Discord Emojis

(ThiagoJaqueta) #21

We need Ainsley Fletcher, give us dem spicy meatballs

(Your worst knifemare.) #22

:coaly: is all i needed.

Although a little Kira holdibg a kitana would be nice.

(frostyvampire) #23


Who did these? I don’t want to use them without their permission.[/quote]

If the creator gives permission? Is it possible to have these emoticons as Steam emoticons for Dirty Bomb (that you get for crafting badges) instead of the current ones? The current ones are kinda bad to be honest (no offense)

(RazielWarmonic) #24


Who did these? I don’t want to use them without their permission.[/quote]

If the creator gives permission? Is it possible to have these emoticons as Steam emoticons for Dirty Bomb (that you get for crafting badges) instead of the current ones? The current ones are kinda bad to be honest (no offense)[/quote]

I am not in control of the Steam emotes, that is something I believe you have to take up with SD. :tongue:

(Dagasawr) #25

i agree with @paramountGasoline we definitely need a coaly

(The_N00Ba) #26

a Rhino emote has been requested on discord…
also is it possible to have a spam one?

(pumpkinmeerkat) #27

Custom Discord emojis are what DB deserves, but not what it needs right now. But we’ll use them. Because they’re not RNG.

(The_N00Ba) #28

A Revivr/revive emote has been suggested by the terrifying one known simply as…

(HunterAssassin5) #29

when are you adding the revive icon emoji? the heart with the little lightning that hovers above incapped teammates?

(BananaSlug) #30

v57 please :smile:

(Your worst knifemare.) #31

:Lantern: could be a jack-o-lantern or christmas lantern (trinket).