You did say snipers don’t shine too much in 14 Pt games; I agree. However, I find funny you say the Fryer player has advantage only because you are not used to “non-fryer/sniper” build yourself. That goes with ANY build. If I’m used to, say, shotgun-builds, would I have an advantage over you ? It is possible, seeing you’re only still trying to improve with yours. But you can’t know how the other person is about a certain build either, unless they tell you.
I assume there are people in the opposite situation and not used to snipers. If it is as you say and the person does have an advantage, then you should say it’d probably be because the person was used to the build, not because it IS using a sniper (Fryer). Unless there is a little contradiction here. But I digress.
Good luck with your endeavor. Hope you have made enough progress with your non-sniper build; and I mean that sincerely. I will keeping trying doing the same.[/QUOTE]
If you read carfully and with the intention to send a game-invite, you have noticed the specifications I made (covert)
I said “If you are confident”
last sentence “If you think it IS overpowered, please send a game invite.”
the point is: who can tell you BEST wether something is too good or too bad? new players probably not.
I can say, I play the game since the beta, played 1 tournament and got 3.place, participating in the 2nd tournament right now
I’m one of the veterans as it seems. And I say the fryer is NOT OP- not even near to it
one important thing to be said
what defines something as “too good” or overpowered
for me it is the fact, that using this something gives you an unfair advantage, thus winning against more advanced players (that AREN’T using that something) is easy. or at least not too hard
there are some other things that would need an upgrade(e.g. petes headshot, spud rocket… ), but the problem IS, that most players play snipers or everything else sniper-like
I don’t want to repeat over and over, wrote this in previous posts
I expect(ed) other veteran players mainly to start a game with a fryer setup against me, and those are used to sniper setups, I played the tournaments, there are only a few rly good players (while most good players are “veterans”) that play other setups, and those could just join “my side” - to demonstrate, that the fryer is NOT OP - or “too good”
now, I actually expected YOU to start a game against me, since you are so confident, that the fryer is “too good”
now you might say, you are not used to fryer, but then again : where is your “reason” to claim (and strongly defend) that it IS “too good”
- you either ARE playing with fryer and often win
- or you are NOT playing with fryer, and lose against fryer
(well, there are mainly those 2 options that make sense if you say “it is too good”)
If you ARE winning, it is most likely that you ARE used to it (and saying you aren’t would be a lie)
if you don’t win with other setups against the fryer - how could I know that the other players aren’t just better than you. [you said somewhere, that you don’t think you are one of the upper-class players (roughly, too lazy to search for your exact words)]
So again, it is just “logic” at this point
who might claim (with a reason) that the fryer is OP or “too good” ?
- players that play with the fryer and often/most of the time win, even against “advanced players”*
- players that don’t play with the fryer and lose >80% against fryer
any fryer vs fryer is at this point a mirror, the more advanced player wins(most of the time)
- advanced players often ARE veterans, most of them ARE 90% playing fryer. there are only a few that are rly used to anything else.
while the first player might just be more skilled, and the 2nd player loses due to a lack of skill
If you play against me with fryer, winning should be easy at ANY point.
If it IS “too good” (or even OP) then it brings you an “unfair advantage” [(my) definition of “too good”]
so you either are not used to fryer setups and play against someone who is not used to other setups, the fryer brings you the advantage and you start with an advantage
or you are used fryer setups, the fryer gives you an extra advantage and you play against me (not used to other setups)
so actually, what you find so funny, is just logic
so for the third time to make it RLY clear
I invited players that are confident and think the weapon is “too good” or Overpowered at the first point.
I am not used to other setups
whoever starts a game against me WITH the fryer, saying that it IS “too good” (and thus needs a balance-change) - no matter how used (or not used) you are to the fryer - you HAVE the fryer - the “too good” weapon, what gives you an advantage (or SHOULD give you an advantage)
and I don’t think someone without the intention to show, that it is too good starts a game against me. (would not make sense?) [they - in fact- would not have the explained advantage]
still waiting for game invites
with friendly regards