST!) set up a trap to the opponent from spawn.

(Szakalot) #27


if im playing fragger and i want to revive my medic, i see no reason why i couldnt. This is against the DB philosophy so far, so not gonna happen.

Just because there is a bug with C4 doesnt mean we should change gameplay.

(Glottis-3D) #28

yeah, i know… i love pickup because it has so sweet looking animation <333

(PixelTwitch) #29

same problem since I joined 18 months ago…

Put text on the screen
“Press “F” to defuse” & “Press “F” to help up”

so we know what its going to be before we press the button, hopefully giving us time to find the right one without spamming the button.

Have a multi line trace from the center of the screen that selects all usable volumes in front of it and make it prioritize the defuse.

This is such a simple thing that should have been fixed a long time ago instead of just constantly trying to tweak stuff to save you a job. The tweaking has not worked no please fix :frowning:

(FireWorks) #30

[QUOTE=4lxndr;542221]A lot of things being discussed here are already as design!

For teammates dying on C4, if you are aiming directly at a C4 the disarm action should take priority over help up. If you press F and begin the help-up action first you’ll remain locked into the help-up action regardless of your aim. I’ll bring it up with Naxxus for more thorough testing, but can anyone confirm that it is the above that is definitely failing in live situations, and not a misunderstanding of the priority rule?

FireWorks, for the turret issue - if you do a search for ‘m_InteractionPriorityOrder’ in your ShooterGame.ini, how does that look? It should by default prioritise objective actions over use actions, but must be failing under some circumstance…


Sorry for the late answer, here is my priority section as of today. I havent manually edited it since I posted the OP and I dont remember ever changing it.


From what I see at first glance, the delivery should be higher priority than picking up.

I will add your suggested “+m_InteractionPriorityOrder=PIT_RECLAIM” in the bottom now.

Does the + make a difference since Im missing them in my ini while you write to use them?

Edit: The issue about the disarm and bodies. Often enough, I simply do not see the C4 (good enough) in the corpse to properly aim for it in the crucial fractions of a second. So, I do end up with the Get Up and have to retry.
Assuming the priority system works and I should be able to start a defuse through bodies in LoS: Maybe a little larger C4 “hitbox” would solve a good amount of issues.
But without having it explicitly tested, I believe that I cannot disarm through bodies. At least the UI message is not corresponding correctly.

(FireWorks) #31

I just tried it with bushy on execution overground with this config in readonly


Placed the turret behind me, went to fuse area, HUD showed pickup dialogue and it still picked it up before i could plant.

(KoP) #32

Thanks for all the info! A couple of changes have gone in for the next update, though I don’t think I can give details as they’re still under test and subject to change - but should help stop the issues mentioned here from occuring. Make some noise if they don’t. :mad:

It’s going to be important to have your ShooterGame.ini files unlocked and editable when the update occurs to get them. (Actually, it’s going to be a extra important to have all your ini files unlocked for this update, by the look of things right now.)

(FireWorks) #33

Thanks a lot for looking at it again.

May I suggest an error margin on the timing. I am thinking of the situation where you come running to the objective and want to plant fast. You hit the F key while still moving and from the rule set you described, you cant place the C4 then and thus might likely pick up the deployable instead.