Does buying a PS3 still makes sense?

(iwound) #21

the original phat ps3.
its a well known issue with the solder degrading.
you can get them re-flowed. heat up until solder liquefies then solidifies again.

(.FROST.) #22

[QUOTE=iwound;454264]the original phat ps3.
its a well known issue with the solder degrading.
you can get them re-flowed. heat up until solder liquefies then solidifies again.[/QUOTE]

Wow, that’s really poor. I mean I’ve definitely heard of overheat issues with the original PS3, but I didn’t thought they were that severe; I thought they’d vanish after a little cool-down time. I wonder if that was a result of Sony trying to conserve production costs, by using low quality materials, or if it was just a design flaw; in the end it was probably both I’d guess.

PS:Hope you are getting your machine to work again, asap, to finish this awesome game.

(iwound) #23

i bought mine a couple of years ago which was a ylod re-flowed machine.
so if its repairable and the repair can last that long its not too bad.
tbh the game aint that great. as i thought before it was released its pretty basic gameplay.
covered in decent graphics and a story. but im only at the beginning.

(.FROST.) #24

[QUOTE=iwound;454293]tbh the game aint that great. as i thought before it was released its pretty basic gameplay.
covered in decent graphics and a story. but im only at the beginning.[/QUOTE]

I’ve also heard that from some reviewers, but they’ve also said, that the game eventually picks up pace in the last third, or so. I’ve allready watched about 3-4hrs of gameplay, and yeah, the gameplay isn’t very spectacular, “by any stretch of the imagination”(as our dear friend Total Biscuit would probably have put it), and even the story isn’t very unique, or fresh, or elaborate, but the way it’s delivered, -the setting, the characters and the graphical fidelity- is spectacular, or at least very awesome and I’ve decided, that I want to be an “active part” in this, as cheesy as it may sound.

(iwound) #25

i thought the first scenes were great inc his daughter dieing. very dramatic.
and of course the girl being a big part of the game. having to protect her.
not met her yet so no spoilers. :tongue:

(.FROST.) #26

[QUOTE=iwound;454295]i thought the first scenes were great inc his daughter dieing. very dramatic.
and of course the girl being a big part of the game. having to protect her.
not met her yet so no spoilers. :tongue:[/QUOTE]

Ah ok, I see. So you are really at the begining.

Protecting kids from “the evil out there” is a simple “trick” to evoke ones emotions, but I don’t care, it’s working for me since Terminator and Aliens and it’s one of the major “pros” for me to play TLoU. If I’d ever wrote something it would definitely involve search and rescuing a kid(the protagonists kid, or, as in TLoU and The Walking Dead, a strange kid).

(Mustang) #27

FFS release it on PC already!

(.FROST.) #28


Non, je ne regrette rien(Just for you Mustang :wink: )

No, I regret nothing(as the little french woman said)

As I’ve expected, the controller handling will certainly take me some serious time of getting used to it, but after all I have not the slightest doubt that I’ve done the exact right thing, by buying the PS.

I bought the TLoU PS3 set and “Killzone 3”, as well as “Little Big Planet 2”(for me and my little one, so we have something we can play together) and “Just Dance”(basically exclusively for her, since I don’t see myself dancing in front of a TV screen; but who knows…:wink:)

I think every kind of gaming platform has it’s virtues and weaknesses. The consoles are the best when it comes to movie like games, like Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls*. I mean, just leaning back in your couch and experiencing an interactive movie; maybe even with your family besides you, and with sharing the controller. Consoles are(or at least can be) much more familiy/community friendly, compared to the PC(who’d have thought that?..I know, I know:wink:)

But on the other hand, I honestly have my doubts about the combinations of consoles and FPS games and consoles and strategy games. I’ll definitely never buy a fps game for the PS, unless it’s console, or even PS3 exclusive and if it’s just frickin awesome, like i.e. KZ3.

*and, of course, TLoU and most other adventure games, like the Tomb Raider and Uncharted series. Though I’m not saying, that they aren’t good PC games, actually adventure games work perfectly for both platforms, as well as for handhelds and mobile devices.

PS: A friend of mine also bought himself a PS3 with TLoU and KZ3, because I was talking in such high words of those games.

(stealth6) #29

Little big planet is an awesome game, especially for kids.

(iwound) #30

Tomb Raider was a brilliant game. first tr game ive played.

(Mustang) #31


(.FROST.) #32

You are so cute :) :)

(iwound) #33


nuff said. :cool:

(.FROST.) #34

I think I know what you mean, but GTA V is going to be an “all platformer”. So it’s not necessarily going to be a decision maker for someone who doesn’t know, if he should rather buy a PS4, a PS3, or just stay with the PC.

