DB dreams, anyone?

(BazBling) #21

A while back on anticipation of the Taco Trinket for 30k subs for DB, i dreamed that it got released and i had it; next day when i logged on i couldn’t find it and even msg my friend saying “WTF where did the Taco trinket disappear to dude”; He was like HUH “it’s not released yet bro” lol
I searched through my Inventory and Filters… i was sooo disappointed. (and my friend thought i was crazy).

(TheStrangerous) #22

@BazBling said:
A while back on anticipation of the Taco Trinket for 30k subs for DB, i dreamed that it got released and i had it; next day when i logged on i couldn’t find it and even msg my friend saying “WTF where did the Taco trinket disappear to dude”; He was like HUH “it’s not released yet bro” lol
I searched through my Inventory and Filters… i was sooo disappointed. (and my friend thought i was crazy).

That’s some inception stuff goin’ on…


I’ve never had a dream about any game that I can recall. Maybe I’m broken. :confused:

(CyberVonCyberus) #24

to be honest the only dreams I’ve ever had were either a car trip which ends off a cliff or me runing from something then a bunch of supernatural crap happens whichs ends in killing me.

(bgyoshi) #25

I have this recurring nightmare every night where uninformed kids come to the forums screaming about Jav’s ability to instagib when they have no idea how explosives work in this game.

“But it instagibs”
“But instagib”

I’m going to have to go to the loony bin if I have to explain how explosives work even one more time


(Nail) #26

I was in my 20s when video games came out, was dreaming 'bout other things

edit: was nsfw

(LifeupOmega) #27

I dreamt I played a game with zero recons, alas.

(Chilled Sanity) #28

@teflonlove said:

@LoafOfBread said:
For all I care It could deal 5 @$!# damage and yet I would still use a compound bow over anything.

And that’s why SD should not add such a merc.


(TheStrangerous) #29

@LoafOfBread said:

@teflonlove said:

@LoafOfBread said:
For all I care It could deal 5 @$!# damage and yet I would still use a compound bow over anything.

And that’s why SD should not add such a merc.


Diggin’ old threads I see, dr. Jones…

(Chilled Sanity) #30

@TheStrangerous said:

@LoafOfBread said:

@teflonlove said:

@LoafOfBread said:
For all I care It could deal 5 @$!# damage and yet I would still use a compound bow over anything.

And that’s why SD should not add such a merc.


Diggin’ old threads I see, dr. Jones…


Saw Hunter Reveal

Remembered what I said about a bowman merc

Remembered what @teflonlove said back

Had to shove my e-peen all over his face because my ego cannot me measured

(Teflon Love) #31

@LoafOfBread said:

@teflonlove said:

@LoafOfBread said:
For all I care It could deal 5 @$!# damage and yet I would still use a compound bow over anything.

And that’s why SD should not add such a merc.


Slurp. :yum:

(Xenithos) #32

@teflonlove said:

@LoafOfBread said:

@teflonlove said:

@LoafOfBread said:
For all I care It could deal 5 @$!# damage and yet I would still use a compound bow over anything.

And that’s why SD should not add such a merc.


Slurp. :yum:


(bgyoshi) #33

@Xenithos said:

@teflonlove said:
Slurp. :yum:


Get it

(Your worst knifemare.) #34

@bgyoshi said:

@Xenithos said:

@teflonlove said:
Slurp. :yum:


Get it

Your attempt at making a pun out of that blows.

(bgyoshi) #35

@Lord_Coctus said:

Your attempt at making a pun out of that blows.

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #36

@TheStrangerous said:
I just had one last night!

I dreamed that SD released a new merc. He was a Phantom wannabe/cousin or something, wore mask, hood and cape. His color scheme was lime and brown, and the weapon he used was a bow…

Did I predict future merc?!