Explosive spam is killing this game

(BioSnark) #21

The old maps will be better when there aren’t servers over 6v6.

(Ashog) #22

The old maps will have to become better, else nobody will play this game anymore within half a year after release.

On the other hand, if this half a year brings them all the moneys they needed, then… oh well.

(Protekt1) #23

I have an idea for an anti-explosive ability.

It is basically a short range turret that can be placed on the ground or tossed on walls. It has a short cooldown and low hp. The damage it puts out is high but the range is very short and won’t fire unless within range. The ROF is low. But it also targets grenades and other explosives as it enters its range and is takes 0 damage from their blasts. Yet still super vulnerable to gun fire.

It doesn’t 1 shot players, but does 2 shot. The low ROF and low HP will almost surely allow a player to turn on it and destroy it if it happens to catch them unaware. I’m talking like 1 shot every 2-3 seconds and it will still have a lock on period for the first shot. This also means it can only block 1 grenade every 2-3 seconds. And it can be destroyed fairly easily from range so if it isn’t placed well, the grenader can just counter it with their gun. And yet if you place it too far back, the grenade will still blow up in your face.

The reason I feel like this would be good for the game, is because it allows you to have some measure of protection when advancing in tight areas, while not being completely useless when grenades aren’t being used (although still far surpassed by the regular turret or mines which kill much much quicker). Maybe your strategy doesn’t require advancement in a way that the tool would be helpful, so you don’t use it. I don’t think it should be so strong as to be necessary nor too weak as to never be optimal with certain maps/strategies.

just a short aside:

I think there is a great deal of positive benefits to having counter abilities to a game like this. It helps promote a healthy meta. And a healthy meta is one that changes often, because people think of strong strategies, perform well, and then the opponent team thinks of strong strategies to counter it, and yet the next team has thought ahead and thought up a counter to their counter… etc… And then every once in a while a new merc or map comes out and it all gets mixed up again and people have to figure out what is optimal, what works the best.

A poor meta is a stale meta. The game has been figured out. The optimal strategies discovered and they never change no matter what anyone tries to do differently. You just perfect one strategy and then the match winner is who happens to perform better (which isn’t bad of course, the more skilled player should win most of the time). But there is a deeper and more satisfying skill of strategy, planning, and execution when the meta changes. Overcoming variance is a skill in itself.

(pHine4s) #24

[QUOTE=Protekt1;526615]I have an idea for an anti-explosive ability.
It is basically a short range turret that can be placed on the ground or tossed on walls. It has a short cooldown and low hp. The damage it puts out is high but the range is very short and won’t fire unless within range. The ROF is low. But it also targets grenades and other explosives as it enters its range and is takes 0 damage from their blasts. Yet still super vulnerable to gun fire.[/QUOTE]

I do like the idea.

Regarding the gameplay and mercs i have nothing to complain:
All abilities have their counter-abilities, the art is to understand when to change classes to adress a recurring game-mechanic that prevents the team to fullfill it’s very next objective.

I think there is a great deal of positive benefits to having counter abilities to a game like this. It helps promote a healthy meta. And a healthy meta is one that changes often, because people think of strong strategies, perform well, and then the opponent team thinks of strong strategies to counter it, and yet the next team has thought ahead and thought up a counter to their counter… etc… And then every once in a while a new merc or map comes out and it all gets mixed up again and people have to figure out what is optimal, what works the best.

But who’s to blame? Not everyone wants or can play the (temporarily) needed class, or one believes that the rest of the team-mates will adress this while one can play his class-solo. A natural problem of an untrained pub-team.
This is what seperates “good” players from often so-called “noobs” (very often the “noob”-yellers are noobs themselves). And yet it’s a natural phenomena i adapted to in W:ET times already:
I observe players, pick the obviously understanding mates an cling on to them only as often as possible. It might separate the team, but it’s useless to follow a rambo-player always lone-running who believes the rest of the team is dumb anyway (see that quite often) or helping a group of players defending the space they standing on, forgetting totally about the obj.
I get my thrill from teamplay.

Another point reducing explosive spam of all kinds - and i might be hated for mentioning this again and again - is friendly fire.
Yes, i know, we had this discussion several times.
But nonetheless i’ve come to my personal conclusion that every idea about how to make things better or map-design or if a merc is OP can never be evaluated without FF. I even believe that the echo-system-data is completly useless unless it is implemented.
Example: There is a spot where attackers get stuck and die often and reason of death is nader-nades. Now the discussion starts: Nader is OP, nerf it’s nades, and so on. Question: Does the echo observes also that in the same spots 5 nader-team-mates standing amidst this spam taking out everyone surviving barely the spam? How is this rated by echo?

It’s not the explosive-spam killing the game, it’s the spam of teammates not being affected by team-damage.

Maybe i am just an W:ET/ET:QW-Dinosaur believing everything was better formerly.

(Szakalot) #25

the only times I’ve played with FF on were pugs organized by Potty back in the day.

Obviously these were all high-skilled players, and people were on mumble & cared etc. but the gameplay itself, the individual firefights felt a lot more W:ETish with FF on.

Lets just hope we get A FEW servers with FF on at min lvl 7 or something with the next patch

(Violator) #26

[QUOTE=Protekt1;526615]I have an idea for an anti-explosive ability.

It is basically a short range turret that can be placed on the ground or tossed on walls. It has a short cooldown and low hp. The damage it puts out is high but the range is very short and won’t fire unless within range. The ROF is low. But it also targets grenades and other explosives as it enters its range and is takes 0 damage from their blasts. Yet still super vulnerable to gun fire.

It doesn’t 1 shot players, but does 2 shot. The low ROF and low HP will almost surely allow a player to turn on it and destroy it if it happens to catch them unaware. I’m talking like 1 shot every 2-3 seconds and it will still have a lock on period for the first shot. This also means it can only block 1 grenade every 2-3 seconds. And it can be destroyed fairly easily from range so if it isn’t placed well, the grenader can just counter it with their gun. And yet if you place it too far back, the grenade will still blow up in your face.

The reason I feel like this would be good for the game, is because it allows you to have some measure of protection when advancing in tight areas, while not being completely useless when grenades aren’t being used (although still far surpassed by the regular turret or mines which kill much much quicker). Maybe your strategy doesn’t require advancement in a way that the tool would be helpful, so you don’t use it. I don’t think it should be so strong as to be necessary nor too weak as to never be optimal with certain maps/strategies.

Kind of like - http://elite-dangerous.wikia.com/wiki/Point_Defence_Turret

Not sure it should actually actively shoot at players though, but it should still do a fair deal of damage if they get in its way.

(tangoliber) #27

I’d be cool with an anti-nade turret.