Electronic Sports League Announces Brink Autumn Cup

(Crytiqal) #41

[QUOTE=tokamak;379213]will the matches be cast?

I still have this suspicion that they used two years of ‘hardcore’ feedback on doing the opposite in order to attract the mainstream.[/QUOTE]

Hahaha yea :wink:

Read the community feedback and do the exact opposite to attract the mainstream.
gl&hf with the new customer target group

(tokamak) #42

It’s almost too easy, I can just hand pick the best players I meet online, these guys haven’t even heard of ESL yet.

(gooey79) #43

[QUOTE=tokamak;379194]Got a few more maybe´s. But I have a bad experience with maybe so I guess I´ll get more desperate before the deadline.

´Rep´ would be a cool team name wouldn´t you think?[/QUOTE]

Call your team ‘Mash-Up’. A wonderful reference to your team being slapped together at short notice and the variety of ‘ideas’ in Brink.

(tokamak) #44


It’s nice though. I just met a guy who sincerely loves the game. Great player as well.

(BioSnark) #45

Couldn’t play after the dlc so I uninstalled. gl though and thanks for asking.

One can only hope.

(light_sh4v0r) #46

It looks like I may in fact have a Digital Legion team, so sorry Tokamak, looking forward to kick your ass :slight_smile:

(tokamak) #47

Backstabber! How could I have ever trusted you!

(light_sh4v0r) #48

Derp, that’s only natural if you invite elitist pricks :tongue:

(Jimmy James) #49

Is no one else concerned about this 3rd-party program that they are requiring people to install?

Jimmy no like. Bad medicine.


(INF3RN0) #50

[QUOTE=Jimmy James;379508]Is no one else concerned about this 3rd-party program that they are requiring people to install?

Jimmy no like. Bad medicine.


Have you never played competitively before?

(Jimmy James) #51

I was in a DOOM 2 tournament in 1995. Does that count?

I was the top ranked player until my girlfriend at the time, Throbblefoot, came back from a trip to Ireland. Then I dropped out and now I’m just rambling.

Anyway, why didn’t Brink ship with PunkBuster like ET:QW?


(INF3RN0) #52

[QUOTE=Jimmy James;379512]I was in a DOOM 2 tournament in 1995. Does that count?

I was the top ranked player until my girlfriend at the time, Throbblefoot, came back from a trip to Ireland. Then I dropped out and now I’m just rambling.

Anyway, why didn’t Brink ship with PunkBuster like ET:QW?


Most leagues require you to run a 3rd party anti-cheat program these days because shipped anti-cheat (Brink uses VAC) get hacks coded specifically to get around them, and especially when there is no demo-recording. This is of course to steal your bank account information and implant viruses in your brain… jk.

(coolstory) #53

The sad thing is these 3rd party anti-cheat doesn’t do ****. Other than making you lag and being annoying.

(INF3RN0) #54

The last league anti-cheat I used in a game made my vent crash randomly and ate 50% cpu. In the middle of a finals match, I suddenly drop from vent before I can call the full rush that was heading to my bomb site… luckily I clutched lol.

(tokamak) #55

Seems like the app is mainly used to discourage cheating rather than actually detect it.

(tangoliber) #56

I’m really thankful to ESL for starting up another Cup. Hopefully SGS and Epsilon will be back for a rematch? Wish I could play, but I’m in Japan, so probably not allowed, and would have bad ping anyway.

(INF3RN0) #57

They tend to scan your pc (registry probably) for specifics and monitor your processes. I am sure some just add a scare factor as well.

(Verticae) #58

Alright, tokamak, if they release the weapon updates before the cup, I’ll play.

Though I’ll have to play on a laptop, a wireless connection and a 250-300 ping. It’ll be like I’m from Poland. :smiley:

(tokamak) #59

Sounds like you would be better off without the patch favouring those who can aim then.

(light_sh4v0r) #60

What’s the ruleset for this? I found the maps but that seems to be everything on the ESL site. What about abilities?