PS: But the game(GTA) really looks awesome. The sheer complexity and ingame possibilities are just mindboggling, but for a guy like me, who usually prefers 15-30hr campaigns, the sheer volume of the game scares the living crap outta me. No matter how awesome the game is, it will be an absolute chore for me, when I’m not done with it in maximum 50hrs.

Btw. I’ve never played an GTA title, so I don’t know exactly how campaigns work there, but I guess it’s just like every RPG; with a main storyline and bazillions of side-quests, wich can allready drag themselfs on for quite a while; but now we have not one, not two, no, but three freakin campaigns…as I’ve said, scary, especially if you are a completionist like me who wouldn’t touch anything else until he’s done with every little quest and storyline and has, at least, played through the game a second time; just to be sure:wink:

(iwound) #35

imo its a better game on console. i only prefered pc versions for loading my kosheen tracks in game just for cruising.
no release date for it on ps4 if at all. that could well be gtaVI. now im drowning in my own drool. :o

(.FROST.) #36

Lol, wrote my comment above before I even finished the vid. I mean GTA online = WTF?!?! Kiss your a$$ goodbye APB:Reloaded, or how you call yourself these days. That is the proverbial deathblow for that ill-fated franchise(though quite stable in the Steam 100).

(iwound) #37

Tlou is still boring, still buggy and still repetitive.
best tip for beating guards, run right past them.

the odd moment of good gameplay ie when stuck in a trap.

(.FROST.) #38

[QUOTE=iwound;455753]Tlou is still boring, still buggy and still repetitive.
best tip for beating guards, run right past them.

the odd moment of good gameplay ie when stuck in a trap.[/QUOTE]

The gameplay may actually not be ueber-exiting, but I love the atmosphere and I still like the characters(though I’m only a couple hours in). And since this is my first game I’m playing with a controller, since 9 years, I’m quite grateful, that it’s not your average modern military shooter, cause it takes me ages to aim and finally drop my opponents. Now I see the console FPS guys I saw on YT with completely different eyes; don’t know how many years it will take me to catch up with them.

I’m allready quite happy that I can walk around without constantly running against obstacles and that pressing X and triangle alone get’s you allready pretty far through the game.

(iwound) #39

im enjoying more now with better weapons and Ellie actually collecting for me and handing them over cool.
iv just hit a hard bit, game suggested lowering my level a notch lol.

(.FROST.) #40


So, after I finished TLoU this Monday* I have this “warm”, yet empty and exhausted feeling you’d have when you’ve finished a emotionaly very engaging book. Warm, because there’s some kind of a happy end, not entirely, but for the most part. Empty and exhausted, because this game really drains your emotional resources; at least if you happen to be a pathetic romantic, like me. And shooting sections are still kinda hard for me since I feel like playing with gloves on, without my mouse and keyboard.

Since handling the sticks has already put another difficulty level on my gameplay, I’ve choosen to play at the lowest difficulty setting; something I’d never do on PC, but I felt, that in order to get the “right” experience I should go through this game in a certain flow, and that I should play it more like a interactive movie, than a challenging game. This game is definitely nothing like a fun-racer/arcade-racer, where you’d practice the tracks over and over again, in order internalize them. I felt, that even hard sections shouldn’t be played much more than 5 times. Otherwise it would distract too much from the story and my emotional engagement.

I’ll most certainly play through this game again, or at least through some sections of it, but for now I just want to let it all sink in me. But what now, how canI I close this void now? Actualy I know how; with a game called “Beyond Two Souls”; estimated release, 09.10.13. The setting is very different from TLoU, as well as the gameplay, but funny enough the main character, played by Ellen Page, looks basically like a a bit older version of Ellie(yeah I know about Ellen Page’s discontent concerning TLoU and the Ellie character) The game appears to be one playable cutscene, but if they get it right from a gameplay POV, than there’s nothing wrong with it, especially considering, that that’s what Quanticdream is most famous for. So it’s not much of a surprise.

But back to TLoU. Buying the PS3 for this game was probably the best videogame/hardware related decision I’ve made for quite a while. The graphics are awesome, the characters are easilly the most engaging ones, I had the pleasure to have in a game. I’m almost tempted to name this game in a row with my two most loved movies of all times; Aliens and Terminator 2. Ellie is(was?) the hope for humanity, just like John Connor was it in T2, yet she’s a girl and lives more in a world like Newt from Aliens(well, kind of). And Joel is something like her Sarah Connor and Ellen Ripley, yet with some hidden dark spots. You also have quite a bit Cyborg(yup, that Van Damme movie:wink:) in there. Even though it’s not necessarilly one of my most favorite movies of all times, I actually liked it quite a bit back then; yet I was prolly in my teens, or early twens when I saw it for the last time.

*Yes it took me quite a while. Yet I can hardly believe it myself, that it’s 1 1/2 months since I’ve entered the harsch and unforgiving world of Joel and Ellie for the first time. But there were at least two weeks where I played Streetfighter exclusively.
