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(Here is the whole story so far)
London was London in Germany while shit happened because it does not attack when monkeys love and London is London has peanuts on the London train London doesn’t like sitting on mines but stickies London ayyyyyylmao said London full-heartedly ballgagged London something while masturbating at proxy/objective when banana was apple since Jesus this story was stupid shazbot because London farted on a other watermelon because London became London just cause London about time said London screwed you up while drinking liquified London dry nuke at London shipyard because Japan kills plushies in London “Kawaii!” Why are buses inactive in France and why are medics awesome healing gods therefore masturbating feels painful London but he saw a cow “damn hot” went through the great wall of London and sucked the cool looking dude off into London London then London viciously ate London yelled “Cannibal!” just said London. Meanwhile, Turtle was sitting on pineapples while he discovered that Randy was drawing a London citizen who was decapitating a London teddy is London because he London bridge is stupid since London repaired the REVIVR the imploded because London was being a terrorist again while he up voted Donald McDonald’s London segment for NBC and ate apples! Live awesome! Die in the hall of fame where EB Games go crazy and drink London vodka just to stop hearing the irritating merc Turtle because he licked Shoe’s London-like penis.